

Theta Healing Tree Pendant
Theta Healing Tree Pendant.  
Get $20 off this week only. Click here then use discount code T20.

Below is a letter from a close friend who says the Theta Healing Tree's Energy  and theta healing therapy really helped turn his health around.  


Theta healing relies on the amazing power of your subconscious to promote healing of the spirit.  See "About Theta Healing" below.


Also, if you want to get a theta healing tree pendant like the one he says helped him, click here then use discount code T20 and get $20 off the price this week only.


 I actually have a whole section of my online store dedicated to energy healing jewelry and images.  Click here to see it.


Below is the letter. While I can't guarantee any sort of results like he had, I can say that there is plenty of evidence that your positive thoughts and feelings can improve your health.  



Hi Julia. 


I wanted to thank you for the Theta Healing Tree.  About a year ago I had a horrible health screening even though I had been exercising almost every day and eating a really good diet for over 6 months.  I was 50 pounds overweight and, my cholesterol was very high, my blood sugar was high, my blood pressure was high and I was on the verge of having some very serious health issues.  But diet and exercise were not working. 


Theta Healing Tree Pendant
Click to enlarge.

Looking back I see that stress caused by a lot of psychological and spiritual garbage in my mind was keeping me in a state where biologically I could not be healthy.  I began meditating on the Theta Healing Tree and having sessions with Jimmy Mack the theta healer. 


Once my mind and spirit were right, the diet and exercise worked and worked in a big way.  Within two months I lost 25 pounds and today, a year later I am 45 pounds lighter.  My cholesterol is down over 100 points and my blood sugar has dropped below the pre diabetic level.  My blood pressure is really good as well and my doctor congratulated me on turning my health around.


Not only is my body better but I feel so much better about life and my future. I've become a firm believer in the value of positive thinking and happiness on health and well-being.  


The Theta Healing Tree gave me a place where I could focus energy and work out the things I needed to in order to become healthy again.  It really saved my health.   Thank you.  Also, normally I'd just say go ahead and use my name as a reference but right now I'm applying for life insurance and would like to remain anonymous.  I think you'll understand.


Click here and use discount code T20 to get $20 off

 your own Theta Healing Tree Pendant.

 The Theta Healing Tree
Healing from your deepest subconscious - and beyond

Theta Healing Tree Constant Contact
Theta Healing Tree


I created this painting by focusing on the energy of a story by a powerful Florida theta healer and matrix energetics practitioner named Jimmy Mack. This is not my story or vision. Rather it is a painting where I channeled Jimmy Mack's energy and vision, a vision I believe in.

Jimmy Mack Photo
Jimmy Mack whose comatose vision inspired this painting




Several years ago, during a routine hospital visit, Jimmy ended up in the ICU, in a comatose state, near death for several days. But this was not some random occurrence or accident. 


While unconscious, he was shown, blazing colorful portals, indescribable sights, sounds and holy beings not of this world. He was able to maintain these connections even after he regained consciousness.


During his illness, Jimmy was given the ability to spiritually and energetically heal himself as well as others. Moreover, he could now change belief driven future outcomes, helping people gain control of their lives and their world. By accessing the other side, he could eliminate the effects of negative beliefs and clear the way for positive ones to take root.





How To Heal Yourself And Others Now

Intuitive Healing With Applied Spirituality 



Jimmy recently released a book about his experiences. It is getting great reviews and is available through Amazon.  It includes a section on art that heals and discusses my work.  Click the image to learn more or visit:








Like all of my other paintings, I did not create this one by thinking about structures, colors or painting techniques. Rather, I declared my intention, to capture and create an object that emits the energy of Jimmy Mack's vision. Then I let the paints go where they might.


This is the result. Click to enlarge

This is what I got. Looking back now, and analyzing the result, I believe the tree represents the "tree of life" in a divine form - revealing the energy of the creator, and infinite connections in all of his/her glory. We see the tree, are mesmerized by its beauty, then realize we actually are the tree, stretching from heaven to earth, rooted both in this world and the next.




Theta Healing Tree Pendant
The Theta Healing Tree Pendant
Get $20 off this week only.
Click image then use discount code T20.

By focusing on the tree - focusing on you being one with it, you connect through your subconscious to a divine energetic matrix where your thoughts manifest reality in both worlds. 


Through your beliefs, you are in control, whether or not you believe it, but only when you do believe it. By embracing the divine energy of the tree of life, you gain control of your future.  I created a pendant to channel those same energies and give you a way to always have them with you.




I've made two versions of the Theta Healing Tree. Both original paintings have sold. If you would like me to contact the collectors who own these on your behalf, simply email [email protected]. I also can customize a print on canvas for your particular energy using my paints. It does require I spend some time on the phone with you to get a feel for your energy and intention.  Just respond to this email and let me know if you are interested.


