Inspired Health Energy Medicine Newsletter
Barrel Daisy 1600

Corinna Kromer, HTCP, CRMT    

(970) 310-9444  


 E-mail Corinna


Sunshine Abounds!   



In This Issue
Classes & Workshops
Quote of the Month
Gifts & Things / $COUPON$
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Services / Classes / Workshops
Life Changing Services
Working at a Quantum Level this Energetic Healing Sessions may include Reiki, Healing Touch, Color/Light Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Aromatherapy, Aura Soma, Reflexology, Ancestral Clearing & Healing. 

Breakthrough Classes/Workshops
  • Intro to Energy Medicine
  • Vibrational Healing Tools for the New Age
  • Reiki Level 1, 2, Advanced and Master/Teacher
  • Crystals - Got what?
  • Free monthly Reiki Share 
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Keeping Yourself Protected & Energized 
  • Raindrop Technique
  • How & When to use a Pendulum 
  • My Healing Touch & Movement for Kids (6-12 y.o.) 
  • Jedi Training - Explore your Intuition and Discover your Power Within, Teens & Yourng Adults (15-24 y.o.)
  • DIY for Home & Health
  • Candle Making 101 - NEW
Free Reiki Shares offered throughout the year. If you are looking for time to practice, give and receive Reiki or have questions on your training this is the place to come to. Come experience two hours with meditation/visualization intro plus lots of mini sessions for practice.
Reiki logo
Reiki Classes are available year round and upon request.

coming up on August 23rd, 2015.
Sign up today!
Reiki II
Sunday, September 27th, 2015
Sign up today! 
Come unlock your inner knowing and learn how to use energy to help find healing for yourself and others. Whether you are interested in learning Reiki or other forms of energy medicine for you and your family or you want to start a new career, these classes are geared with you in mind. 
Explore your Intuition & Discover your Power Within
2nd Tuesday every month,  6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 
 A revolving gathering of like-minded teens and young adults that want to have fun, connect and expand their gifts.
Check out the Meetup Group on my website. 
Location: Pathways to Wellness, Fort Collins, CO
1st Tuesday of each month, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
 A guide for empowering children. Children 6-12 y.o., attend with their parents to learn tools for growth and self-empowerment and to move & dance creatively.  
Check out the Meetup Group on my website. 
Location: Pathways to Wellness, Fort Collins, CO

3rd Monday of each month, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
 Feel empowered and have some fun while making your own staples for health & home. We will use easy to find, natural materials and you will go home with a sample and a recipe to create more.
Check out the Meetup Group on my website. 
Location: Pathways to Wellness, Fort Collins, CO
Click here to be directed to my  blog for more upcoming events and classes.   
April/May 2015

New Classes, Workshops, Events!!!

Corinna Photo

Corinna Kromer 

Inspired Health  

Energy Medicine 

Have you checked my website or fb lately? 


Join and like my Facebook page, Inspired Health Energy Medicine - Corinna Kromer, for updates, classes/events and cool tidbits on how to stay healthy and joyful!


This year I have added a ton of workshops and classes and I am inviting you to be part of this phenomenal learning experience that I have put together.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.


As always, if you know of someone that might be interested and is willing to grow and heal in their life, please forward this email to them.


Inspired Health Energy Medicine. Click here to access my home page. 




5 Ways of finding Peace and Joy in your Life!
Yes, for those of us in the northern hemisphere, it is the time of the year to enjoy the bounty of the earth, the warm sunshine on our body and walk barefoot on the grass to connect and ground.

It is also a good time to remember to slow down and savor every moment.

Are you burned out, stressed, overwhelmed, and running to catch up task after task?
Are you looking for a way to simplify your life, slow down time and find a sense of purpose and peace for yourself?

Take a leap of faith with me and let's explore some ways of creating the life you want instead of life happening to you.

