Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton will join the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church, for a joint worship service at Westchester Lutheran Church in Los Angeles at 3 p.m. Following the worship service, a panel discussion will be offered by Eaton and Curry along with members of the Los Angeles Police Department focusing on how faith communities and law enforcement can work together to ensure safe communities.


Confirmation class begins January 15th in the Conference Room from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for all middle school students. We'll have games in the gym and dinner will be provided! Please let the office know that you're planning to come by choosing the photo above!

Worship & Music

All are welcome to join us for our next Worship & Music meeting on Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. We will be planning Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, and the end of April. Come and share your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration!

Congregational Chat

Please plan to stay after the service on Jan. 22 for our next Congregational Chat from our fine Council President Deyo!

Youth Group Meeting

High school youth are invited to our 1st Youth Group meeting on Jan. 22 from 5 - 7 pm in the Conference Room. We'll have dinner, Bible study, games in the gym, plan for future events, and more! Bring a friend and your Bible too!

Lutheran World Relief Gifts

ALC Women are collecting funds to buy goats, chickens, tree seedlings, etc. for those in need. We'd love your help! Please place donations in an offering envelope and mark it LWR Gifts by Jan. 22. Checks should be made to "ALCW".

Sunday School

Sunday School for preschool - elementary has resumed! We have new curriculum and excited teachers ready for all Sunday School students. If you are in middle school or high school and want to help volunteer, let us know by choosing this photo.

Game Night

Join us for an evening of fun and games on Friday, January 27 at 7:00 pm in the conference room! Bring your favorite game and your friends!

AVoLA Concert

Artistic Director Dr. Steve Kronauer would like to invite all of you to his next AVoLA concert on Saturday, January 28 at 3:30 pm at the First United Methodist Church at 500 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena! "Transcending Borders" is a concert celebrating the opening of the modern era of communication. A main feature of the program is "Mass Transmission", a novel and moving work by current Grammy-nominee and Kennedy Center composer-in-residence, Mason Bates. This musical vignette recounts the story of a Dutch mother from the 1920s communicating for the first time via radio transmission with her young daughter, a page in the distant Duch colony of Java. Chorus and soloists Lisa Christine Holmberg and Sarah Reynolds sing the poignant libretto. This concert will also include works by Bach, Brahms, Parry, Dove, Vierne, Kodaly, Dvorak, and Janacek. Tickets can be purchased for $25 from Lisa or online at www.transcendingborders.bpt.me

Annual Meeting Potluck
Wirtz Leaving Potluck

Mark your calendar! Our annual meeting will be Sun., Jan. 29! We will have a potluck! Plan to enjoy a time of fellowship together. Sign up to bring your favorite dish!        Sign up here!

Souper Bowl of Caring

We will be collecting soup cans from now until Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 5) for Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) and Lutheran Social Services (LSS). We will have special baskets set out to collect our donated soup cans.

Winter Youth Retreat

We are planning ahead for LRCC's annual winter retreats, so put it on your calendar ASAP. This year's theme is "Quality over Quantity" and will be full of worship, workshops, and hopefully plenty of snow!

This is an all age opportunity!
Elementary will be from  January 27th - 29th
Middle School will be from  February 24th - 26th
High School will be from  February 18th-20th

The retreat cost is $139. If the cost is an issue, please let the office know.
Also, there are dates available other than the ones we are currently planning on attending. Please let Youth Director Eric Gifford know know as soon as possible if you can if you can make it by choosing the photo above!

Lost and Found

Have you lost an item? Our Lost and Found is growing. It includes two sets of keys, bifocal glasses, sunglasses, a sippy water bottle, and a hoodie. Stop by the office if you've lost an item.

75th Anniversary Luncheon

Invite your friends, family, neighbors, prospective members, former members, those who've moved away, and more to join us for our 75th Anniversary Luncheon! We'll celebrate our rich history with some blasts from the past and a focus on what's ahead. The luncheon will take place immediately following our 10:00 am service on Sunday, Feb. 26 and will feature musical guests Homenaje. Be sure to reserve the afternoon for food, fellowship, and fun! 

Altar Flowers

The new 2017 Altar Flower sign-up is available in the narthex and online! Celebrate a special occasion or dedicate flowers in honor or memory of a loved one by purchasing flowers for the altar on Sunday! The cost is $40 which can be placed in the offering and marked "flowers" or paid online. 

Amazon Smile

Do you order gifts and other items from Amazon? Did you know that by using the Amazon Smile and choosing American Lutheran Church & School of Burbank as your charity to support, Amazon will donate a portion of the money that you spend to ALC? It's true, and your cost is the same whether you choose to donate or not. So be sure to direct those funds toward a good cause! Choose the photo above to get started!

Counters Needed

We are in need of more volunteers to be counters. If you are able to stay after the 10:00 am service on Sundays and help count the offering, please talk to Bob Norgauer. Thanks!

Heavenly Voices

Do you know a young person that would like to sing? Children in preschool - elementary school are invited to join our new choir, Heavenly Voices! They rehearse for roughly ten minutes each Sunday immediately following the service. Heavenly Voices hopes to sing during the service about once a month. All are invited. No experience is necessary. Bring a friend! :)

Volunteers Needed 

We need volunteers to help serve during our 10:00 am worship service on Sundays. We need people of all ages to be acolytes, communion assistants, greeters & ushers, readers, work audio visual, and provide refreshments. Just choose the picture above to sign up. No experience is necessary! :)

ALC and Social Media
Did you know that spreading the Good News is as easy as choosing a button? Interact with American Lutheran Church online on these social media sites: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Yelp by choosing the pictures above and below! When you like and share our sites and posts, you're helping to spread the Good News! Don't forget to use the Amazon Smile link below and choose ALC as your charity when shopping so that a portion of your purchases come back to the church! Also be sure to make use of all of our great online resources such as our website, online sermons, online church photo directory, and online giving by choosing the icon below. If you'd like help using any of these resources, call us at 818-846-0295.

Prayer Requests

Do you have a prayer request? It seems that everywhere we look people are in need of prayer, prayers for peace, safety, an end to terrorist attacks and homelessness, prayers for health concerns, guidance, employment, and much more. If you need prayer, contact Pastor Reggie Hansome at  [email protected] or  818-846-0295. You can also choose the picture above. He will be happy to pray with you.


