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Doing Good Together Newsletter
 Helping strengthen kids and communities through family volunteerism...


April 2014

If you live in Minnesota as I do, it's been a long and particularly harsh winter. We're all desperate for spring-and not only for the balmy weather. Spring also brings light, optimism and lots of opportunities to bring joy to others. 

In that spirit, we offer some of our favorite spring-themed kindness projects. So gather your kids and spend a few minutes being helpful during this most hopeful of seasons. 


                                 Jenny Friedman, Executive Director

Kind-Spirited Ideas for Spring
Let the Essence of Spring Blossom
News from DGT
Kind-Spirited Ideas for Spring 

Make a Difference..... 


Here are fun ways to celebrate spring with a little kindheartedness.


  • Birdseed Cookies Bake birdseed cookies. Share a treat with feathered friends in your own backyard.
  • Turn spring cleaning into a kindness project. When you put away winter clothes and  pull out your summer duds, donate those that don't fit or that you no longer use. (Be sure they're in good shape.) Here's a Spring Cleaning Donation Guide.
  • Celebrate Earth Day. The best way to get kids to care about the earth is to encourage them to love nature. Go on a nature scavenger hunt, explore your backyard with a magnifying glass, visit a nature center, start a nature journal and play in the rain.
  • Spend an hour on an outdoor clean-up project. As the snow melts, trash appears. Armed with gloves and garbage bag, "adopt" your local park, creek or neighborhood.
  • Inspire passersby with chalk. Order sidewalk chalk. Then draw bright, colorful pictures- or write happy quotes. Some examples:
    • Sidewalk messages Think happy. Be happy.
    • Be silly, be honest, be kind.
    • A kind word is like a Spring day.
    • Kind people are the best kind of people.
    • Always be kinder than necessary.

Let the Essence of Spring Blossom

Talk About It..... 


What better time to talk about putting a new focus on kindness than during the blooming of spring? Here are some dinner-table conversation starters:


  • What's one small act of kindness our family could take on?
  • What can we give to someone that doesn't cost money?
  • What's the best gift you ever gave to someone? Why was it so special?
  • What's your favorite way to make someone smile?
  • What's the best compliment you ever gave or received? How does it make you feel to get a compliment? To give a compliment?

Learn About It.....


These two children's books celebrate hopefulness and our deep connection to the planet.

The Earth & I

Good People Everywhere by Lynea Gillen, illustrated by Kristina Swarner. Ages 3 and up. A beautifully inspiring book filled with examples and activities that encourage children to live with kindness and gratitude as they look for the good in all people.

The Earth & I by Frank Asch. Ages 4-8. A sweet story celebrating the reciprocal relationship between a young boy and the earth. Filled with bright, dreamy watercolor illustrations.

 "It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. 

  It's our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless." 


 -L.R. Knost, parenting and children's book author


News from DGT 
One of the earliest and most popular events Doing Good Together™ ever developed is

Family Service Night, where families gather to complete a series of ready-made service projects - all in one night. These "giving-back" activities help parents inspire children toward empathy, social awareness and community engagement. 


Especially popular with businesses and schools, Family Service Night consists of 5 to 10 "booths" or "stations," each one offering a simple, hands-on service project, such as assembling snack bags for Ronald McDonald House families or decorating placemats for Meals on Wheels recipients. The event benefits those in need in the community -- and lets your group share the joy of service in a familiar, friendly setting. DGT helps with all the arrangements, along with providing reflection questions and ways to keep giving after the night ends.  

Contact Nassim ([email protected]) if you'd like more information on organizing a family service event at your workplace, faith community, school or community center. 


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phone: 612.822.6502




Doing Good Together is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization that provides information and support to help people raise compassionate and socially conscious children through family volunteerism.


Copyright � 2014 Doing Good Together