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Mazda MX-5 Miata:

A Car that Redefined Its Genre


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Safety and Fashion Sense in the Shop

If the clothes make the man, the right clothes make him safer. Veteran metalworker, and author of Professional Sheet Metal Fabrication, Ed Barr shares some safety tips for anyone considering working with metal (that are actually pretty good for just about anyone working with cars).


Although I have reached a point in life where fashion for the sake of being fashionable is no longer a concern, I still make careful wardrobe choices before I enter the shop. Working with sheet metal can be dangerous, but not if you pay attention to the potential hazards involved before you go to work. Minimize welding and grinding hazards by protecting yourself from head to toe. First, wear safety glasses, either with or without corrective lenses as needed.

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Mazda MX-5 Miata
Mazda MX-5 Miata: Twenty-Five Years is a handsomely-illustrated coffee-table book celebrating Mazda's ground-breaking MX-5 Miata, the car that revolutionized the lightweight two-seater roadster market.

By taking the front-engine, rear-wheel-drive layout of traditional British and Italian roadsters and combining it with the modern function and reliability for which Japanese cars were justly famous, Mazda created what many consider the perfect sports car. The MX-5 became the best-selling sports car of all time, selling over a million units worldwide. Customers proved that they hadn't lost their desire for simple, lightweight two-seat convertibles; they had simply lost their desire for unreliable, archaic European anachronisms that caught on fire as part of their charm.


This great look back at the sports car is expected in our warehouse any day not. Get yours as soon as it's released by ordering a copy today at for the discounted price of just $32.
The Complete Book of Ford F-Series Pickups
The Complete Book of Ford F-Series Pickups
Art of the Corvette
Art of the Corvette
Pontiac GTO 50 Years
Pontiac GTO 50 Years
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