We are also offering top quality giclee prints created from this painting. These are "museum grade" prints which will remain vibrant for over 100 years. They are not only beautiful but also completely and positively change the energy wherever you place them. To get a print or for more information visit




Amethyst Birdsong
Amethyst Birdsong - Another painting that evokes a healing theta state. Click to enlarge

Theta brain waves are the brain state of your REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. The theta state is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world.


By learning to remain conscious while also entering the theta state, we can access and influence our powerful subconscious mind. In this state, like in no other we are capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth. It is the state where we can connect with divine energy and manifest changes in our material world.




For more information on Jimmy Mack, Theta Healer,  or to schedule an appointment with  him, visit: 



Other Theta-State Images


Bodhi Tree Pendant
The Bodhi Tree Pendant...powerful energy from the tree under which Buddha reached enlightenment.
Click to learn more.


The Creation Tree 

Creation Tree Pendant
The Creation Tree - Focuses on thought based manifestation and creation of our reality. Click to enlarge and learn more.

Singing Angel Tree - Angelic Healing 
Singing Angel Tree
Singing Angel Tree evokes the state between sleep and consciousness when we feel most at peace. Click to enlarge.
Singing Angel Pendant
Singing Angel Tree Pendant - Click here.

The Peace Tree
Peace Tree
The Peace Tree evokes a theta state focused on one purpose, find peace in ourselves and the world will follow. It helps you remain tranquil in stressful situations.
Peace Tree Pendant
The Peace Tree Pendant. Helps you remain calm and stress free. Click here.

Buddha's Light
Buddha's Light
Through meditation Buddhist monks are able to reach a theta state while at the same time being hyper alert (gamma state). This image can become a focal point for meditation and  reaching that state.
Buddha's Light Pendant
Carry the light of Buddha with you wherever you go. Click here.

About Energy Artist Julia Watkins
Nirvana Big Cartel Revised
Nirvana - A state of bliss. Click to enlarge.


A young prodigy artist who was accepted into art school and began taking graduate level art classes at 16, Energy Artist Julia Watkins is best known as the founder of the Energism Art Movement.
This art movement, consisting of over 1,000 artists worldwide focuses on expanding human consciousness by creating powerful, metaphysical energy enhanced images that deeply affect all those who view them.
Moon Daner
"Moon Dancer" - Earlier Style - Click to enlarge
 Within the energism art movement, Ms. Watkins first created a pioneering"swirly" art style which has been sold in over 30 countries, is in the collections of Carnegie Mellon, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Children's Hospital, and receives over 5 million online impressions per month. 
Over the past year however, Ms Watkins (known online as" Energy Artist Julia") with over 80,000 facebook fans) has moved away from her trademark "swirly" painting style to create a brand new mixed media collection, often focusing on the concept of the "Tree Of Life". 
Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon - An emotional versus literal interpretation of energy. Click to enlarge.

This new style was a natural progression within the art movement as Julia grew beyond creating more literal representations of energy and began focusing on impact oriented images that worked on a far more emotional level. To quote one of her collectors -

"This new stuff just blows me away. It completely changes the energy in my home!"- G Carruthers, Denver, CO 

Bluebird - Morning Song
Bluebird Morning Song - Click

Ms. Watkins offers both high quality giclee prints of her paintings and original work.  Originals are created on metal using fired resins and glass paints.  
You can see a complete portfolio of work, including available prints by CLICKING HERE
If you are interested in original paintings visit: or contact us at: 303-229-1792 or email us at c[email protected].  
Visit our online store at:
More Paintings
Media: Fired resins and glass paints on metal or canvas. 


The Golden Wave
The Golden Wave - Spiritually Transforming -  
Click to enlarge

Zen Poppies Print
Dream Poppies

Oasis Print
Desert Oasis - Sanctuary of the soul.

Firefly Tree
The Firefly Tree - Connect to the eternal cycle of life and rebirth. Communicate with the other side. Click for description

Desert Vision - Prophets' Light
Desert Vision - The Prophets' Light. Focusing daily on this image is said to produce visions and insights.  Click for details.
Other information and interesting facts about Energy Artist Julia

Early Years.  At around 9 years of age a professional artist took Julia under her wing and by 15 had trained her to an advanced level.  She was so advanced that in art school her professors didn't know what to do with her so they put her in graduate level painting classes.

Painting.  When she paints she focuses on charging her creations with as much metaphysical energy as possible while at the same time rendering something that will deeply resonate with the specific person who will own the piece.  Often she does not know who will receive the painting but says she can feel their presence prior to meeting them.  She always feels drained after completing a piece and sometimes collapses.

Dreams.  Much of her inspiration comes from very vivid dreams and in fact, her first swirly painting, First Dream was the result of a powerful dreamlike vision.  You can read more about this in the Edge Magazine Article The Dream That Changed The Art World.  Every night, as she sleeps she enters a world full of beautiful vivid colors, energies and people moving in something like a "dance of life" that points her to new possibilities in her art.

Videos.  Here are links to two videos featuring Ms. Watkins or her work.

Website.  We have not created a website for Julia's new work.  You can see her older work at this website: