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Dear Volunteers,

We hope that your holidays are rolling along well because before we know it the cookie sale will be upon us! Some of the most accomplished Girl Scout alumnae reminisce that selling cookies is their defining memory of their troop experience.


The Girl Scout cookie program is this country's largest girl-driven enterprise. When a girl sells cookies she's creating a plan, interacting with customers and working as part of a team to achieve goals. In the process, she's building a lifetime of skills and confidence. One way to "supersize" the Girl Scout cookie program experience is for troops to attend the annual Cookie Rallies (Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors) and Cookie Colleges (Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors).


Has your troop signed up? If not, you can click here to register for the cookie event nearest to you. These events offer fun and engaging workshops that will train girls around five key skills they will use in their school, career and everyday lives:

  1. Goal Setting
  2. Decision Making
  3. Money Management
  4. People Skills
  5. Business Ethics

Register now to join us for the Cookie Rallies and Cookie Colleges coming up on January, 4, 2014. Come hungry to learn and for taste testing cookies! Until then, we sincerely thank you for your investment in girls. Have a safe, happy and healthy season.


Happy Holidays,


Signature - Jane Ransom
 Carolyn Warman Jane Ransom
 Board Chair   President & CEO
Ashdon Farms Chooses Local Girl Scout for Sweet National Recognition
Kayla, shown planting flowers at a local church, is looking forward to getting more involved with community service in 2014.

As we celebrate the end of our 2013 Fall Product sale, we also celebrate one of our very own Girl Scouts, Kayla South of Troop 70244 in Stevens, PA for winning the Ashdon Farms' national Fall 2014 Be a Reader Activity Poster campaign! Ashdon Farms went nutty over Kayla's Girl Scout testimony on how she is going to "dive in" by setting goals for next year's sale.


In her testimony, Kayla writes that she plans to "do more community based activities, be a loyal and supportive sister to every Girl Scout, and be prepared for obstacles that may come up." This year Kayla hopes to inspire younger Girl Scouts to get active in their communities. Kayla lives by the Girl Scout motto of "Be prepared" and uses it as her moral compass. She reflects, "Being prepared could mean many things, but personally for me I think about thinking through problems and situations before I encounter or face them. I think, "If I say or do this now, will there be a positive or negative outcome later?"


With 2014 just around the corner, Kayla "intends to make this Girl Scout year the best yet!" We look forward to seeing Kayla's featured poster in Fall 2014!

Calling all National Delegates

Any interested girl member (ages 14+) and any adult member of GSHPA is encouraged to apply to serve as a GSHPA National Delegate and represent our council at the 2014 National GSUSA Convention at Salt Lake City, UT on October 16 - 19, 2014. If selected, all expenses will be paid by GSHPA but only a limited number of National Delegates will be selected. Applications are due January 3, 2014 at 5 pm. Click here to access to application and learn more.

Gobbler's Glenn: All the Comforts of Home at Camp Happy Valley   

As the weather gets colder, it is easy to get a little stir crazy at home, which is why we are excited to announce that Camp Happy Valley's new unit, Gobbler's Glenn, is now available for reservation.

 Gobbler's Glenn, named after the wild turkeys that roam camp, is a mobile home camping unit that sleeps 12 people in bunk beds and is a perfect place for troops to cozy up after an exciting day of adventures any time of the year!
This unit is now available to rent for $80.00/night for GSHPA users and $160.00/night for outside groups. Other winter-friendly features include:
  • Kitchen with refrigerator, sink  stove and microwave
  • Two bathrooms each with a shower and flush toilet
  • Year round hot and cold running water
  • Central heating
While staying at Gobbler's Glenn, located at the upper part of camp, campers can enjoy the 57 acres of wooded and open land that is perfect for hiking, games, sports, geocaching and wildlife spotting and then retreat back to the unit for a cozy night of rest and recuperation. Don't forget to bring all your hot chocolate fixings!

Click here to view more photos of Gobbler's Glenn.

Camp Archbald Set to Re-Open in May 2014

As construction continues on the new dining hall over the course of this winter, why not be one of the first to visit Camp Archbald this spring? We are now accepting reservations for a limited number of units beginning as early as May 14, 2014.



