Whether you were mourning or celebrating this past week, it's important that you stay connected to your State legislators!  Your State Delegates and I work hard to represent you, and we would love to have you come visit us for our annual "District 17 Night in Annapolis!" Once again, we have chosen Dawson's Market as our caterer.  Please send me an RSVP email to let us know whether to expect you so we can have plenty of delicious food waiting for you!


Do you have an issue that is important to you?  Are you interested in being involved with our State's legislative process?  Tell me more on  FacebookTwitter, and  Instagram.  Be sure to visit my website for details on internships, scholarships, news updates, and much more! Also, don't hesitate to reach out to me via  email.
Best regards,


Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
Rockville & Gaithersburg

PS:  If you can't join us on January 30th but would like to visit another time during the legislative session, please let me know!

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By authority of Citizens Helping Elect Cheryl Kagan (C.H.E.C.K.), Michael Frazier, Chair; Rosie Cassidy, Treasurer.