A Message from the Executive Director:
W hen I arrived at Cranaleith, just over two years ago, I was given a small bonsai tree, symbolic of this sanctuary of trees. At the installation ceremony, I was commissioned to make it grow. Little did I know then that the growth that would take place was both at Cranaleith and in myself.  Read more>
Upcoming Programs 2015-2016
Since its opening in 1998, Cranaleith Spiritual Center has welcomed and served nearly 35,000 guests through its non-denominational program offerings and spirit-rekindling environment of hospitality, respect and trust. View upcoming programs:

Cranaleith resuscitated my spirit by providing a safe and tranquil space. After attending a workshop on "Tending Moral Injury After War" my spirit began to heal from the wounds of
combat seldom discussed. -- Aronda Smith, Women Veterans Coordinator, Veterans Multi-Service Center, City Council Veterans Advisory Commissioner

To register for programs, please call 215-934-6206, download and fax/mail the Program Registration Form  or contact us via email at [email protected] or by using the Contact Form.
Family of Gardeners
Cranaleith is not only blessed with beautiful natural surroundings but also with a successful eco-therapy program called Garden Wisdom. Our garden produces a wealth of organic vegetables, herbs and native plants using permaculture, a gardening practice that emulates the patterns in nature. The harvest is used in meals served to our retreatants who appreciate the value of local, fair trade or homegrown food.  Read more>


Photo by T.S. DiBello

Reflection by Maria DiBello, RSM
Is the soul solid, like iron?
Or is it tender and breakable, like
the wings of a moth
in the beak of the owl?
Who has it, and who doesn't?
I keep looking around me.
One question leads to another.
Does it have a shape?
Like an iceberg? 
Encounters With Mercy: 
A Forum in Response to Pope Francis
How does a moment become a movement? How does an encounter with a person create change in us that's lasting? The visit of Pope Francis stirred immense energy in our Philadelphia Community. Cranaleith's mission committee was determined to find a way that this energy wouldn't dissipate, but instead would seep into a deeper place where we could imagine and create a different, more merciful world for our brothers and sisters.

On October 24th, a diverse community gathered to dip back into the experience of Francis' presence, and pour that energy into the wounds of our time.  Read more>

Passing the Baton 

Frank Trainer Sr.

and Ski Ulinski

This fall, Zigmont Ulinski retired after serving 19 years as the Grounds and Maintenance Director of Cranaleith. Ski viewed this role as a sacred trust passed on to him by Frank Trainer Sr., under whose mentorship he learned not only to care for the trees and the buildings, but to have a warmth in welcoming each guest who came. In his tenure, the buildings expanded and the guests served grew to 4,500. We appreciate your faithful stewardship and your care in passing the baton to Stephen Campbell, your able successor. "LuiSki Falls" stands as testimony to your determination to create a lasting symbol of the life-giving waters of the Spirit that flow continuously through this land and the beauty you have nurtured,which blesses all those who gather here to pray, to reflect, to plan, and to play. We bless you, Ski, and thank you.

Join Cranalieth Business Council
Cranaleith Business Council offers programs and opportunities throughout the year for businesses executives and staff. Council members can take advantage of a range of benefits including retreats, vision and planning sessions, leadership development, team building and days of refreshment and renewal. Members can also make use of Cranaleith's meeting space, guest passes to programs, website recognition, and networking events. Business Council membership is a great way to maximize a charitable contribution while helping us carry out our mission. For more information, contact Veneta Lorraine at 215-934-6206 x101 or [email protected] or  Learn more here>
Women's Forum - Save the Date, October 1, 2016
Cranaleith will present a special program inspired by a number of great women who accomplished amazing feats in an effort to raise up the status of women in the 19th century. Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906, Rachel Foster Avery (1858-1919) and Catherine McAuley (1778-1841), all have an historical connection to Cranaleith Spiritual Center and have left a legacy that continues to empower and inspire women today.

Using the values of these important historical figures as a foundation, Cranaleith will present Women of Strength and Vision, a day-long forum. Topic areas will include contemporary methods for inspiring and uplifting women, how values and integrity guide choices, mentoring personal gifts and how tosupport the empowerment of women today. Speakers will rangefrom spiritual to business leaders. For more information, contact Veneta Lorraine at 215-934-6206 x101 or [email protected]

Provident God, pour out your blessings on our benefactors. Their goodness has encouraged us; their gifts have enhanced our efforts to re-create your merciful presence in our world. In gratitude, we ask you to reward them with signs of your generous love and, when their lives on Earth are over, to welcome them to your heavenly banquet. -- Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy
Support Our Mission - Ways to Give

Our  mission is fueled by your support enabling us to tend to the wounds of the heart andspirit. Please consider a financial gift via check payable to Cranaleith Spiritual Center , credit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover), a Matching or Recurring Gift or Planned Giving.
Visit www.cranaleith.org or call Veneta Lorraine at 215-934-6206 ext. 101 or [email protected] to learn more. Our United Way Donor Option number is 12596

Find a complete list of our donors on our website: www.cranaleith.org/donors


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Cranaleith Spiritual Center| 13475 Proctor Road | Philadelphia, PA 19116 |