June 22,

No. 134

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
This week we focus on themes of cooperative security in China, a chengyu delivered by Xi Jinping on April 26, and a documentary film on startups in China.
Weekly Readings

On June 9th and 10th, Xi Jinping presided over the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting in Qingdao. His speech presented China's version of cooperative security, and the People's Daily ran a series of articles expanding on the different aspects of the speech. Xi presented a mixture of traditional Chinese Communist Party diplomacy and a defense of some international institutions. Xi's reassuring messages cannot help but be contrasted to the fracturing of the West, both among and within nations.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

zhuàng shì duàn wàn

Meaning: literally, for the warrior to cut off his own wrist [after a snake bite], but figuratively, to take quick and decisive action to prevent greater problems. 

In the same April 26 speech (that was not released by Xinhua until June 13) we highlighted last week, Xi Jinping uses this chengyu to emphasize the drastic measures needed to economically and ecologically transform and upgrade the Yangtze Economic Belt. This chengyu is often used together, as it was this time, with  刮骨疗伤, to scrape the bone to heal the wound.

Original:  推动长江经济带高质量发展要以壮士断腕、刮骨疗伤的决心,积极稳妥腾退化解旧动能,破除无效供给,彻底摒弃以投资和要素投入为主导的老路,为新动能发展创造条件、留出空间,进而致力于培育发展先进产能,增加有效供给,加快形成新的产业集群,孕育更多吃得少、产蛋多、飞得远的好"鸟",实现腾笼换鸟、凤凰涅槃。

Video of the Week

The documentary film  Too Big for China focuses on the mainland startup industry. Viewers can follow several investors and startup companies through the process of securing and giving out funding.  Given the characteristics of the Chinese national banking system, the film details how private investors fill a void in China's financial system by providing small loans with lower barriers to entry. 

This documentary features a good amount of Chinese dialogue (with subtitles), and will be suitable for those interested in startup culture and investor-startup relationships in China.

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