ECAS Members:    

We are pleased to introduce our third edition of our online newsletter.  Please share this within your organization by forwarding or email to us the addresses for colleagues within your company and we will add them to our distribution list.  This can also be done if they go to the "Join our Mailing List" tab on the side bar link in the newsletter. 
Your comments would be welcome.  Contact us at [email protected]

The Conduit
Edition # 3
In This Issue
 Upcoming Meetings
Board Meeting
June 5, 2014
8:30 - 10:30
Elkridge Resort
Waskesiu, SK
In conjuntion withe the SCA Spring meetings 
An email invitation has been sent to all members,   
you are encouraged and welcome to attend.

 Copper Sponsors

Quick Links

CECA Newsletter
ECAS Website
Executive Director's Report 


The past three months has seen continued growth for our Association. Our membership has grown by 13% this year. We now have over 70 members and staff are still pursuing memberships and sponsorship from suppliers and electrical contractors. Much of this growth is due to the hard work of your Manager, Howard Jesse and the ECAS Board. We would be pleased if you would encourage your suppliers to take out an associate membership or sponsorship in support of the Electrical Contractors Association. These contributions help us provide additional services and support to our members.


We are very excited about our new ECAS Website. If you have not already done so please check out our new website at The Website will continue to be updated and enhanced in the coming months. This site gives us a strong communication tool to work with our members and industry partners.


Our Affinity Program continues to grow. If you have any contacts in the industry that you would like to share with ECAS members by having us pursue potential affinity members please contact the office.


Our Board will be busy over the coming months as we prepare for our next meeting in Elkridge on June 5th. The Board will be discussing Bylaw renewal and have been tasked with preparing a new document for our next AGM.


The next Sask Power Liaison Committee meeting is May 12th in Regina. At our last meeting the Committee had a detailed conversation about the design community and how we could work closer together to enhance the relationship between electrical contractors and electrical engineers. The Consulting Engineers of Saskatchewan have been invited to attend our next meeting to further promote this objective.


For your information SIAST is currently developing a 4 year Construction Project Management degree program for implementation in the fall of 2015. SCA and construction industry members have been part of a focus group in discussions with SIAST in developing this program. The program will prepare construction managers to plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of a construction company or a construction department within a company.


In addition SCA and ECAS are in discussions with SIAST to further the development of the 2 year - 6 module certificate program for employed Construction Managers.


When there are more details about the program we will ensure the SIAST program development consultants present the information to construction industry owners and HR specialists.


Some statistics you might find interesting from Saskatchewan Apprenticeship. Over the past five years, the number of electrical apprentices in Saskatchewan has grown by 47%, from 1,367 at June 30, 2009, to 2,011 at June 30th, 2013. This has led to a 75% growth in the number of Red Seal journey persons certificates that have been issued in this province, from 170 in 2008 to 298 in 2012. Clearly our industry continues to flourish in Saskatchewan!



Doug Folk / ECAS Executive Director


Local Associations News/Events

Local Associations Upcoming Events


Saskatoon Electrical Contractors Association (SECA) Annual Golf Tournament May 29th for info or registration email: [email protected].


ECAS Launches new website.

Our new site is up and running, please check us out at Most of the site is public domain including a listing of all members, however we have also created a members only log in.  Go to the membership tab for information available only to current ECAS members. Agendas, minutes and financials  and AGM information for the past 2 years are posted. It will be our intent to use the site as our main communication tool  for meeting notifications, industry updates and training opportunities.  Your company log on and password was mailed out in April.  Call our office if your require the information. 

