The Centurion Law Enforcement
FCPO Newsletter and Bible Study
The "thin blue line" covered by the blood of Christ.
Fellow  Sheepdogs  & Supporters:

How quickly this year has flown by -- Thanksgiving is upon us (stay tuned for a special Thanksgiving message in next week's newsletter) with Christmas and the New Year "DUI fest" following hard after.  Accordingly, my prayer is that you'll seek to be used of God in this busy holiday period (no sitting on the sidelines for us -- and I'm not just talking about what we do on duty). 

Speaking of these newsletters, if you missed last week's edition, I can't encourage you enough to open the Word and ask the Lord to show you what He has for you in  "A Christian Warrior's Armor and Weapons." As always, don't forget that I re-share these newsletters on our  website  and social media (Facebook and Twitter) feeds.  

Once again, please take the time to review the latest batch of resources prayer requests  and  event announcements  I've included for you below. Also be sure to reach out if you need prayer or counsel -- we're here to serve you.

Finally, the recent tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas serves as another sad reminder for Christian officers to be proactive in protecting your churches.  Moreover, my first ministry as a believer was doing church security and conducting church security training (and I do it for FREE -- just cover my travel and lodging expenses) through half and full day seminars, hands-on follow-up training and more. Shoot me an email if you need help or resources!  

Stay safe on the street, be proactive and focused in your training and stay radically bold in Christ. 



Here's the official November Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (FCPO) newsletter (chock full of valuable resources):   November FCPO Dispatch.  Can't encourage you enough to become a FCPO member


(1) Pray for cop's wife Angela Parks as she continues her treatment for a very tough medical issue.  Angela is strong in the Lord.

(2) Pray for an officer and his wife/family: their 18 y.o. son committed suicide (Lord have mercy).

(3) Pray for a struggling FCPO chapter that I'm working to revive/re-boot.

(4) Be in prayer for those impacted by the lastest mass murder (this one in rural CA), including our own who are working multiple crime scenes.

(5) Pray for a fellow detective and his wife in Michigan who are struggling in their marriage (God knows the details -- just pray).  Pray for our marriages in general (and reach out if you need help)!

(6) Pray for an officer's girlfriend who just lost her job and her much-needed health insurance.

(7) Former FCPO National Board member, author and now retired LEO Mike Dye is in need of prayer reference his heart-related medical issues.  

(8) Over 50,000 of us get injured in the LOD every year, but this one is close to home: pray for a Denver PD Officer (Dan) who is part of my FCPO chapter here -- he seriously injured his knee on the job and is looking at surgery.  

(9) Finally, let's be praying for our prodigal and unbelieving kids and siblings...we are very much in the last days and time is exceedingly short.

Have a prayer request or announcement you would like included here? Need prayer?   Email me !  I also post prayer requests on my Facebook page ("friend" me).  


(1)  If you're in the metro Denver area and are off this Saturday morning or not otherwise planted in a solid men's fellowship, I invite you to join us for our November "Men of Truth" men's breakfast and Bible study.  I will be teaching a message that will both encourage and challenge you and you'll come away physically fed as well. Here's the 411: Tom's house -- 4732 S. Bannock St., Englewood, CO 80110 -- starting at 0800 (I plan to be finished by 0930).  

(2) In addition to my own church safety/security seminars (again, contact me for details), here's the updated  Sheepdog Seminars  schedule (outstanding training for cops and sheepdog civilians alike -- especially in the area of church safety/security):  Upcoming Training Calendar . I know the speakers (including Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Officer Jimmy Meeks and Carl Chinn) -- rock solid and you'll come away blessed!  

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry

The Centurion Law Enforcement Ministry is a FCPO-affiliated, evangelical Christian outreach to our own in law enforcement. These newsletters and Bible studies are part of this effort and past editions can be found on our website and on social media  ( Facebook and Twitter ) pages. Feel free to adapt these messages for your own individual or group use and please share them with others. 

In addition, I regularly speak at churches, retreats and both law enforcement and civilian conferences and seminars around the country -- please shoot me an email if I can be of service to your church, agency or organization.  
Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers
FCPO-USA exists to provide biblical support ("backup"), accountability and iron sharpens iron fellowship to Christian officers first in the U.S. and throughout the world as well. My metro Denver chapter -- FCPO #217((FCPO-Aurora), a Centurion affiliate -- meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday at Calvary Aurora (High School Room, 7 PM) for  Bible study, prayer and servant-warrior fellowship. Spouses are both welcome and encouraged to attend with their LEO. With November 23rd being Thanksgiving, we will NOT be meeting for Bible study. As such, our next "cop church" fellowship is set for Thursday,  December 14th .      

Information on the other FCPO chapters meeting around the country can be found on the Chapter Locator pages on the FCPO-USA website.


"Committed to Obedience"

We have a choice to make when God tells us to do something that isn't popular with our friends or family. Whom will we seek to please? What will YOU do?

