Casters Fly Shop
You're invited!
to various special events

Join us!

Fly Fishing 101 & 201

Date: Call or Email for details 

Time: Saturdays in May and June

Contact: 828-304-2400

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Visit Our Sponsor- Trout Unlimited



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We're having some very special events and you're invited! Please join us in one of our upcoming events- the Ladies Fly Fishing Weekend, and/or the Fly Fishing 101 and Fly Fishing 201 classes! Casters Fly Shop and Trout Unlimited will be hosting the FF101 and FF201 events. If you're looking for a great way to get the family together outside, the FF101 class is the perfect event.
David Hise, Owner
Casters Fly Shop
Ladies Fly Fishing Weekend

Ladies Weekend

 May 21st and 22nd, 2011

Hosted by Dave Hise of Caster's Fly Shop of Hickory, NC and guest Orvis guide, Reba Brinkman. Reba is a guide/instructor for the Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Schools at the Biltmore.

Enjoy two full days of guided fly fishing on private trophy trout waters in southwestern Virginia! Take pleasure in home cooked meals and relax in a picturesque country house on the river.

In the secluded hills of southwestern Virginia, are numerous stretches of private water that hold some of the largest and feistiest rainbow trout found anywhere. Double digit rainbows (up to 17 lbs.) are commonly seen and sometimes hooked (the operative word is hooked) in these trophy streams. Fish in the 16 to 20 inch class are more than plentiful and fish between 20 and 26 inches are caught with regularity. These fish aren't fed trout pellets; so, they are in tune with the "natural" environment just as a "wild" brown in a river in New Zealand would be. The best thing is, you don't have to travel to such exotic places to find them. You will have the opportunity to swing or strip streamers, indicator or high stick nymph, and even toss dry flies on some occasions. Join our Orvis Endorsed Guide Service for a day of guaranteed solitude and a chance to land the fish of a lifetime.

Price: Only $450 per person (includes accommodations, meals and two full days of guided fishing). 

Only 1 spot remains so book now! 




Fly Fishing 101 


Now's your chance to learn fly fishing basics in one of our FREE fly fishing 101 classes. These 1 hour free lessons will cover fly casting and outfit rigging. If you're looking for a great way to get the family outside together, our FF101 class is the perfect solution.


Fly fishing is a sport/hobby the whole family can participate in. All ages are welcome to attend the event, but those under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Bring the whole family and learn what this great sport is all about.


Upon Completion of the Course-
You will receive special in-store offers valid toward purchase of Orvis products and a Free Trout Unlimited membership ($35 value).


Space is limited in these classes. Please RSVP to reserve your space. They are 1 hour events between 9am and 12am on the Saturdays listed below. 


May 28th

June 11th

June 18th 


Casters Fly Shop

Belle Hollow Center
Hickory, North Carolina 28601
828-304-2400 9:30AM-5:30PM


Fly Fishing 201 

If you have already completed Fly Fishing 101 or have some knowledge of fly fishing, you're ready for the next step. Join us for a short outing on local water for a chance to catch your first fish! A nominal fee of $75 per person is required for this outing. Contact us for more information.


Space is limited in these classes. Please RSVP to reserve your space.


June 4th

June 25th

Save 25%

Purchase $100 (or more) worth of merchandise and receive $25 off your entire purchase. Not valid with any other sale or promotional items. 1 use per customer. Enter promotional code 1 at checkout if ordering from the Casters Online Store .

Offer Expires: Earth Day Friday April 22nd, 2011