I GCC Project on the Study of Innovation and Technology in China
May 20, 2016
In This Issue


Welcome to the inaugural issue of China D-Tech Watch, which is produced by the Study of Innovation and Technology of China project at the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. This is a bi-monthly digest of important reporting on Chinese defense and civil-military science, technology, and industrial matters. An extensive range of Chinese and English language news publications, specialized journals, and official and independent websites are covered. Each issue will have a short analysis of a topical subject matter.

Comments can be sent to Eric Anderson, Research Analyst, at  [email protected]
SITC News Team
UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
Analysis by the SITC Team: Civil Military Integration Coordinating Small Group
On May 3, China held the fifth annual meeting of the Civil-Military Integration in Weapons and Armament Research and Production System Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Small Group (CMISG). Started at the end of the Hu Jintao administration in 2012, this supra-ministerial body has met annually under the Xi Jinping administration and has taken on increased importance following Xi's elevation of civil-military integration to a national strategy in March 2015, a move intended to provide momentum to an effort that has made mixed progress over the past decade. 
AVIC New Board of Directors Take Office | China Aviation News 
Three out of the four board of directors are new. The three new additions include: Wang Jianqiang, who previously served exclusively in the banking sector and most recently as president of the Hunan branch of PBOC; Liu Xihan, former executive of integrated logistics company Sinotrans & CSC Holdings and currently serving on external boards of Sinopec Group and China Coal Technology & Engineering Group; and Li Wanyu, whose previously positions are in the petrochemical and metallurgy field.
4 18 日,国务院国资委在中航工业总部召开专门会议,宣布集团公司董事会新任董事到任。国资委企业领导人员管理一局副局长王铵、处长袁俊岭、副处长龚治刚,国资委为中航工业选聘的新任董事王建强、刘锡汉、李万余,中航工业党组副书记、总经理谭瑞松,中航工业职工董事、总经济师、董事会秘书陈元先,集团公司人力资源部及董事会办公室相关人员参加会议。
China and Pakistan are developing a combat-capable two-seat trainer variant of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft, Flight Global reports.

China and Pakistan are wheeling and dealing in a big way to influence the Sri Lankan leadership to buy the highly-flawed JF-17 multi-role fighter jet in a deal which promises at least four million dollars per jet as kickbacks to those who are pushing for this sale.
New model recognizes the need for integration across two models of drone development-missile-focused development and aviation-focused development.
日前从中国航天科工集团三院 302 所获悉,该所"新概念无人系统"青年创新工作室团队近日奔赴西安,与空军工程大学专家开展共建交流,旨在推动建立"航空航天融合发展"的无人机发展新模式。

Kanwa Defense Review reports that China's J-15 fighter still has many technical issues preventing it from entering full production. To date, only sixteen J-15 fighters have entered production. Kanwa concludes that the only option for the CCP to overcome this obstacle is to request from Russia technical improvement plans for the Su-33, which the J-15 is based upon.
加拿大「漢和防務評論」報導,共軍殲 15 戰鬥機存在許多技術問題,仿製俄羅斯蘇愷 33 的工程不成功。中國大陸可能求助俄羅斯繼續改造殲 15 ,否則就要尋找替代機種。陸媒 3 月才公布多架殲 15 登上遼寧號航空母艦甲板訓練的照片,掛彈畫面罕見曝光。但漢和指出,殲 15 服役 4 年,至今僅生產約 16 架,遲遲沒有進入小量生產狀態,發展前途堪慮。

For the first time, officials have disclosed that China's domestic fighter operation system "Tian Mai" is in use on PLA fighters. "Tian Mai" is developed by the AVIC Computing Institute. The system is considered a large significant achievement in software development for China by improving the level of autonomy of aviation armament. The project began in 2002 and was implemented in late 2011. Since 2011, more than thousand sets of "Tian Mai" system have been delivered to 39 organizations.
5 10 日出版的《中国航空报》以《铸造航空装备的"中国魂"--"天脉"操作系统科研攻关报道》为题,首次报道了中航工业计算机所开发的我国国产机载操作系统"天脉"。

第七次全国人民防空会议 13 日在京举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平亲切会见与会代表。他强调,人民防空事关人民群众生命安危、事关改革开放和现代化建设成果。要坚持人民防空为人民,把这项工作摆到战略位置、纳入"十三五"规划,与其他工作同步抓好,团结一心开创人民防空事业新局面。

The Chinese Air Force has begun to use H-6 bombers to train flight crews, a move experts say indicates the People's Liberation Army is steadily strengthening its bomber force by putting newer versions into service and moving older ones to flight schools. Starting in early April, students at the PLA Air Force Harbin Flight Academy have been using the H-6 for bomber training. In the past, they used other planes to simulate bomber flights, according to the PLA Air Force. The change will substantially shorten the time required to train bomber crews and strongly boost the bomber force's development, the Air Force said.