As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Energy Medicine Professional I have acquired a few tools over the years that help me stay centered and joyful throughout trials and tribulations and I would love to share those with you.   
1. Mindfulness
This is a big part of who I am and I am getting better at it every day. Mindful Presence, Mindful Creating and Mindful Eating are some of the simple ways we can create change in our lives.
Put those electronics away and enjoy one thing at a time. If you are working focus on just the task at hand. If you are taking a walk enjoy the sky, the surroundings and everything nature has to offer. If you are eating lunch savor the taste, the smell and the wholesomeness of your food. Multitasking is great and sometimes necessary but try to keep that at a minimum if you want to stay balanced and keep stress out of your life. It just takes practice. The more you catch yourself the more you remember to do it. Don't get upset or judge yourself if you miss an opportunity to be mindful. Cause this leads us to another way of creating change:
2. Love thyself
Sounds easy yes? It is but it takes practice. Starting with being grateful for all the awesomeness you have to offer to the world. Praise yourself and think positive. Instead of giving yourself a demeaning title like "idiot" for something silly you did, laugh and brush it off. Use a sense of humor for all of life's little mishaps. Who knows what the universe had it store for you. Use affirmations such as "I love myself - I'm so wonderful". Look at yourself in the mirror and enjoy and accept your body - send your body love for all that it does for you.
Learn to celebrate and enjoy life instead of judging and grumpily drudging through everything that comes your way. We are meant to be joyful so let's start by remembering what joy is. How is joy represented in your life?
What do you do for fun? For yourself?

Read more... 

Live Life Joyfully! 
If not now, when?
Much Love,
Corinna ♥

Inspirational Message
Keep up with the Vibrational Shift of 2015!
Step into your personal power and let this year carry you into your dream existence.
If ever there was a time to jump in and follow your gifts and intuition, now is it, as releasing the baggage from the past years & lifetimes allows you to now fully step into your power and move forward in confidence.
Sending abundant Blessings your way!
Corinna <3

Gifts & Things...

Chakra pillows
Chakra Pillows
C hakra Pillows

Inspiration lead me to create some fun things to share with clients and friends.
One of my funnest projects, along with eye pillows and crystal pendulums, has been creating Chakra Pillows! These are small, colorful pillows ... read mor e

Eye Pillows

Eye pillows
These eye pillows are filled with lavender and are so relaxing....  The lavender comes from either my back yard blessed and grown organically or from the hills of Santa Fe, gathered with awe and blessed by a Shaman. Gently place it on your eyes and enjoy a peaceful and calming sleep. Some of the therapeutic properties of lavender oil are antiseptic  ... read more
Mediterranean Pendulums

Pendulums Unique Mediterranean creations with beads, crystals and rocks from Greece.
Enjoy the unique frequencies of this beautiful country that emanates from each rock.
Each pendulum is also infused with healing energies for your continued pleasure for

years to come.
When I need to relax I create. Some of these pendulums are made with beautiful
crystals and others with gorgeous beach rocks that I hand picked from the beaches
in Greece
... read more  

Natural Room Spritzers  & Mood Enhancers
Isn't i
t refreshing to walk into a room and smell a beautiful aroma or feel the
cleanliness of the air? These Room Spritzers are a natural way to clear a smell,
spray your sheets and laundry or calm a mood. A wonderful way to enhance
your mood and use for aromatherapy. Use for body, home, office or car.
Enjoy natural Room Spritzers without chemicals made from therapeutic grade essential oils. I have several scents available or I can also customize to fit
your needs.

Varieties: Stay Healthy, Spice for Life more  
Are you on Facebook?
Inspiring Health Energy Medicine is on Facebook.
Check out and Like my Facebook page!
Visit this community page for tidbits, short meditations, quotes and inspirational messages or to leave feedback and recommendations.

Corinna PhotoCorinna P. Kromer  HTCP, CRM/T

Inspired Health Energy Medicine

Health Awareness Coach

Chronic Pain, Stress Relief, Life Therapy & Joyful Living

Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner

Phone: (970) 310-9444 


"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."   - Rumi  


3 for 2



Buy 2 and get 3!*

Check out my website for this limited time Special Package.
Buy 2 and get one FREE 90 minute sessions, including Coaching & Energy Medicine.
How can you go wrong? You get 90 minutes for free! 


And remember:

Students, Seniors & Military personnel receive a 10% discount of all sessions. 


There are always packages available  throughout the year.  

Buy a 3 session package and receive a 5% discount or  

Buy a 5 session package for a 10% discount.

See details online at Packages & Discounts  


** Referrals build up! Just mention your referral on your next appointment for a treat.


Call or email now to book your appointment. 

*This Offer must be booked by September 15, 2015 and must be used by December 31st 2015.