We're accepting applications until 25 April 2016. Don't miss out!
Don't Miss Out! Submit Your Climate Action Project by 25 April
We've almost reached the end of the call for applications for the 2016 Momentum for Change Awards. If you haven't done so already, be sure to nominate your climate action project. We want to hear from you!
Applications are being accepted until 23:59 GMT on 25 April 2016. To learn more and apply, visit our application site .

Not sure how to get started?
Watch our screencast to take a 6-minute tour of the application process with step-by-step instructions.
A Conversation About the Paris Climate Change Agreement
The Paris Climate Change Agreement
is a game changer. It represents a major turning point in our collective efforts to address climate change. But what does that really mean? And what needs to happen next?

To learn more, listen to our newest podcast featuring Nick Nuttall, UNFCCC Spokesperson.

Mr. Nuttall speaks about the significance of the upcoming UN ceremony in New York City on 22 April, where more than 100 countries will sign the Paris Agreement. He also ties in the importance of the Momentum for Change initiative and how showcasing climate action already underway around the world can help build ambition for even deeper and faster action.

"Now is the time for every single person to actually do their bit," said Mr. Nuttall. "You can be part in so many different ways, whether you're in a poor country, a rich country, you can actually make a difference and actually have a better life."

Listen to the interview and subscribe to the Momentum for Change podcast.  
In the News
It makes us happy to hear that our former Lighthouse Activity winners are scaling up and replicating the good work that they do. Here are a few media stories about our recent winners.  
  • Why Fairphone has been working to find a way to integrate more  responsibly mined gold into its smartphone supply chain.