The crash of a fighter jet in eastern China on Wednesday will almost certainly be followed by similar accidents as the ­People's Liberation Army ramps up training to improve combat readiness, military analysts said. Liang Yang, a spokesman for the PLA Navy, confirmed late on Wednesday that a fighter jet from the East Sea Fleet crashed into a sewing machine factory during a night training mission at about 7.30pm in Taizhou in ­Zhejiang province.
China's first medium-long range unmanned freight plane made its maiden flight in Xixian New Area in Shaanxi province on May 10, reported guancha.cn. The unmanned plane with fixed wings can fly 80 km with 15 kilo cargo and deliver goods in a range of locations. The unmanned plane with fixed wings can fly 80 km with 15 kilo cargo and deliver goods in a range of locations. Compared to other unmanned drones, this plane has longer mileage per flight and can handle heavier cargo and is capable of taking off and landing in short distance.
China continues to stalk stealth for its military air operations, viewing it as a "core capability," the Pentagon says.

The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is in the process of upgrading a number of older classes of surface warships with new anti-ship missiles, missile defense systems, and cannons capable of firing precision-guided ammunition, Popular Science reports.

Submerged Deterrence: China's Struggle to Field an SSBN Fleet |Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative 
The gradual, but steady development of China's ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) program has been closely monitored by international observers. China is the last of the Permanent Five members of the United Nations Security Council to establish an operational SSBN force. A recent report by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) says that China's Jin­­-class SSBN represents the country's "first credible at-sea second-strike nuclear capability." That goal remains a long way off, however. Although the Jin­-class is a potential step forward for China's nuclear deterrent, its nascent SSBN program continues to face considerable challenges.

The gradual, but steady development of China's ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) program has been closely monitored by international observers. China is the last of the Permanent Five members of the United Nations Security Council to establish an operational SSBN force. A recent report by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) says that China's Jin­­-class SSBN represents the country's "first credible at-sea second-strike nuclear capability." That goal remains a long way off, however. Although the Jin­-class is a potential step forward for China's nuclear deterrent, its nascent SSBN program continues to face considerable challenges.
China Navy Trains and Takes Risks | U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine
In the past decade, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has added significant new capabilities to its order of battle. The average PLAN surface combatant is now a capable, multi-mission platform. The PLAN submarine force is increasingly composed of modern conventional and nuclear units, many employing long-range antiship cruise missiles. The aircraft carrier Liaoning continues steady work as China learns the art and science of naval aviation.
China's 'Undersea Great Wall' | The National Interest
As defense analysts brood over the evolving military balance in the western Pacific, considerations related to undersea warfare keep coming to the fore. Given the lethality of modern antiship cruise missiles, surface combatants of all types may well be scarce on the future naval battlefield. Moreover, precision strikes on airbases (and the inherent vulnerability of aircraft carriers) suggest that aerial platforms could additionally be rather sparse during the first few critical weeks of any military conflict that breaks out in the Asia-Pacific region. That leaves submarines (assisted by undersea robots) to decide the epic battle.

