Delivery News
REMINDER: Order deadline is Noon the day before we deliver:
  • We have lots of inventory online, including bulk packages of beef and lamb. Ya'll enjoy. 
  • In addition to the home deliveries, we have started offering a new concept called "private drop-offs".  If you have a few friends that could all take delivery at one location, we can save you all some money on the delivery fee. Your address and information would be kept private and not available online, except to the people you invite. Let us know by replying to this email if you think this might work for you. 
FarmFan: Get Text Message Reminders and Receive Rewards.
As one of our Farmfans you are able to receive text message reminders, both to place your order and to come pick-up your order. You will also have the ability to check-in when you pick-up. As you accumulate check-ins you will earn rewards such as Grocery Bags, T-shirts, Discounts.

On the Farm

I'm still trying to find time to read this seed catalog.
New years lull:
Is anyone else having trouble getting in gear  for 2018. So far, every time we start to make some form of progress, the temperature falls to 14 degrees. I'll try to push through and get something done soon, if for no other reason, then so I will have something more interesting than weather to write about here. But tonight its projected to be... you guessed it... 14 degrees. So for the rest of the day we will be preparing the farm (read: water lines) for the cold. Animals are eating more, and staying healthy. They are probably not "comfortable" in 14 degrees, but then again who is. We give them extra hay, extra bedding, and extra feed in this weather. Keeping the water flowing and not breaking pipes is the biggest challenge. 
Thanks for your continued support. We will continue to take care of this place and its animals no matter the weather, as long as there are people that want and need good local food. 
We  are constantly sharing the goings on at Carlton Farms via our social media pages. Become social with us on:   
instagram  @carltonfarm
Twitter @carltonfarm

Thanks for your continued support. At Carlton Farms we are proud to be your farmer.


Chad Carlton
Carlton Farms