MCC is in a place of transition. We are in a place of questions, and for many uncertainty. Some are in need of healing and reconciliation. Others are in need of restoration and renewed joy. Some are experiencing a sense of division. Others feel united in common struggle. Some feel despair. Others feel hopeful. Some are in a space of lamentation. Others are in the midst of celebration. 

This is the human condition, to experience all of the best and worst parts of ourselves at the same time. And it is in the midst of all of this that we are called to make change in our world and bring about liberation for all. 

Sacred Spirit of wonder, we pause in our hectic and distracting, joyful and sad, hope filled and despairing lives to assume a posture of contemplation and humility towards ourselves and each other. 
May we remember that we all struggle in various ways. 
May we remember that we all hunger for justice. 
May we remember that we all live on both sides of privilege and oppression. 
May we remember that we all came to MCC for a reason; out of hunger for healing, a sense of call, a desire for a community who reflects the divine. 
May we cultivate in ourselves a spirit of curiosity.
May we cultivate in ourselves a spirit of generosity. 
May we cultivate in ourselves a spirit of collaboration. 
May we cultivate in ourselves a spirit of vulnerability, and forgiveness. 
May we remember to make the space for others that we hope is made for ourselves, and that we do you the divine as we do to the least of those among us. 

prayer submitted by

Associate Director of International Diversity and Inclusion
Metropolitan Community Churches

© 2017 Metropolitan Community Churches
PO Box 50488  |  Sarasota  | Florida  | 34232  |  USA
Phone: +1 (310) 360-8640  |  Fax: +1 (310) 388-1252