"ICT Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)" Passes Experts Arguments | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 
A special meeting of experts was convened to review the in-development "ICT Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)".
2016 4 29 日,工业和信息化部信息通信发展司会同部规划司、科技司、信息通信管理局在北京组织召开《信息通信行业发展规划( 2016 2020 年)》(以下简称《规划》)专家论证会。中国工程院院士邬江兴任专家组组长,来自高校、行业协会、科研院所、信息通信企业和地方通信管理局的领导和专家参加了论证会。会议由部信息通信发展司副司长陈立东主持,部信息通信发展司司长闻库到会并讲话。
China Becomes Major Country in Chip Patent Applicants | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 
Over the past 18 years, global chip patents have multiplied six times, while Chinese chip patents have multiplied 23 times. ZTE and Huawei are leaders in Chinese chip patents and respectively rank 23rd and 27th globally.
据通信企业协会消息,我国已成为芯片专利申请大国。国际专利检索公司 QUESTEL 报告显示,在过去 18 年里,全球芯片专利数量增长了 6 倍,我国芯片专利量增长了 23 倍。在芯片专利申请数量方面,我国已连续 5 年蝉联全球第一。在全球芯片专利前 30 位专利权人中,我国中兴通讯、华为公司分别居第 23 27 位。其中,中兴通讯专利申请年复合增长率达 58% ,居国内企业第一,专利覆盖 2G 3G 4G Pre 5G 5G 芯片、虚拟化网络、物联网芯片、云存储和云计算等领域。

China and the United States held their first dialogue on outer space safety in Washington D.C., the United States, May 10, 2016. China supports dialogue with the United States on cybersecurity, a spokesperson said Thursday after representatives from both countries met in Washington to discuss international cyberspace rules.
新华社华盛顿 5 11 日电 根据中美双方在去年 9 月习近平主席访美期间达成的网络安全重要共识,中美网络空间国际规则高级别专家组首次会议 11 日在华盛顿举行。
A group of senior U.S. and China cyber officials on Wednesday held its first meeting since the two countries struck an anti-hacking agreement in September to try to ease years of acrimony over the issue. The so-called Senior Experts Group on International Norms and Related Issues is expected to gather twice a year, the U.S. State Department said in a statement announcing the meeting. It provided scant information about the talks, saying officials from the two nations' foreign, defense and other ministries discussed "international norms of state behavior and other crucial issues for international security in cyberspace."
China and the United States on Wednesday held an expert meeting to discuss international norms of state behavior in cyberspace and other security issues. It was the first meeting of the Senior Experts Group on International Norms and Related Issues, a mechanism agreed upon during Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States last September.
China's next-generation Long March 7 rocket has departed for the Wenchang Space Launch Centre ahead of its debut space flight next month. Li Hong of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the main contractor for the Chinese space program, told Chinese state media that the medium-sized rocket took eight years to develop and is capable of carrying up to 13.5 tonnes to low Earth orbit. The first flight of the 53-metre-tall Long March 7 will take place in late June, according to CASC's Yang Baohua, and will test the design and performance indicators.
Meeting was chaired by MOST's Department of High Technology and the National Remote Sensing Center of China. Among the forty participants, ten of them were academicians.
2016 4 18 日,科技部高新司、国家遥感中心在北京组织召开了空天技术领域"十三五"规划专家组会。龚惠兴院士、许健民院士、李德仁院士、顾逸东院士、郭华东院士、张军院士、周成虎院士、尤政院士、吴一戎院士、房建成院士等院士专家,科技部高新司秦勇司长、梅建平副巡视员、国家遥感中心景贵飞副主任等规划编写工作组成员共 40 余人参加了此次会议。
CASC's 4th Institute successfully completed a ground heat test of a full-size prototype of China's 2-meter segmented solid rocket booster engine. This is reported as a milestone in China's rocket development program.
近日,由中国航天科技集团公司四院研制的国内迄今装药量最大的直径 2 米分段式固体火箭助推发动机全尺寸工程样机地面热试车圆满成功。
China just revealed details of its CH-901 tube-launched loitering munition, a portable killer drone that a soldier can carry and then launch from the field to track down and attack opponents. The Chinese are not the first in this area-the U.S. unveiled the Switchblade in 2011 and has used it in Afghanistan. But this is a big move for the Chinese military.

Zhou Jianping is chief designer of China's manned space programme. On the sidelines of China's recently concluded annual parliamentary sessions in Beijing, Zhou Jianping answered questions on China's human spaceflight missions for 2016, Tiangong-2 and Shenzhou-11, and space science research and the future Chinese Space Station.

