Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity
Dyslexia Declaration of Rights
Every Individual Should have the Following Rights...

Accurate Diagnosis

Students who are suspected of having dyslexia are entitled to an assessment, regardless of whether they are in a public, private or charter school.  Accurate diagnosis is the key to receiving evidence-based intervention and appropriate accommodations.  




Use the word "dyslexia" 

Schools must use the word "dyslexia" so that proper diagnosis and evidence-based instruction and intervention can be applied.  


And overall, it is critical to have dyslexia recognized not only by schools, and on student support teams, but also in legislature and public policy so that the millions of deserving boys and girls, men and woman who are dyslexic can be diagnosed and receive the evidence-based services they deserve and require.


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Evidence-Based Instruction

All students deserve to have a written plan of action from the school, specifying the evidence-based intervention, the frequency, and measurable objectives. This must be arrived at by a consensus among parents and teachers and others professionals in the student's support team.


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Accommodations must be provided to ensure that the student's ability, not his or her disability, is being assessed. Examples: assistive technologies such as speech to text and text to speech, extra-time on tests in school and on high-stakes standardized tests, and partial waivers of foreign language requirements in high school and college.

Dyslexia-Friendly Environment.

A supportive environment that promotes educational and professional progress must be provided to enable dyslexic individuals to flourish to their full potential. It encompasses acknowledging and using the word dyslexia, understanding dyslexia, and providing proper supports and accommodations.  The Dyslexia-friendly environment should extend from elementary, middle and high school, through college and even into the workplace.


You Are Not Alone 

1 in 5 people have dyslexia. It crosses racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines. You are part of a community of successful people who overcame dyslexia. Speak up about your dyslexia to teachers, school heads, peers, colleagues, and employers.

Click here  for a free downloadable poster.

The Yale Center for
Dyslexia & Creativity
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Dyslexia is defined by an unexpected difficulty in learning to read. Dyslexia takes away an individual's ability to read quickly and automatically, and to retrieve spoken words easily, but it does not dampen his or her creativity and ingenuity.