Soteria™ Bed Barrier
Launderable up to 150 times
Proven to reduce C.diff by 50%
Did you know?
·        To reach your hospital mattress expected life as defined by the manufacturer, you must follow the disinfection process in the manufacturer’s IFU, which typically costs more in extra staff time and additional supplies .
·        Even if you spend that additional money and time, mattress disinfection IFU do not adequately address C-diff and other antibiotic-resistant pathogens. If you use bleach and other harsh chemicals to help protect your patients, it may void your warranty, accelerate surface damage, and force earlier mattress skin replacement ($250-$1,500 each) to avoid total mattress failure (up to $15,000). The result: more cost, more often .
·        Even with all these costs, you have not assured patient safety. Dozens of studies have shown that hospital mattresses harbor pathogens even after disinfection.
·        What to do? Add a cost-saving, patient-protecting, launderable Soteria™ Bed Barrier for each patient admission . Prevent chemical mattress damage and protect patients through 200 highly effective disinfection cycles.

Want to learn more about how the Soteria™ launderable bed barrier
preserves your original mattress skins and protect your patients, for less
cost and through 200 patient admissions?
 Sign up for one of our free webinars.
September 3, 2018 at 11:00 am
September 11, 2018 at 2:00 pm
all times are EDT
To register email: [email protected]       
Would you like to see the studies and cost data?
Call us to talk to an expert  at 812.932.2600
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