Florida PTA     1747 Orlando Central Parkway     Orlando, Florida     32809     407-855-7604     800-373-5782
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Ahhh...the holidays!  Or is it Uhhh...the holidays?!  For some, this time of year brings joy and smiles abundant. They begin listening to Christmas carols entirely too early (you know who you are) and the thought of decorations, cookie exchanges, and gift-wrapping fill them with glee.

And then there are folks like me.  For some reason this time of year makes me feel even more behind, a little more overwhelmed, maybe even a little inadequate. I often start the season with great intentions and with the idea that I'll send cards this year, or I'll remember everyone who should be on my giving list, or maybe even go to a party or two (and no, work parties do not count). Inevitably, just like last year, it always ends the same. I postpone the cards until it's too late, I decide to shorten my "giving" list to family (because technically they have to like what I give them), and each party invite is met with, "I'd love to come!", which means, "I'll think of you as I sit at my computer!".

Each year I try to be one of you crazy, fun-filled "Holiday Happies". I truly do. Just ask the Ghost of Christmases Past. He'll tell you. He'll also roll his eyes.

So, here's my challenge to myself and to you:  I'll buy a small box of cards, write short notes of cheer, and pass them out to random people I see who may wear a similar look of holiday angst. I'll add a few unexpected folks to the giving list and not even worry if they like the small token, but hope that they receive it with the intent in which it is given.  Maybe if I focus more on what small difference I can make, rather than my inability to be Pinterest-perfect, I can elevate myself to becoming a Holiday Happy!  

This year I promise this:  To believe in the spirit behind the holiday. To look for someone who needs a dose of it more than I do and offer a smile and a "Merry Christmas".  To ignore the pressure of perfection and find the pleasure in small gestures of giving.  Who knows?  Maybe there's a party in my future...

But don't push it with the Christmas carols.

Cindy Gerhardt
Save These Dates!

Legislative Conference
March 26-27, 2017
Leadership Convention
Innisbrook Resort & Spa
July 13-16, 2017
 ALL Children Are OUR Children Summit Re-Cap
On Saturday, December 3rd, Florida PTA hosted the 3rd annual State Summit at Middleton High School in Tampa, Florida. 

The event featured many resource exhibitors and wonderful subject matter experts in the areas of homelessness, foster care, juvenile justice and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  It was well attended by PTA and community members from across the state.  Tackling these tough topics, presenters and participants shared stark statistics, heart-breaking stories, and inspiring calls to action.  The attendees not only asked engaging questions but also strategized how they will take the information back and start making changes within their schools and neighborhoods.

For more information on how you can connect to resources and fellow advocate organizations supporting these vulnerable populations in your community visit our new Resource Guide.

 Real Talk
 Learning Leaders
This month we are discussing the phrases  "I don't know" vs  "I didn't know" .

Sometimes we do not even realize there can be a difference.  As leaders we try to ensure our teams are set up for success and working as a cohesive unit.   Let's explore these phrases in different ways to help us see the phrases from a different perspective.

Many times we find ourselves in situations where either we or someone else says, "I didn't know that".  Well, is it that we truly didn't know, that we forgot the information or we did not look for the information? In this case, "I didn't know" would mean the information was available but there was a lack of engagement to seek the information or maybe it was forgotten or merely overlooked. 

Often we can hear the same in situations, "I don't know".  As we are new to our roles, new programs, and new ideas, this phrase would seem more appropriate.  "I don't know" in this case would mean, "I'm learning something new and have a thirst for the knowledge.  I seek out the knowledge for success".

Exciting that there can be a difference right?  So as leaders, how does this impact us?  Well...it is hard to say because each situation is different; but we know that we must reflect: w as the information there or was there a miscommunication? Either way we must move forward and grow as leaders.  Understanding these differences can make a world of better communication. 

Jen Martinez
VP of Leadership Development
Spotlight On...

Congratulations to Pinellas County Council President,  Jessica Summers , who was featured in the winter edition of Good Living's Guide to Happy, Healthy Kids  (see page 31)! Jessica's dedication to advocating for children is remarkable and we are so proud of her work!
Winter Break!

Florida PTA wishes all its members a wonderful holiday season!  

Our State Office will be closed from December 23 until January 2nd.  We will re-open on Tuesday, January 3rd.  

Need some easy Christmas baking ideas?  Check this out!