Liaison Committee Report
The Liaison Committee  meets quarterly with the Inspections Branch of Sask Power,  Licensing (Building Standards Department Minsitry of Government  Relations) and Apprenticeship.  ECAS members represent you to address concerns, and changes or interpretations that affect contractors.  Topics discussed included: code updates, restricted licenses, new entry level training programs and  .  If you have items, concerns or ideas for the committee, please forward to our office, we will add them to future agendas and report back directly to the sender and via the newsletter to all members.   Minutes from  past meetings and the upcoming meeting on May 12, 2014 will be posted on our website (members only section).
Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA )  Report

As a member of ECAS you are automatically entitled to membership with CECA. You can access the members' only section on their website for publications, conference information or training opportunities.  To register go the CECA site and click on the PUBLICATIONS Tab or call 1.800.387.3226 x 315 and they will set you up with a login and password. If you have any trouble getting set up please call us, we are working with them to ensure this is an easy process. Also, as a registered member you should be receiving regular updates and newsletters from CECA via email. To access the CECA newsletter: Current CECA Newsletter 


See below a few excerpts from the current newsletter that may be noteworthy for our members.






As we have previously reported, all three levels of EPS are being offered regularly in British Columbia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan. We can now add Manitoba to the fold. In Ontario, a new regulation will require health and safety awareness training for every worker and supervisor under Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The regulation comes into force July 1, 2014, allowing workplace parties' time to prepare to go: For more information on upcoming dates, please contact Susan Boorman at 416.675.3226 X316 or [email protected]




The NECA News app brings multiple channels of information together in one neat package, whether you are in the field or in the office. Sort news, updates and events by category, including: advocacy, code and regulations, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR magazine, green construction, events, research and trends, labor relations, NECA community, safety, and technology. This all-in-one app also makes it easy to follow live streaming social media updates from NECA's Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube, featuring the popular digital news broadcast NECA Newscast. The NECA News app is completely customizable: You can pick and choose the types of information you want and know that you'll never miss out on an important opportunity or announcement again! It's FREE for both tablet and mobile devices in the iTunes and Google Play stores. 



The Supplier Directory is an online database of suppliers bringing vendors and customers together in a single, one-stop location. It is a modern, up-to-date information resource that offers an easy to use interface while encompassing a rich and powerful list of services.



Mark's joins our Affinity program

ECAS is very pleased to announce our first partner in our new Affinity program, Welcome Mark's! As a benefit to ECAS members we are working with businesses and companies to access reduced rates, rebates or special promotions from companies who serve the needs of our members. All member companies and their employees will receive 10% off all purchases of work related products (boots, coveralls, jackets, etc.). We sent out by mail your company request for employee cards, if you have not filled it out, please do so ASAP or call the office and we will manage your request.



Membership Drive 2014

We are very pleased to announce a 13% growth in our membership for  2014.   We welcome the following new members to ECAS, your membership, the regional representation of companies and the association memberships in the Suppliers category truly helps us represent the industry as the "Voice of the Electrical Contractors"



Active Electric Ltd. - Regina

Battle River Electric Ltd. - Wainwright, AB

Bernauer Electric - Humboldt

Big Sky Electric - Esterhazy

Burco Electrical Contractors -- Saskatoon

HJH Tech Inc. A division of W. Hunter -- Saskatoon


Hundseth Line Construction Group -- Saskatoon

PS Electric Ltd. -- Estevan

Rock Solid Construction/Electrical Services Ltd. - Regina

Sascal Instruments Services Inc. - Moose Jaw



CSA Group - Edmonton, AB

Merit Contractors

Sask Power Building Standards & Licensing

Sask Power Gas & Electrical Inspections

Sask Tel


Copper Sponsor

Federated Insurance Company of Canada


We still have a few members who have not renewed we are calling them to ensure we are serving their needs.   Please also encourage other businesses, suppliers and associates in the industry to become members and get involved.




Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to Gary Gehring Director of Licensing & Standards Ministry of Government Relations   for his noon hour presentation on " History of Licensing in Saskatchewan" .  The meeting was hosted at the Regina Trades and Skills Centre and was followed by a tour of the facility and an update on their program offerings.  Thanks to the RSTC staff. 

For the minutes and financials go to the ECAS website "Members Only" tab.   

Contact Us

Electrical Contractors Association of Saskatchewan

320 Gardner Park Court
Regina, SK S4V 1R9

[email protected] 

[email protected]