Phoenixville Community Education Foundation
Winter Fundraiser Update
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2015 PCEF Winter Fundraiser



Friday February 27, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Rivercrest Golf Club and Preserve


Corporate Sponsors
(as of 2/2/15)

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Theme Parks and Tickets to Win!
We have some great tickets to auction off at our Winter Fundraiser!

How would you like FOUR one day Park Hopper Passes to the Disney World Theme Parks!

If you bid just right you can also win a two night stay at one of 4 Universal Orlando resort hotels!

If Orlando is too far, what about tickets to HersheyPark?  Or perhaps the Franklin Institute or The Brandywine River Museum, if theme parks aren't your thing.

But you can't win them if you don't get your tickets to the Fundraiser!

CLICK HERE to visit our Event's Home Page and get tickets!
What's The Evening Like?
If you haven't had a chance to attend our fundraiser, or even if you have, it has changed a lot in the last few years.

You'll have the chance to see displays and meet students and teachers who have been directly affected by your donations to the Ed Foundation in our We Do This showcase as you enter.

Spend an enjoyable cocktail hour visiting with friends and looking over our fun auction items.   You can bid on things right from your smartphone so you don't have to rush around the room to keep an eye on the items you are trying to win.

A sumptuous buffet dinner is served and everyone has a seat to eat while they meet new friends and keep an eye on their bids.  A fun live auction completes the night of raising funds for all sorts of educational programs in Phoenixville. 
We look forward to seeing you on February 27th!


Kelly Connors, Executive Director
Phoenixville Community Education Foundation