May 2016

Commission Meeting 
 Wednesday May 11 , 2016
10:00 AM

Chairman Ernest Chrappah
Innovation For innoMAYtion
During the month of May the administration of Mayor Muriel Bowser is highlighting innovative ways the city meets the needs of residents and how local entrepreneurs are reshaping the District through an initiative entitled  innoMAYtion. In support of this effort D CTC has partnered with to provide drivers an additional source of revenue from on-demand taxi delivery service. So drivers interested in making extra money should contact DCTC Client Services to have your name added to the list. It's that simple to sign up. We will follow up with further instructions. The Client Services Department is open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  Call 202-645-6001.
Free Online Training
Driver Training
The DC Taxicab Commission is providing free online training to drivers to study at their own pace. Current courses cover disability sensitivity and the DCTaxiApp. It's easy to get started. To enroll  click here to register from a desktop or laptop computer (not a mobile device); or  visit the training centers at Yellow Cab, District Cab, UVC, VIP, or your company or association. Upcoming courses will include conflict resolution and a review of Title 31 regulations. Drivers should take advantage of this free online training now to prepare to meet future requirements.  
Taxicab Uniform Color Design
Vehicle Retirement Rules
The DC Taxicab Commission has listened to feedback from the vehicle-for-hire industry about the rules for vehicle retirement. The Commission plans to extend the age limits as part of broader efforts to reduce the burden of regulations and put more money in drivers' pockets.  This is an example of why it is important for you to express your opinions and concerns, to attend General Commission Meetings and to be aware of the issues that affect your business and its operations.  For the May meeting agenda go to .  
Service Alert
The recent announcement of upcoming repair work and the expected service disruptions on Metro is prompting the Commission to begin planning with the vehicle-for-hire industry to ensure the public will have options in the transportation ecosystem. 
Contact Information
In order to facilitate communication and provide access to various industry-related updates all owners and operators licensed by the Commission are required to keep current contact information on file which must include a mailing address, a phone number and an email address. Client Services will not conduct transactions without verification that this information has been provided. 
Tell Us What You Think
The DC Taxicab Commission wants your feedback. The opinions and insight we receive from the vehicle-for-hire industry, related stakeholders and the general public provide invaluable input that shapes policies, programs and regulations. We want to hear from you!   Give Feedback 
DC Taxicab Commission 
2235 Shannon Place, SE, Suite 3001
Washington, DC 20020