First United Methodist Church

July 24, 2016

WELCOME TO FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH! If you are seeking a church home, look no further. You're home!
THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God and in honor of our VBS Staff and helpers by Joe & Maryann Ferguson and their granddaughter, Rosemary Ferguson.
OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY is extended to the family and friends of Betty Lester who passed away on July 13, 2016. 
OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY is extended to Larry Richardson & family in the death of his wife, Linda Richardson on July 17, 2016.                                                                                                                              
SUMMER STORY TIME on Wednesday, July 27. Books for this week include, "Marley Goes to School", "If You Take Mouse To The Movies", "Cock a doodle WHOOOO", "Duck at the Door", "Let There Be Light", and "If Jesus Came To My House". We will be making Animal Puppets. Ice-Cream Sundaes with Animal Crackers to celebrate and bubbles for everyone!
K.I.T. PROGRAM: If you are a college student or know a college student, please help us gather the following information: Student's name, school  name, address, e-mail, phone number, home phone number, year in school and anticipated graduation. We want to "Keep In Touch" with our students  while they are away at school! Please help us by contacting Melanie Burton at (540)353-7165 or  [email protected]  no later than August 19, 2016.
SMALL GROUPS COMING THIS FALL... Based on a survey and your responses, our team is planning some exciting new short-term classes starting in September. One will be on the life of John Wesley.  Another will be a Bible study (to be announced). Another will be on Kids, the Internet, & Technology. During Advent we will offer a study on Mary entitled, "Not A Silent Night." Keep an eye out for more information. And if you have any suggestions for others, let Hilda Paxton, Bobby Pickle, Tricia Givens or Pastor Bass know. More are being planned for the spring of 2017.
8:45 Genesis - Bobby Pickle
8:45 & 10:30 - Traditional - Rev. Dorsey

Opening Praise Song - Here I Am To Worship
Anthem - Steady My Heart
Offering - Desert Song
Closing Praise Song - How Great Is Our God
Genesis Praise Team this week:
Meg Crew
Tina Hedley
Ryan Hedley
Allan Davidson
Michael Powell
Dwayne Williams
Brad Bradley
