Thank you for your advocacy on this criminal justice bill thus far. It is because of you that we are just
one signature away
from making positive CJ reform a reality.
We need Governor Baker's signature to ensure that this comprehensive bill becomes law!
The bill itself is 122 pages long, but here are some highlights:
Mandatory Minimums:
Repeals five current minimums that give long sentences on drug charges.
CORI Reform:
Lowers the number of years for sealing from employers from 10 years on felonies to 7 years as well as 5 years on misdemeanors to 3 years. This makes it easier for the formerly incarcerated to get more access to affordable housing and occupational licenses.
Fines and Fees:
Eliminates the parole fee in the first year of release and for the first 6 months of probation.
Felony Threshold:
Threshold for monetary minimum constituting a felony for theft raised from $250 to $1500.
Juvenile Justice Reform:
Allows some expungement of records of juveniles & young adults. Raised age from 7 to 12 for when children have to go to court on cases.
Solitary Confinement
: Many changes made including periodic reviews, allowing visits, more humane alternatives and time in solitary reduced.
This has been a priority of NASW-MA for several legislative sessions and we are very pleased with this outcome.
Convicted Caregivers:
Provisions included to lessen sentencing primary parents to prison and encourages community-based treatment as an alternative to incarceration if caring for a child.
Bail Reform:
Allowing individuals to demonstrate financial hardship to make bail so less people will be imprisoned solely due to financial insecurity.
Compassionate Medical Release:
Those who are incarcerated and are also terminally ill or severely disabled is made more available.
Police Training:
Encourages police departments to train officers in implicit bias and in deescalation.
This is the culmination of several years of hard work and we cannot let this be a missed opportunity.
Thank you for your advocacy,
Sophie Hansen, LCSW
Political Director