Only 4 Days to Register for Cookie Rally & Cookie College
Girl Scout Cookie Season is just around the corner and we can't wait to learn more about at Cookie Rally and Cookie College on Saturday, January 4, 2014! Bring your thinking caps and your cookie knowledge because it is time to strategize and get energized!

Cookie Rally (10 a.m.-noon) will teach Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts customer service skills and marketing techniques that will make cookie boxes fly off the booths!

Cookie College (1:30 p.m.-4 p.m.) will challenge Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts valuable skills to use this cookie season and graduate with the title CEO (Cookie Entrepreneur Officers).

Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania will be hosting four regional Cookie Rallies and Cookie Colleges.
Cost to attend the event is $5 per Girl Scout.

Registration Deadline is December 9, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. or until all spots are filled.

Cookie Rally & Cookie College are supported by M&T Bank, Glatfelter, The Phillips Group and York Traditions Bank.

West Regional Office Set to Relocate

As the lease for our current office soon comes to an end, we are happy to announce that we have found our new West Regional office location at 216 West Hamilton Ave. in State College. Plans are already underway to be in our new home by the end of January 2014.


Checks and Balances: Girl Scout Banking Must Knowscheckbook-pen.jpg

Financial literacy plays a big role in the Girl Scout experience from cookies to budgeting troop trips and camp adventures, but it all must start with a Girl Scout troop bank account. Here are the banking must knows to get you started!


The first step in opening a Girl Scout troop bank account is to contact your Membership Associate to help you through the process. Some important things to note are that troop bank accounts can be opened at any bank the signers wish to use. In order to open a Girl Scout troop bank account there must be three signors on the account all of whom are registered adult members who have also been background checked and approved to handle money. Of those three signatures, at least one person has to be unrelated to the other two.


When the troop bank account is opened, the signors on the account are responsible for maintaining the account and should designate one person as the person responsible for keeping a log of all deposits and withdrawals from the account.


GSHPA encourages troops to avoid cash transactions whenever possible. When unavoidable, any cash transactions that do take place, like at cookie booths, should be immediately deposited into the troop's bank account and documented in the account log.  


One of the two signors who is not already responsible for maintaining the checkbook balance should receive the bank statements and compare them on a monthly basis with the log. At least two of the three people associated with the account should review the bank account as a checks and balance at all times. 




All troop bank accounts should be reconciled on a monthly basis. Any errors should be reported to the bank immediately. If fraud is suspected, you should contact your Membership Associate.




All troops must fill out and submit an annual financial report to your Membership Associate by July 31st. The final report should tie back to the June bank statement which should be included with the report.


In addition, names tied to the account should be checked once a year to ensure that all information is up to date.


If a troop disbands, one signer should go to the bank to close the account and mail a check of the funds to the GSHPA Harrisburg office at 350 Hale Ave, Harrisburg, PA 17104.


All forms tied to troop banking, annual financial reports and closing a troop bank account can be found online at under the "Forms" tab. 


If you have any questions concerning a troop bank account, contact your Membership Associate. 


Why did the Girl Scout Cross the Ocean?


Because She Could...

At Girl Scouts, girls can be anything that they want to be and go anywhere that they want to go! Some of the greatest Girl Scout experiences can happen near and far and are only limited by one's imagination.



Meeting Trips

Learn by experience and shake up the everyday meetings by arranging a visit to a community staple like a fire hall, radio station, hospital, or local point of interest. Meeting trips can coincide with community service projects, last about an hour and should be planned at least one week in advance.  


Day Trips

Usually lasting between 2-4 hours, day trips can be taken anywhere outside the community. Whether it is going for a hike at one of our seven camp grounds or wandering around a museum in Philadelphia the opportunities for adventure is just a short drive away.

Overnight Trips

A weekend getaway is a great way for a troop to really bond. Reserve a unit at one of our camps and really explore the outdoors while learning new and exciting skills such as archery, geocaching or braving one of our ropes course. To see what is available at our camps, reserve a unit, and see the requirements for camp activities, please visit

Meeting Trip Example: Girl Scout Troop 70133 from GS Community Rolling Hills ventured out on a hike through downtown Lititz (Lancaster County). The girls explored the history of the town while stopping at many popular stores and attractions.  
Overnight Trip Example: Daisy Troop 71306, of Friendly Valley, Lancaster County, attended the Philadelphia Zoo sleepover program. During a night tour around the zoo, they explored a life-size bee hive.  


