The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association                                                                          September  2017

Letter from the Editor
Badri Roysam,
University of Houston
Dear ECEDHA Members, Industry Partners, and Colleagues,

The new semester is underway, and so are ECEDHA's transformational plans. The past year has been a momentous one for the organization, and the upcoming year promises to be even more so. In this issue of ECE source, we are pleased to feature our newly elected President Dan Stancil (NCSU) who has summarized the many ongoing initiatives aimed at advancing ECE, and outgoing President Khalil Najafi (U. Michigan), who has shared his reflections on a very successful past year.
A special welcome goes out to all newly appointed ECE department heads. ECEDHA is here to serve you. I know how it feels to move to a new department and start a new career path. Below, I have taken this opportunity to reflect on my first year as a new chair, and jot down some advice that I wish I had received.

Featured Articles
A Message from the President

Daniel Stancil,
North Carolina State University
As President of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA), I am proud to see our Association leading the path for the advancement of ECE. Over the last several years, ECEDHA has significantly expanded its activities to include initiatives designed to make significant impacts on the future of ECE.
Although led by department heads and chairs, the scope of our organization has expanded to include other academic leaders and leaders from industry as well. Together we are working to embrace and support the ECE community as a whole. Through these efforts, ECEDHA has emerged as a major driving force focused solely on advocating for the future of ECE.
>> Read more
A Message from the Past President

Khalil Najafi,
University of Michigan

Because of your continued support, active participation, and creative ideas, ECEDHA has been going through a transformation to continue to support your efforts in charting a new path for ECE.

As past president, I have had the privilege to work with many of you and with the dedicated staff and leadership of ECEDHA during the past year to help in this transformation.  These are challenging and exciting times for all of us, and the next few years will be instrumental in articulating and further establishing the importance of ECE to the future of every aspect of our lives, just as the past few decades of ECE have revolutionized our society.  

>> Read more
Call for Nominations
Call for Nominations: Editorial Board Members and Guest Editors

The ECEDHA newsletter invites nominations for new editorial board members to join our team. We are also interested in nominations for Guest Editors who are interested in creating special issues of our  ECE Source  newsletter. 

Editorial board members and guest editors are typically current/recent ECE department heads, or associate department chairs who are interested in sharing ideas, advances, and experiences that are potentially of broad interest to their peers and ECE faculty. The range of topics is broad, reflecting the nature of our discipline. The agendas of recent and future ECEDHA annual conferences are an excellent guide on the types of topics that we typically focus on. We welcome new topics that have not been discussed before, and diverse opinions on matters affecting ECE departments.  We are particularly interested in descriptions of cutting-edge initiatives at ECE departments worldwide. We also welcome nominations of industry colleagues who may be interested in sharing advances and perspectives from ECE relevant corporations. Self nominations are welcome.

For nominations and/or additional information please contact:

Badri Roysam
Chair, ECE Department
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204-4005
Phone: 713-743-1773
Sponsored Video
Mouser Electronics: Shaping Smarter Cities

Mouser Electronics and Grant Imahara travel to Tokyo for the Empowering Innovation Together program to learn about how vertical farming technology helps to feed a growing population in extremely restricted spaces with limited resources.

Click the picture to view the exciting video.

Sponsored Article

Mouser Electronics Offers Free, Web-Based Solution to Inventory Management Problems

Mouser Electronics is pleased to announce the availability of its innovative Inventory Management Tool and new companion mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

The new easy-to-use, web-based inventory systems helps organizations and individuals around the world to effortlessly manage and track their stock of electronic components and related supplies. The integrated iOS and Android apps enable users to scan barcodes as well as print bin labels directly from the application. Customers can take advantage of this new free tool by logging into their My Mouser accounts. To create a My Mouser account, go to

To learn more about the Inventory Management tool's many features, visit
Special Announcements
Now Accepting Nominations for the 2017 ECEDHA Awards!
ECEDHA is now accepting nominations for its 2017 Awards. Nominations are due by November 1, 2017 and will be presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo in March.   View more details.
Outstanding Leadership and Service Award
Innovative Program Award

Diversity Award

Industry Award

Conference Corner
Corporate Features
ECE Insights

ECE Insights offer in-depth interviews with leading industry executives.

Featured ECE Insights:
In This Issue

Calendar of Events
September 29-30, 2017
Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting
Hosted by Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ
October 5-6, 2017
SWECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by the University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
October 14, 2017
NECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by the University of New Haven
New Haven, CT
October 22-23, 2017
CSECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD
November 2-3, 2017
SECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by Georgia Tech,
Atlanta, GA
November 17-19, 2017
WECEDHA Regional Meeting
Hosted by the University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA
March 16, 2018
ABET Workshop
Presented at the ECEDHA Annual Conference
Hyatt Monterey - Monterey, CA
March 16-20, 2018
ECEDHA Annual Conference and ECE xpo
Hyatt Monterey - Monterey, CA
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
On Demand Webinar
In Partnership with National Instruments, ISTEC, LACCEI, and Tecnológico de Monterrey
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Keysight Technologies
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by Quanser
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by COMSOL
On Demand Webinar
Sponsored by National Instruments
ECEDHA Member and Partner News
THE BRIDGE Magazine of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN)

The magazine of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu is THE BRIDGE, which publishes a variety of features and content relevant to ECE students, faculty, and professionals. The magazine is electronic and open access with PDF versions of the current and prior issues.

Issue 2 of THE BRIDGE 2017 is available now!

2018 National Radio Science Meeting

The USNC-URSI is appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, and represents U.S. radio scientists in URSI. Through technical co-sponsorship of the meeting by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, authors will have their choice of submitting one-page abstracts that are not archived on IEEE Xplore, or two-page summaries that are archived on IEEE Xplore.

Deadline for the submission of abstracts/summaries:
Monday, Sept. 18, 2017

At the ECE Source, we strive to cover topics that are relevant and timely to ECE  department heads.  We welcome your comments, feedback, and suggestions of topics t o cover in our next issue.  Thank you.