Christ Episcopal Church
Weekly E-News for February 11, 2018

Rector's Message

Rev. Susan --- back in her office at Christ Church. 
Dear Friends,
 The Christ Episcopal Church vestry retreat will begin in a few hours. This year marks the third retreat I have led the vestry on and we will be going to Trinity Retreat Center in Cornwall, Connecticut, a place that I have not been since I was an Assistant Rector in New Jersey.    
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Sunday, February 11, 2018 

Download Rev. Susan's sermons 
from our  sermon archive


12 noon Imposition of Ashes

5:30 PM Family-oriented 
Imposition of Ashes

7:30 Eucharist 
with Imposition of Ashes
Lenten Schedule
February 18 - March 22


Tuesday Mornings - Book Club at 10am
followed by Eucharist at 11:30 am

Tuesday Evenings at 7 pm -  
Centering Prayer

Wednesday Noon Centering Prayer

Thursday Evenings Inquirer's  Class at 7 pm
followed by Compline at 8:30 pm

Sundays at 10 am - Pilgrimage with Susan:
Intergenerational study on the 
great pilgrimage sites of Christianity

Rector's Message Continued

Each year the vestry goes on retreat to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the parish. We dream together about what the coming year might be at Christ Church and then we organize ourselves into committees to accomplish our tasks. The chairs are assigned from the vestry to lead and each committee chooses from the pool of parishioners (who check "committee membership" on their stewardship card) who might help them most on each committee. This process is done in "draft style" (think professional sports!). That way no one committee is assigned "all the experienced people" or "all the new people" but rather talented people are chosen, based on each committee's needs, for the coming year.
In this system, committees and membership are not permanent. They are helpers to the vestry and its goals. Committees exist from February to the following February and each new year brings the excitement and possibility of new committee chairs, new goals, and new membership. Of course, no system is perfect and I understand that some of you might be disappointed not to return to the Fellowship or Finance committee but, on the other hand, this makes a clear pathway for new ideas, leadership, and goals to emerge. While it is important to retain institutional knowledge, it is equally important that we do not become servants to the "way things have always been done." This system seeks to ensure that new leadership and ideas can emerge at the committee level.
This year we will also be working on our mission statement. A mission statement is a way of stating succinctly what our purpose is in the community.
I believe that before we can develop comprehensive long-range goals, we must begin by defining our purpose. Then define our vision. And then move toward articulating a plan that will carry us into the future.
We have assembled the list of things that you value about Christ Church from the annual meeting and will be taking that along with us to the retreat.
Please know that service to Christ Church is one of the most precious resources that we have been given as a community. We are truly blessed with creative, dedicated leaders who are willing to make personal sacrifices for this community. Please pray for this vestry as we begin this wonderful and intensive work of planning and dreaming.
In Christ's Service,


Contact Us

Join us this Sunday
February 11 
for Hot Breakfast!
Served 9:45-10:45 am

Bring Your Friends!
Tuesday, February 13, 5:30-7 PM
Christ Church NCR
$5 person, $15 family
Jim Bliss is coordinating this event which is traditionally hosted by men of the parish. It's the perfect chance to hone your pancake flipping skills! Volunteers are also needed for set-up and clean-up. Please contact Jim at 845/462-4566 or [email protected].

Or sign-up online

Important Links

The CEC e-News offers up-to-date info and announcements about upcoming events.  Contact the office with announcements and news that might be incorporated into this publication.