China and the United States have held their first dialogue here on outer space safety. During the dialogue on Tuesday the two sides exchanged views on issues such as outer space policy, bilateral cooperation on space safety and multilateral space initiatives. The discussions were "pragmatic, in-depth and fruitful," according to the Chinese delegation. The two sides agreed to hold the next dialogue before the end of the year.
China's new-generation Long March-7 rocket departed for its launch base in Hainan on Sunday from north China's port of Tianjin. The Long March-7 launch scheduled for late June will be of great significance as it will usher in China's space lab mission.
5 8 日从中国载人航天工程办公室获悉,长征七号遥一火箭当日从天津运往海南发射场执行发射任务。
On May 16, 2016, the last batch of Long March 7 components arrived at the Hainan Wenchang launch site, and the first launch mission entered its implementation stage.
China's fourth space launch center, the Wenchang satellite launch center in southern Hainan Province, is preparing for its maiden launch mission. Components of a Long March-7 carrier rocket arrived at a port in Wenchang on Saturday and were transported to the center by road, according to space officials on Monday. Assembling and testing will be conducted according to the mission's schedule, officials said. The construction of the Wenchang satellite launch center started in 2009 and was completed in November 2014. With two launch pads, the Wenchang center is believed to be capable of launching China's new generation Long March-7 carrier rocket.

China's Yaogan-30 remote sensing satellite was sent into space on Sunday at 10:43 a.m. from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert. The satellite will be used for experiments, land surveys, crop yield estimates and disaster relief. Yaogan-30 was carried by a Long March-2D rocket, the 227th mission for the Long March rocket family. China launched the first "Yaogan" series satellite, Yaogan-1, in 2006.
Several new conventional platforms and weapons systems developed by China in recent years have increased its ability to hold U.S. forces stationed on Guam at risk in a potential conflict. Currently, accuracy limitations and platform vulnerabilities render this risk relatively low, but China's commitment to continuing to modernize its strike capabilities indicates the risk will likely grow going forward.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and Shaanxi province signed an agreement to deepen strategic cooperation. Both sides agreed to promote the aerospace industry, upgrade Shaanxi province's industry structure, and create a new growth point driven by scientific and technological innovation.
5 9 日,中国航天科技集团公司与陕西省深化战略合作协议签约仪式在西安举行。双方将在 2006 年开展战略合作基础上,充分发挥航天高科技对战略性新兴产业发展的引领作用,推动陕西省产业结构优化升级,打造科技创新驱动发展新增长点,努力实现地方经济与航天产业融合互动,促进双方全面战略合作关系可持续发展。
Following an agreement signed with the National Space Science Centre (NSSC) in Beijing, the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna in the country's remote far north will provide one of the scientific payloads on the mission that will further our understanding of our celestial neighbour.
The China Manned Space Agency released several Powerpoint slides showing a closer look at the Tiangong 3, China's planned space station. Scheduled to be commissioned in 2022, the Tiangong 3 will be regularly visited by Shenzhou manned space vessels, and automated Tianzhou resupply vehicles.

Of all the pieces of Cold War-era jargon that have wormed their way into the cultural zeitgeist, none has been more pervasive (or sobering) than MAD, or mutual assured destruction. The strategic reasoning of MAD is as simple as it is deadly: two adversaries, each with vast numbers of deployed nuclear warheads on high alert, refrain from attacking one another out of fear of unacceptable retaliatory damage. With their adversary's arsenal secured against even the most overwhelming assault, the reasoning follows, a country's strategic planners would never engage in a first strike. It was this lethal logic that guided Cold War superpower relations after the development of the "trident" system of three-pronged deployment: bombers, land-based missiles, and submarine-delivered warheads. This dispersion guaranteed warhead survivability and ensured stability between the United States and the USSR, if at the expense of tremendous uncertainty over the performance of early warning systems.

CAP1400 Passes IAEA Safety Review of Generic Reactor | Ministry of Science and Technology
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency's evaluation reports, the preliminary safety analysis of CAP1400 met the general requirements of the latest IAEA safety standards and regulations.
4 27 日,国际原子能机构 ( 以下简称" IAEA " ) 与上海核工程研究设计院在 IAEA 总部维也纳召开 CAP1400 通用反应堆安全评审验收会。 IAEA 的评价报告认为, CAP1400 初步安全分析报告总体达到 IAEA 安全法规标准的最新要求。

