Delivery News
REMINDER: Order deadline is Noon the day before we deliver:
  • Egg supply is still low, but getting better as the weather improves. I would still recommend placing an order if you plan to get eggs. 
  • If you have tried our home delivery service already, thank you. If not, what are you waiting on. We will literally place your order right on your doorstep. We are continuing to improve our packing processes and becoming more efficient week by week. As more customers sign-up, our routes become more populated. As the routes become more populated with customers, we can deliver more efficiently. Once we reach a critical threshold of customers, we will be able to make the home delivery proposition even more attractive. In fact, we have already been working on ways to make home delivery an even more amazing value. You will absolutely love the next set of features. Help us be able to launch these new features soon by becoming a Home Delivery customer today. 
  • Home Delivery Feedback: If you are a home delivery customer and have any feedback on how to improve that service, please reply to this email. we appreciate any and all feedback. Let your voice be heard while we are in the process of evaluating potential changes.
FarmFan: Get Text Message Reminders and Receive Rewards.
As one of our Farmfans you are able to receive text message reminders, both to place your order and to come pick-up your order. You will also have the ability to check-in when you pick-up. As you accumulate check-ins you will earn rewards such as Grocery Bags, T-shirts, Discounts.

On the Farm

Chirp Chirp:

I just couldn't stand it. The weather was so pretty on Friday that I gave in to the temptation. Yes, I ordered the first broiler chicks of the year. It's a little earlier than we normally get those started, but they will be in the heated brooder for the first few weeks. Two hundred of those little peepers will be here this week, and I can't wait to have that component of the farm spring back to life. Pictures will be posted as soon as they arrive, right now we can make due with a photo of last years birds. 

We are constantly sharing the goings on at Carlton Farms via our social media pages. Become social with us on:  

instagram  @carltonfarm
Twitter @carltonfarm

Thanks for your continued support. At Carlton Farms we are proud to be your farmer.


Chad Carlton
Carlton Farms