I encourage you to replace every single word in this prayer you don't like, with a word that suits you better. Nothing should be in your way when trying to establish a connection to god.

I love to use this technical phrase for praying: make a connection, turn on the radio, go online... I believe God is always on air, online, trying to reach us. But we have to turn on the radio, establish a connection, to hear him, feel her and talk to him.

We often forget to turn that switch, sometimes we even forget there is a switch. Sometimes the switch is damaged or broken and needs repair. For some people the switch may be not fixable anymore during their lifetime. But that doesn't mean god isn't with them.

I believe that even the wish to able to pray, to make that connection, to turn the switch, is a prayer in itself - a powerful one.

I invite you to take 3 deep slow breaths into the nose and out through the mouth, realizing your feet on the floor and the points of contact to the chair you are sitting on, before you begin to pray. Get yourself ready to establish your connection to god:


Holy God, Creator, Motherfather, wearing all the colors of skin and gender.
In times I feel anxious, depressed and desperate, help me to remember:
YOU are always with me, in me, even in times I cannot feel you - residing in my inner core that can never be destroyed.

Jesus Christ, Son of Man, best friend and teacher.
In times I feel weak, helpless and oppressed, help me to remember:
YOU are always with me, in me - Christpower, the force of empowerment, friendship and love.

Holy Ruach, holy female ghost, dove of peace.
Help me to switch off the news channels more often; they are celebrating and praising violence, war and destruction.
They are leaving me in restlessness, they poison me with fear and anger, trying to replace the good news Jesus Christ teaches us, with the latest sensation, the latest disaster.
Be with me holy Ruach, inspire me, help me to develop my courage and vital energy, to help myself and others.


prayer submitted by

Board Member
MCC Cologne

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