The Civil-Military Integration in Weapons and Equipment Research and Production System Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Small Group Held Fifth Meeting
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 
军民结合 寓军于民武器装备科研生产体系建设部际协调小组第五次会议召开
Coordinating small group for civil-military integration met for its fifth annual meeting. See analysis above for additional details.
2016 5 3 日,"军民结合 寓军于民武器装备科研生产体系建设部际协调小组第五次会议"在京召开。会议审议并原则通过《国务院中央军委关于建立和完善军民结合寓军于民武器装备科研生产体系的若干意见》(以下简称《若干意见》) 2015 年工作进展情况、五年来的总体成效、"十三五"工作思路和 2016 年工作要点。
Zone aims to develop Xi'an's ordnance industry to reach annual output of RMB 50 billion.
近日,中国兵器工业集团北方发展投资有限公司与西安经开区管委会在西安签署《"十三五"合作共建国家军民融合改革创新示范区协议》。双方约定,在项目引入、环境治理等方面深化合作,共同推进西安兵器产业基地建设,使其综合产出能力达 500 亿元以上,建成国家军民融合创新示范区。

Led by Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group, the alliance includes 58 entities including the Nuclear Power Group of China, AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group, and Sichuan University.
4 26 日,由九洲集团领衔,中国核动力研究设计院、中航工业成飞公司、四川大学等 58 家单位共同组建的四川军民融合高技术产业联盟成立大会在成都举行。联盟将推动实现军民融合向多领域、跨行业对接,打通行业壁垒和垄断,加快军转民和民参军。
The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) has said it will focus activities on civilian-military integration (CMI) in a bid to spur innovation and boost revenues. In outlining its priorities for China's 13th Five Year Plan (2016-20), CSIC said on 28 April that CMI, which aims to leverage commercial technologies for military applications (and vice versa), will support its efforts to advance capability. Sun Bo, CSIC president, said specific areas of CMI focus would be power systems, electronic information, electrical equipment, underwater defence systems, and new materials. In the civilian sector, areas of focus will be to develop offshore engineering products, new energy, environmental protection products, and healthcare. 

SASTIND held a party group extended meeting on May 16 to discuss measures to promote in-depth civil-military integration and construct an advanced defense science, technology and industry system. According to the meeting, SASTIND is drafting the "Defense Science, Technology and Industry In-depth Civil-Military Integration 13th Five-Year Plan".
5 16 日,国防科工局召开党组扩大会议,学习贯彻习近平总书记关于军民融合发展系列重要讲话精神和中央有关文件精神,研究部署推动国防科技工业军民融合深度发展、加快建设中国特色先进国防科技工业体系的思路举措。国防科工局党组书记、局长许达哲出席会议并讲话。

李克强主持召开国务院常务会议部署推动制造业与互联网深度融合 加快"中国制造"转型升级
国务院总理李克强 5 4 日主持召开国务院常务会议,决定对促进民间投资政策落实情况开展专项督查,着力扩大民间投资;部署推动制造业与互联网深度融合,加快"中国制造"转型升级;确定培育和发展住房租赁市场的措施,推进新型城镇化满足群众住房需求;部署促进通用航空业发展,以改革创新扩大有效内需。

"说实话,一些民营企业现在面临的问题,不是'玻璃门'、'弹簧门'、'旋转门',而是'没门'!不知道'门'在哪儿!" 5 4 日的国务院常务会议上,李克强直言,"因此,必须进一步放宽准入,让民间资本投资'有门'!"

On May 10, the trading name for Fengfan Co., Ltd. was officially changed to "China Power". According to Hu Wenming, chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, assets of five defense research institutes have been injected into the listed company. Hu also noted that additional remaining assets will be added later.
5 10 日,风帆股份( 600482.SH )证券简称正式变更为"中国动力",并在上交所举行了公司重组更名仪式。"我们把五个军工研究所的核心资产装进上市公司,这在中国是首例。" 5 10 日,中国船舶重工集团公司(下称"中船重工")董事长胡问鸣对 21 世纪经济报道等多家媒体说,剩余资产也会陆续注入。目前,中船重工与其子公司合计持有中国动力 34.25% 股份。
The China Defense Financial Research Association was established on May 12. The association is tasked with conducting research on defense financing issues and advising the military on decision making.
中国国防金融研究会 5 12 日在京成立,来自国防大学、民政部、国家开发银行等研究会单位会员的法定代表和个人会员参加了成立大会。

