Juneteenth in the Fillmore on Saturday, June 16, 2018

With regular mindfulness meditation practice, there are well-documented benefits to mental and physical health and spiritual well-being, including relief from symptoms of stress and a greater capacity be compassionate. When making time to practice in a safe and quiet place, being still, and turning attention inward, the mind can more easily become aware of present moment experience. This is where habitual patterns of thinking and behavior can be noticed, presenting an opportunity for change in ways that may improve one's health and promote peace for oneself and for the world. The meditation will be led by Mary Costello who practices meditation with the Insight and Zen communities in San Francisco. She has a graduate degree in Integrative Health and professional training in both Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and in mindfulness facilitation. There are free, weekly, 30-minute meditation sessions. Each will begin with a 10-minute guided meditation, followed by a 20-minute silent meditation.