July 27, 2017
Manufacturing Renaissance Receives DCEO Youth Apprenticeship Grant
SPRINGFIELD - The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced the locations of the initial Apprenticeship PLUS pilots under the Governor’s Cabinet for Children and Youth. The pilots specifically target both in-school and-out-of-school youth between the ages of 16 and 24, and provide them with specific career education, a chance to earn industry-recognized credentials and do on-the-job training. 

 In Summary:

Manufacturing Renaissance, Chicago
Industry: Manufacturing
Youth Served: 50
DCEO Funding: $235,000

Description: In partnership with Youth Guidance and Bowen High School, low-income youth in Chicago’s Southland will receive manufacturing training through a new, specifically designed facility as well as professional skill development workshops.

Each pilot will run for a year before being evaluated to learn how to further expand apprenticeship programs throughout the state.

   Manufacturing Renaissance | Phone  773-278-5418|