As Christians, we receive a lot of "counsel" from fellow believers (and those outside the faith as well). While most of that advice is well-intended, what happens when our perceived direction from God clashes with that advice? Folks, we must decide to "trust and obey" the Lord's leading while praying that others will realize we are letting Him direct our paths (powerful witness in that).

Do you know someone who made a decision to follow God's marching orders, even when that God-given calling wasn't one others thought they should pursue?  What about those who answered God's calling on their lives to serve in law enforcement or the military?  

Similarly, the apostle Paul was determined to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading even when those closest to him -- including people he greatly respected and esteemed -- warned him of the dire consequences he could face in doing so.

Acts 21 begins with Paul's journey to Jerusalem via Ephesus to Tyre in Syria, where he sought out the believers there (Paul gives us a great example to follow in seeking out the fellowship of other Christians wherever he traveled). Paul's team, believing they were acting " through the Spirit," warned Paul not to go to Jerusalem, fearing for his safety (see v. 4). It was also another emotional goodbye that included children (this is the first time children were mentioned in the church).  Of course, what we find here is that these well-intended brethren misinterpreted the Holy Spirit's warning to mean Paul should not go when in fact the message was "GO -- but understand you're going into harm's way!

Two days later, they came to Caesarea. Ironically Paul's host there was Philip, the evangelist who had been the Stephen's (the martyr) partner in ministry, and his four prophetic daughters (a genuine fulfillment of Joel 2:28). Ironic?  Let's not forget that Paul -- then as Saul -- oversaw the Stephen's execution!

While at Philip's home, the prophet Agabus came from Judah. In a dramatic gesture, he took Paul's belt, which was a long piece of cloth that he could wrap around himself several times.  Tying himself up hands and feet, Agabus rightly (meaning he was truly Spirit-led) prophesied: "This is what the Holy Spirit says: The Jews in Jerusalem are going to tie up the man who owns this belt just like this and hand him over to godless unbelievers" (v. 11, The Message).  Here we find that Agabus delivered a truly Holy Spirit-led prophesy of what would happen to Paul in Jerusalem!

Again the believers repeatedly begged him not to go. They valued and loved him; however, they incorrectly concluded their prophecies were a prohibition rather than a "heads up" warning.

Praise God, these well-intended warnings didn't budge Paul. " What are you doing, weeping, and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus," Paul insisted (v. 13, ESV). It was akin to Dispatch warning us not to go to s hot call because it was going to be dangerous. Yes, we take note of the warning, but we still go (and we must do the same in response to our Lord's "calls for service").  

Their correct response (and what should be ours)? " Let the will of the Lord be done" (v. 14).

Like Paul's disciples, we can often draw conclusions for our friends and loved ones out of our own discernment instead of seeking out the Word and the Holy Spirit's direction?  How many of our parents, spouses and friends finally come to grips with our own calling(s) to serve in dangerous professions such as law enforcement or the military?  

My prayer for us is that, like Paul, we too will seek and be obedient to the Lord's callings on lives, regardless of the risks or consequences. Brethren, God is calling us to go into harm's way with the Gospel regardless of the consequences. Let us be willing to obediently exclaim, "Let the will of the Lord be done!"  

I encourage you to dig deeper by exploring the excellent verse-by-verse commentary on this chapter by Pastor David Guzik's: Study Guide for Acts 21

Finally, lets not forget that Paul was able to "trust and obey" not through anything he could do on his own but rather because he opted to act under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Accordingly, it is again vital that we understand that this power is available only to those who have entered into a genuine, born again relationship with God in Christ.  Is that you?  If not, consider the following:

(1) Jesus' first words in His earthly ministry were: " Repent and believe... " ( Mark 1:15 ). To repent  is a "180" -- a complete, radical change of mind and heart as it relates your sin. To believe  as He intends it here is to  completely and radically surrender to Him in faith  ("believe" and "faith" have the same Greek root meaning) in the same way you have faith that your body armor will stop the rounds it is designed to stop or that a skydiver's parachute will open (we stake our lives on it)! The "Good News" of course is the Gospel of Christ. Moreover, the words repent and believe are literally two sides of the same coin in meaning and intent (see the "Are you really a Christian" link below for more). 

(2) The same concept of "believe" is further explained in John 3:1-21 where Jesus says, "... you must be born again." Note our Lord's emphasis on must (not "may" or "should"): this is the life-saving/life-changing personal relationship (not "religion") with Christ that I stress so often. See " What does it mean to be a born again Christian?" Now dig into the following: 

(a) Still think that you can "earn" or "deserve" heaven (or escape hell) by simply being a "good person" (or a "good cop")?  Then take the Good Person Test  and see how you do. Then go to...
(b) Are you really a Christian?   If not (or you're not really sure)... 
(d)  Cops and Salvation (a powerful, short message from police Commander Travis Yates of Ten-Four Ministries and Law Officer Magazine ).
(e) Got saved?  Now what?

Need prayer, counsel or more info? Feel free to  contact me.   Let's seek to be fully obedient to the calling God has for our lives!
