
September 2014 Newsletter
September Hours
Mike Arteaga's Health & Fitness Centers in Poughkeepsie and Highland
will close at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 14, so that all of our team members may attend our annual company party.
Free Weight Hint: Don't Skip Your Legs 

What are the most common career ending injuries for amateur and pro athletes?  The answer is knee injuries. What is the number one reason people end their lives in a nursing home? Surprisingly, weak legs resulting in falls are what often land people in a nursing home. The shame is most of these situations are preventable.
Muscle strength is almost completely within our control and dramatic increases in strength are often possible.  This is important because, simply put, the stronger the leg muscles, the higher the breaking point of the knee and the less likely the knees will be injured.

Too often the focus of strength training is on working the upper body and the tedious leg exercises are skipped or minimized.  It's understandable because upper body development is often more visible and seems to come about more quickly.  However, the legs are much more important for maintaining our mobility.

Many trainees make the mistake of skipping leg strengthening exercises, thinking that taking a spin class or running on the treadmill will build strength in their legs.  Aerobic exercise does not build or maintain muscle strength.  Even world class runners and cyclists who work out many hours each day have found that their leg strength decreases without strengthening exercises!

If you are pressed for time, a set of leg exercises on the leg extension, leg curls, calf raises, followed by leg presses or squats, when pushed to total exhaustion will build leg strength very rapidly and make multiple, tedious sets unnecessary.

Whatever exercise routine you choose, make leg strengthening a priority!
 -Mike Arteaga  
Herniated Disc? The MedX Healthy Back & Neck Program Can Help!
healthy back caroline

Disc herniations and bulging discs are a common cause of back and/or neck pain. The MedX Healthy Back and Neck Program addresses the problem of herniations and bulges by strengthening the muscles that attach to the vertebrae and attach vertebrae to vertebrae. As a result of getting stronger, the muscles create a greater support system for the structures of the spine that have been compressed. The vertebrae and the discs are lifted off each other, which in turn creates space for the discs to heal.


The MedX Healthy Back and Neck Program works with each individual and develops a program specifically designed for each individual. It begins with an initial consultation during which we work together to determine a pain free of motion, a baseline for strength and then an exercise session.


If you have back and/or neck pain, possibly caused by disc herniation or bulges, please call us at 452-5050 or 691-6161 or stop in to see us. We can help you.

- Mike Arteaga
Quad and Hip Flexor Stretch
TechnoGym Hip Flexor machine
TechnoGym Hip Flexor machine
This machine allows you to gently stretch and lengthen the anterior muscles including the hip flexors and quadraceps, while maintaining the correct alignment of the spine and core. Watch this video to learn more. 
Hip & Back a Great Addition to Any Workout Routine
Did you know that most of the power for jumping, running and even walking comes from the gluteus maximus.  In fact, up to 85% of the force to run or jump comes from the gluts! Whether you are a young basketball player  who wants to dunk the ball, a runner who is looking for a faster mile or a senior who wants to stay out the nursing home, the gluts are the most important muscles to concentrate on.

The Hip and Back machine is the only exercise that works the gluts through their full range of motion.  Since this machine is no longer manufactured, we recently shipped our Hip and Back Machine to Florida to be
completely refurbished.

Most exercises involving the gluts will have points through the exercise that are tougher than others. It is only at these more challenging points that strength gains are made. The muscles remains weak at the points in the exercise that are easy.

The Hip and Back machine keeps the load constant on the gluts through the entire range of motion, so they gain strength in all points of the movement.

A 10-week study was conducted with a basketball team using the Hip and Back machine along with the leg extension and leg curl machines.  On average, the group increased their vertical jump 5 inches in that 10-week period.

If you are interested in maintaining or increasing leg strength, you should have one of the trainers set you up and show you the correct form on our newly refurbished Hip and Back machine. 

Did You Know... 

Your children and grandchildren are free under your membership until their 19th birthday!

Stop by and speak to a coordinator for details.
Employee of the Month

Congratulations Abby, our Employee of the Month for September!

Abby has been a team member at Mike Arteaga's for more than 2 years. She has worked in our Child Care Department, as well as sales and at the front desk.


She recently went through Blast Instructor Certification.


Abby is a student at Marist College.  She is fluent in Spanish and always happy to help us out with our spanish-speaking members.


Thank you Abby for being warm, friendly and so helpful with all of our members and team members! 

Group Exercise Schedule
Lots of exciting changes to our group exercise schedule this month, including a new Group Power class on Wednesdays at 6 a.m.!

Be sure to grab a new schedule at the front desk or check our website to view the new line up!
Health Tip


If you want to see who is in shape 5 years from no, check out who is in the gym in July and August! 
Sticker Contest

Have you put a Mike Arteaga decal on your car window yet? Be spotted and you could win a free personal training session!

The next 2 winners will be announced September 15!

Stop at the front desk to get your decal.
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