Extended Overnight Trips

Our neighboring states have plenty to offer both in beautiful parks and metropolitan cities. Is your troop learning about citizenship and civic duty? Washington D.C. is waiting for your girls! Does your troop want to get back to our historical Girl Scout roots? Savannah, Ga., home of Juliette Gordon Low, is a popular place for troops to visit.


All extended overnight trips must be planned at least one month in advance. Meeting, day, overnight, and extended overnight trips can be planned with your Membership Associate.


Did you know that local Girl Scouts go global every year?

There are four world centers located around the globe that allow Girl Scouts to interact with international girls just like them and work together to make the world a better place through community service. Girls will leave with a once in a lifetime experience as well as lasting friendships that stretch across land and sea. Four centers include: Our Caba�a in Cuernavaca, Mexico; Our Chalet in Adelboden, Switzerland; Pax Lodge in London, England; and Sangam in Pune, India. Don't let your compass stop there. Our GSHPA Girl Scouts have traveled as far as Australia and as close to Canada. Let your inner-explorer out and see the world!  

All international trips must be planned through the Regional Director for your area.
Extended Overnight Trip Example: Troop 10907 (Dauphin County), visited New York City for the Girl Scouts Senior Trip where they went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, walked through Central Park and Chinatown, saw the Broadway musical, Newsies and visited the Girl Scout of the USA Headquarters. They even had a bridging ceremony from Seniors to Ambassadors on the Brooklyn Bridge. 
GSHPA Girl Scouts visited international scouts and bettered the world through community service in West Sussex. They also had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit London and its sites, including Tower of London and Stonehenge.


For all trips near and far, GSHPA staff will provide you with all the forms (i.e. troop roster, medical forms, etc.) necessary to plan your trip and notify you of any trip requirements (i.e. background checks, immunizations, passports etc.)


The world is a big place. Start exploring it today by speaking to your Membership Associate to find out exactly what you need to do to take your troop on your next adventure.

Leader Enrichment Weekend

New and more experienced volunteers are all invited to attend a Leader Enrichment Weekend on January 24-26, 2014 at Camp Echo Trail. Organized by volunteers representing six different York County-based Girl Scout Communities, this fun-filled weekend will include workshops and trainings that will help enhance your Girl Scout experience. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Questions? Contact Donna Dandy at 717-229-0681 or Elaine Bevivino at 717-840-6397.


In This Issue
Ashdon Farms Chooses Local Girl Scout for Sweet National Recognition
Calling all National Delegates
Gobbler's Glenn: All the Comforts of Home at Camp Happy Valley
Camp Archbald Set to Re-Open in May 2014
Only 4 Days to Register for Cookie Rally & Cookie College
West Regional Office Set to Relocate
Checks and Balances: Girl Scout Banking Must Knows
Why did the Girl Scout Cross the Ocean?
Leader Enrichment Weekend

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View our videos on YouTube

Save the Date!

December 11 - Healthy Promise Video Chat - Episode #2   


January 3 - National Delegate Applications Due by 5 p.m.


January 4 - Cookie Rallies/Cookie Colleges Return   


January 8 - Healthy Promise Video Chat - Episode #3


February 19 - Healthy Promise Video Chat - Episode #4

March 1 - Traveling Store in York

March 8 - Traveling Store in Montoursville

March 15 - Traveling Store in State College

March 22 - Traveling State in Scranton

March 28 - GSHPA Scholarship Applications Due by 4:30 p.m.

April 4 - 6 - Work Days at Camp Echo Trail

April 4 - 6 - Work Days at Camp Furnace Hills

April 11 - 13 - Work Days at Camp Louise


April 25 - 27 - Work Days at Camp Archbald  


May 3 - GSHPA Annual Meeting  


June 21 - Gold Award Ceremony at Founder's Hall in Hershey, PA

Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania | 350 Hale Avenue | Harrisburg, PA 17104 | | 1.800.692.7816