Delivery News
REMINDER: Order deadline is Noon the day before we deliver:
  • We have lots of inventory online. The last of this years lamb has been processed and is currently online. A few more Bulk Bundles have been added.
  • Egg supply is very tight, as it usually is this time of year. Please order if you expect to get eggs for the next few weeks.
  • Home delivery is a great option if you find that you can't consistently make it to the mobile market. Fees are modest, especially for larger orders.
  • In addition to the home deliveries, we have started offering a new concept called "private drop-offs".  If you have a few friends that could all take delivery at one location, we can save you all some money on the delivery fee. Your address and information would be kept private and not available online, except to the people you invite. Let us know by replying to this email if you think this might work for you. 
FarmFan: Get Text Message Reminders and Receive Rewards.
As one of our Farmfans you are able to receive text message reminders, both to place your order and to come pick-up your order. You will also have the ability to check-in when you pick-up. As you accumulate check-ins you will earn rewards such as Grocery Bags, T-shirts, Discounts.

On the Farm

Reinforcements are coming:
There are many issues that work against us as we try to produce free range eggs in the winter. I have written about those here in the past, so i won't dwell on the details. Suffice to say: Chickens don't feel motivated to lay eggs when the days are short and cold. 
However, there is one thing we can do to insure that we will have winter 
eggs. We should always have a batch of young chickens going into the winter. Young chickens, not unlike other species (cough, cough, humans) are not as wise as their elder counterparts. Young hens are more willing to lay egg through the winter with only a slight seasonal decrease.
Despite our efforts last fall, we were unable to get chicks when we wanted them. They got started late and have not been able to contribute to the cause this winter. As a result we've had an egg shortage for the last several weeks. However, time marches on, and now these new young chickens are almost ready to start laying. Notice, I did say almost. they still need another two or so weeks of growth. So for now, continue to make sure you order your eggs. Soon these new hens will ride into production like cavalry mounted reinforcements and we will win this war on winter eggs. 

We are constantly sharing the goings on at Carlton Farms via our social media pages. Become social with us on:  

instagram  @carltonfarm
Twitter @carltonfarm

Thanks for your continued support. At Carlton Farms we are proud to be your farmer.


Chad Carlton
Carlton Farms