China's Central Military Commission issued "The 13th Five-Year Plan for Army Construction and Development". According to the plan, China aims to complete military reform and have armed forces capable of informationized warfare by 2020. By 2020, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will have finished mechanization of all forces and made important progress in incorporating information and computer technology.
The State Council issued guidance on establishing mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases on May 8, 2016. The goal of this document is to explore a replicable model for mass entrepreneurship and innovation in those demonstration bases. Twenty-eight entities, including 17 local areas, 4 universities and 7 enterprises were selected as demonstration bases in the first round.
根据 2016 年《政府工作报告》部署和《国务院关于大力推进大众创业万众创新若干政策措施的意见》(国发〔 2015 32 号)等文件精神,为在更大范围、更高层次、更深程度上推进大众创业万众创新,加快发展新经济、培育发展新动能、打造发展新引擎,建设一批双创示范基地、扶持一批双创支撑平台、突破一批阻碍双创发展的政策障碍、形成一批可复制可推广的双创模式和典型经验,重点围绕创业创新重点改革领域开展试点示范,经国务院同意,现提出以下实施意见。

As part of its revamped disciplinary reinforcement and anti-corruption system, central inspection teams are being sent to all main parts of the Chinese military. After a training session on Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 teams of the Central Military Commission's newly appointed inspectors are assuming their posts in all CMC departments and theater commands. This will be the first time the top military authority has established a standing anti-corruption force that will be directly under its control within its units, PLA Daily reported, adding that this will help reshape the military's disciplinary inspection system. 
上海公安学院备案获批:首批设网络安全与执法等 5 个本科专业
This is reported as China's first bachelor's degree in cybersecurity and law enforcement.
近日,教育部批复上海市教委,根据《上海市人民政府关于同意以上海公安高等专科学校为基础组建上海公安学院的批复》等文件,同意对上海公安学院予以备案,首批设置治安学、侦查学、警务指挥与战术、刑事科学技术、网络安全与执法等 5 个本科专业。同时建议撤销上海公安高等专科学校的建制。
When it comes to translating its own research into practical applications, China falls short. A forum in Shanghai put the spotlight on ambitious plans to accelerate the process.

On May 3, China held the fifth annual meeting of the Civil-Military Integration in Weapons and Armament Research and Production System Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Small Group (CMISG). Started at the end of the Hu Jintao administration in 2012, this supra-ministerial body has met annually under the Xi Jinping administration and has taken on increased importance following Xi's elevation of civil-military integration to a national strategy in March 2015, a move intended to provide momentum to an effort that has made mixed progress over the past decade.
The CMISG is tasked with overcoming barriers to civil-military integration and implementing the 2010 jointly-issued State Council and Central Military Commission (CMC) "Opinions on Establishing and Improving Civil-Military Integration Weapons and Armament Research and Production Systems". Reporting of the CMISG's meeting in 2013 offers the most detailed assessment of these barriers, which include institutional mechanisms (rules on weapons and armament development, obstacles to equal competition, military research institute classification); attracting civilian participation in military projects (revision of catalogues, investment); industrial development (civilian CMI-related industries, financial channels); resource sharing (defense intellectual property rights, sharing of large equipment and facilities); and technology transfer (two-way transfer between military and civilian entities, alliances between enterprises, research institutes, and universities, intellectual property rights, integration of military and civilian standards). The 2016 meeting further emphasized the need to accelerate CMI reform to enable CMI to meet both supply and demand in the weapons and armament procurement system. 
The CMISG has been chaired each year since its founding by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Minister Miao Wei. Vice chairs have included the dual-positioned MIIT deputy minister/director of the State Administration for Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) and deputy director of the General Armament Department (changed this year to the CMC Armament Development Department). In 2013, a deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission was a vice chair in lieu of the GAD.
While the large majority of participants are not named, the 2015 and 2016 meetings appear to have expanded the scope and influence of participants. Particularly noteworthy among the 2016 attendees is the increased presence of military representatives, including the CMC Armament Development Department, CMC Joint Staff Department, CMC Logistics Support Department, CMC Science and Technology Commission, and CMC Strategic Planning Office. Another notable addition this year is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an important institution in bridging obstacles in technology transfer between civilian institutes and China's military research and development system.
While not the only major forum for overcoming obstacles to CMI in China, the CMISG is critical in coordinating CMI reform work across the many ministries and departments that share pieces of the puzzle needed to create a functional CMI ecosystem. Its success in coordinating across issues will be especially important as China implements its 13th Five Year Plan and the new CMI national strategy.