Doms, or Fall Clean up are just a  few things to think about now for fall. How about installing  an outdoor fire pit for a  great way to enjoy the cool fall evenings!  

Don't wait for fall to gather landscaping ideas! Fall mums, planting perennials, lawn renovation, even or installing an outdoor fire pit are great ways to enjoy your landscape this fall!

"We are your Outdoor Living Professionals"  


Lawn Overseeding

Give your lawn thicker growth, better color, and greater resistance to disease and drought, helping the overall longevity of your turf!


What is Overseeding?

Overseeding is the planting of grass seed directly into existing turf, without tearing up the turf, or the soil. It's an easy way to fill in bare spots, improve the density of turf, establish improved grass varieties and enhance your lawn's color.

If a lawn looks old, or just "worn out," if it needs growing amounts of water and fertilizer to thrive, or is disease or insect prone, it's a perfect candidate for overseeding.     


Lawn Aeration

Aerating offers several benefits to your lawn.  Core Aeration provides an avenue for water, nutrients, and oxygen to get to the root zone. Aerating your lawn helps reduce thatch accumulation and alleviate compaction. Add overseeding to help thicken thin and bare areas and to introduce new and improved grass varieties to your existing turf.
Fall Mums and Perrenials

Thi s Autumn, consider planting perennials.  there is no reason to wait for spring - fall is the perfect time for planting!
Fall mu
ms are also a great way to add fall color to your landscape, we are currently taking orders for Fall mums, if your not already signed up, give us a call to place your order! 
Relax and enjoy the cool fall evenings next to your beautiful firepit!

Enjoy a warm summer evening with friends or family members sitting around a fire pit in your own yard! Fire pits can bring together conversations all while looking attractive and being the center of attention. Fire pits are a popular addition to any yard! Depending on what type of fire pit you are looking to add to your backyard; wood or gas burning, fire pit, it will offer a 360ยบ view of the fire and be inviting to promote good times and great memories.
Mosquito and Tick Spray
Although there are still several weeks of summer left to go, fleas and ticks are still very active and will be for well into the fall.  We are currently spraying and monitoring sites for fleas, ticks, and mosquito's.  If you are in need of any of these services, please let us know!