Welcome to the monthly eNewsletter of the 
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD)

Digestive Health Monthly - December 2016

As we near the end of this year and the beginning of the next, we are reminded of all that we have accomplished and all that we still hope to achieve. For over 25 years, IFFGD has worked with patients and their families, researchers, healthcare professionals, industry leaders, and policy makers and regulators in the government to raise public awareness of the burden of illness and unmet needs of the Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders community and encourage research into these conditions, ultimately improving the lives of all people affected.

We are also reminded of all that we have to be thankful for. Most especially, we are thankful for YOU! We are grateful for all of your efforts over the past year and look forward to serving this community in 2017.

Happy Holidays,
Your friends at IFFGD

Give a Gift That Gives Back

This Holiday Season, give a gift to help raise critical awareness about the medical needs and challenges faced by those with a chronic digestive disorder and move towards a better future for all affected. 

Make your donation to IFFGD. Then, download this print - our gift to you in thanks.
Creativity and Healing 

Expressing the experience of living with a chronic digestive condition creatively, through art, poetry, or music, can help you better understand your own emotions and articulate your unique experience to others. 

Browse the collection of works submitted to IFFGD describing the personal experience of living with IBS, and tweet your own with  #ChronicArt
Stress and a Healthy Holiday Season 

The unpredictability of a chronic digestive condition can make it challenging to manage some of the demands of the holiday season. Having a well thought-out plan for handling whatever may arise can help reduce your stress. 

Get more tips on enjoying the holidays with IBS and other chronic digestive disorders.
Help Your Doctor Help You

If you suspect that foods or other activities may trigger or worsen your symptoms of GERD or other chronic digestive condition, try keeping a one week diary to isolate things in your daily life that may exacerbate symptoms. Once filled out, you can share the information with your doctor to help him or her get a better idea of your symptoms. 

Print and fill out this 1-week diary to get the most from your visit. 
IFFGD is a nonprofit organization. We rely on donor support to fund research and to provide reliable information and support to those affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.

IFFGD | (414) 964-1799 | [email protected] | www.iffgd.org
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