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Do you have a B12 Deficiency?


Fatigue, depression and brain fog are just a few of the symptoms of B12 deficiency. B12 is needed for every cell in the body. There are some factors needed to absorb B12. 


B12 is a large molecule and is difficult to absorb. The process starts in the mouth with thorough chewing. Having proper amount of HCL (hydrochloric adic) in the stomach is necessary to break it down properly so that it can be absorbed into the small intestine. It is then transferred to the liver and circulated to other parts of the body.  


Poor chewing, missing teeth, and/or the use of acid reducing medications adds to this deficiency. If the pH of the stomach is not acidic enough, the enzymes needed to break down B12 and other nutrients are not activated, causing a deficiency. Many common meds are connected to B12 mal-absorption, like Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Maalox, even Metformin. Other factors which related to this are H. Pylori, pernicious anemia, bariatric surgery, IBS and other GI disorders.


B12 deficiency affects the peripheral nerves, the ones at the hands and feet, and in later stages the spinal cord. It's an important component for healthy myelin, the protective nerve coating. A B12 deficiency can create the tingling and numbness in the extremities, difficulty maintaining balance and coordination, abnormalities of gait, muscle weakness, tremors, age related hearing loss symptoms of irritability, depression or mania, paranoia, loss of concentration, memory loss, or dementia.


Since B12 is not always absorbed through the stomach well, using a sublingual B12 is a common way to supplement. It's best to use one that also has B6 and Folate, not folic acid. These should be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth for best absorption.






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Kessinger Health and Wellness Diagnostic Centre
Virginia, Amanda, Lucy, Annette, Carrie, Sharon, Manon, Jess, Haley, Amy &
Jay Kessinger, DC, ND, DABCI, DAN Doctor 
Robert Kessinger, DC
Christina Kessinger, DC