Legislative Committees Meet to Discuss Harvey Aid
Recently Representative Paul attended the House Committee on Appropriations hearing in Houston, which began discussions to examine the use of federal funds by state agencies responding to the effects of Harvey and identify opportunities to maximize the use of federal funds to reduce the impact of future natural disasters. The committee also discussed the importance to identify the need for state resources to respond to Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery efforts, as well as opportunities for state investment in infrastructure projects that will reduce the impact of future natural disasters.
This week the House Committee on Public Education met to determine, to the extent possible, the scope of financial losses, including facilities, that resulted from Harvey. The committee hopes to recommend possible state actions, such as changes to student counts or property valuation, to mitigate any negative impact on districts and ensure governance structures and parameters allow for effective responses.
Additionally, the House Committee on Natural Resources is examining the following issues within the committee's jurisdiction regarding Harvey and flooding in general: the role of regional entities in developing projects to control flooding, both through new infrastructure and enhancing existing infrastructure; mitigation efforts that would reduce the impact of future flood events, and strategies to fund those efforts; and the response of public entities that own or operate dams to large-scale rain events, including how such entities make decisions regarding dam and reservoir operations during such events, coordinate with state and local emergency management officials, and communicate with the public. Representative Paul has submitted a interim charge request to Speaker Straus office for a study on multi county watershed drainage in coordination with this initial charge to the committee.