Parenting Special Needs Logo
Back-To -School _ Beyond Issue
What We're Sharing About This Week

Unwritten Rules

Unwritten Rules???
I'm sharing about the unwritten rules and politics of special education , AGAIN.  I think it is VERY IMPORTANT, and I want to encourage everyone to read or listen to the article. After advocating (and continuing to advocate) for my daughter for over 20 years, I've learned a few things from this article that I wasn't aware of and might very well have changed how I went about handling her education over the years. So, I want everyone else to be aware of these things. Please feel free to share it with others who have children in the special education system. If we want our advocating efforts to benefit our children, we must KNOW THE RULES!!

Clothes can make a difference
The right clothes can make a huge difference in how well your child's school year will go. Here are some adaptive clothing companies taking the stress out of getting dressed with stylish and comfortable clothing and accessories to make your life easier. 
Please check their ads in our magazine for discount codes. 
Mate Crime
A relatively new term, 'Mate Crime', has been coined to describe when vulnerable people suffer abuse by people that they not only know, but who also claim to be their friends. There is valuable information here along with tips to help spot fake friendships. 
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