Dear Direct Response Letter Subscriber:

There's a guy online named Copywriter Jim who doesn't like the
fact that I wrote Secrets of a Freelance Writer, my book on how
to get started and succeed as a freelance copywriter.

His objection: He doesn't believe I can be a working copywriter
with a full client load and still find time to write how-to

Therefore, he questions whether I am really a working
copywriter, implying that I am not ... and that my advice on the
copywriting business is worthless.

This is a common and mistaken view some people have of authors
who write books on how to succeed in a given field or
profession: Namely, that if these authors were really active in
that profession, they would not have time to write how-to books
telling others how to get into that profession.

This is pure nonsense, and I can prove it in 2 easy steps.
First - Jim, here is a partial list of my clients:

And second, here is a partial list of my books - 80 published
to date:

The reason Copywriter Jim is cynical and disbelieving is likely
that he is not a productive writer and cannot imagine turning
out this kind of output.

But actually, he can do it ... and you can, too ... when you follow
these simple suggestions for taking your writing output to the
next level:

1-Isaac Asimov, author of over 465 books and my writing hero,
said to be a prolific author you have to make being prolific a
goal. I enjoy being prolific and so I work to make it happen.
If you are to be prolific, you really have to want it.

2-Work long hours. For decades, I worked 12 hours a day, Monday
through Friday, and took one week's vacation a year. In my old
age, I may have slowed down a little ... but not that much.

3-Another Asimov suggestion: Have multiple writing projects in
the works at the same time. That way, when you tire of project
#1 during your work day, instead of closing up shop, you simply
put it aside and work on project #2.

4-Aside from writing, outsource everything else in your
business, including online research, proofreading, running your
web site, doing HTML, and administrative tasks. That way, you
have more hours in the day to write.

5-I do not mow the lawn, change light bulbs, paint the house,
hammer nails to fix loose boards, spackle, garden, or do any
household chores. My wife does the ones she enjoys and we hire
people to do the rest. Reason: your supply of time and energy is
limited, so why waste it on mundane tasks with a low ROI?

6-I usually get a full 8 hours of sleep at night. When I do, I
am much more productive the next day. I believe this is so
critical to my productivity that I do not go out on work nights.

7-I do not go to meetings or business breakfasts, lunches, or
dinners. I do not join committees and I rarely attend meetings
of professional associations, even if I am a member. The
exception is when I am speaking.

One of my early mentors, MP, pushed me to go to lunch meetings
of various direct marketing groups. I found that doing so ate up
half a day of billable time.

8-I largely ignore social media, especially Facebook and
Twitter. They are a tremendous time suck.

9-Stay at your desk during work hours. Do not make excursions to
7-11 or to get a haircut. Get the haircut when office hours are

10-Keep electronic files of your writing well organized and easy
to retrieve. Store them all on your PC hard drive or a network
storage device, and back them up automatically off site.
Organize files using subdirectories by client or project. Save
e-mails by client or project in Outlook Express.

One more tip: save everything you write. You never know when a
page or two in an old sales letter can be reworked into a new
online promotion, or articles compiled into an e-book.

For example, in an early direct mail letter, I wrote a generic
description of how options trading works. When I want to explain
the basics of options trading in a letter today, I just clip the
original description, paste it into my new project file, and do
some editing so I am not plagiarizing myself.

One writer I read about made thousands of dollars by recycling
an article she had written about going to India to 37 different
magazines and newspapers. Smart lady!


Bob Bly

P.S. If you'd like to dramatically increase your writing speed,
output, and productivity, click here now:
Bob Bly
Copywriter / Consultant
31 Cheyenne Dr.
Montville, NJ 07045
Phone 973-263-0562
Fax 973-263-0613

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