SDCOR Earth Fair banner
SDCoR Popscicle
 Did you know that there are 18 groups involved in SDCoR that are hosting events for freethinkers like you? Check out the Calendar.
Here is just a small sampling of upcoming events.
Join us... you are not alone!
Damed Good Company
Damed Good Company
Saturday, April 6 @ 10:00 AM

The author Luis Granados will speak about his new book, Damed Good Company: 20 Rebels Who Bucked the God Experts
Happy Hour
Mom's Happy Hour
Parenting Beyond Belief
Thursday, April 11 @ 5:30 PM

The dad's will be meeting on April 18th

The Decline (and probably fall) of the Scientology Empire
Sunday, April 21 @ 6:00 PM

Jim Lippard, founder of Phoenix Skeptics, looks at the history of the Church of Scientology and how it has collided with the Internet. 

Earth Day 2013

Earth Fair 2013
Sunday, April 21, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Come visit "Heathen's Row" at Balboa Park. Representatives from many of the SDCoR groups will be there to meet you and share about what they are doing. We will have some godless trinkets for you to buy...

Recovering from Religion

Recovering From Religion
Sunday, April 28 

Unburden yourselves of your religious hang-ups, and laugh or cry over the stories our members tell. Cathartic, and almost perversely enjoyable. Location and time TBD

San Diego CoR Billboard 2013

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