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Welcome to Casino Life

As the year draws to a close it's easy to reflect back on the travel - the shows - the casino openings... but frankly, we have no time for that! 2015 is hurtling towards us and we have new plans to improve the magazine - including one which will set us even more apart from our competitors.


News? Come on guys - is that it? We have that already on a daily basis on our website - not six weeks later in printed format. By ICE the keystone of our new project will be in place and all will be revealed.


Back to this issue and we have the usual wide and contemplative mix of operator and manufacturer interviews providing a useful insight into the current state of play in the industry.


My colleague Peter White starts it all off with a closer look at developments in Vladivostok where The First Gaming Company are putting the finishing touches to their high profile project. Meanwhile, James Boje is now firmly in the chair at Aristocrat and offers some initial views on his role to Alan Campbell.


At G2E that "funny booth" with the striking graphics was the new kid on the block - Gamblit - the company that is moving and shaking content delivery courtesy of Eric Meyerhofer, he of ex-Futurelogic fame. 


John Flynn completes his trio of Regulatory features by looking at what comes after regulation whilst I take time to talk to Lucien Van Linden - CEO at Gaming Support about what the future will bring. 


We have a closer look at the situation in Cyprus where operators are circling the opportunity of a legal casino here for the first time;  Peter reports back on his time at MGS and we conclude with a round-up of some of the highlights to look forward to at ICE in 2015


I said we were busy.




Glyn Thomas


Editor in Chief