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Thank you ECMN for a fabulous 160th Convention!
We were led by our preacher and facilitator Heidi Kim, Staff Officer for Racial Reconciliation for The Episcopal Church. We were inspired by our youth speaker, Luisa Van Oss from St. Paul’s in Duluth. We were resourced by the our Team of Missioners. We were graciously hosted by the Northeast Mission Area Team.
We did important and aspirational work on Engaging God's Mission of the Beloved Community.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cast a vision for the Beloved Community that The King Center has captured in this way:
“Dr. King's Beloved Community is a global vision, in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth. In the Beloved Community, poverty, hunger and homelessness will not be tolerated because international standards of human decency will not allow it. Racism and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. In the Beloved Community, international disputes will be resolved by peaceful conflict-resolution and reconciliation of adversaries, instead of military power. Love and trust will triumph over fear and hatred. Peace with justice will prevail over war and military conflict.”( The King Center, “The King Philosophy”).
This the fulfillment of Dr. King's dream.
Our own Presiding Bishop Michael Curry talks about God's dream in a way that is very much in line with Dr. King's dream. And both of these are in complete alignment with the words and work of Jesus. Words and work that when we follow, we find the Kingdom of God coming near.
For our part in ECMN, we believe that when all the baptized in every faith community have been given the opportunity to discern and be equipped to use their gifts in partnership with others in their neighborhood, we will be doing our part to make the dream of the Beloved Community a reality.
This is the Gospel work we are called to, friends. It is why we have been gifted by the Holy Spirit and it is where Jesus is calling us to follow.
At ECMN Convention, we dove into learning around the Beloved Community, our mission opportunity topic for this program year. Below find videos to help shape your understanding of the Beloved Community, and a website resource built to help you and your faith community embark on this year long journey.
Thank you to: Marcus Halley, Linda Finney, Luisa Van Oss, Tina Maynor, Craig Lemming, Minnie Steele, Chenyeng Yang, Nancy Wellington, Cynthia Bronson Sweigert, Doug Mensing and Dan Vogel for lending us all your deep wisdom.
To help cast a vision, we asked Episcopalians from around the state to fill in the blank "Beloved Community to me means..."
We're really glad we asked.
Watch this video
to get a framing for what we mean when we say 'Beloved Community.'
The Beloved Community isn't going to happen by accident, it has to be an intentional community that we work towards and seek together. See what some other folks from around the state are doing to build the Beloved Community, and get ideas for how you can do this good work in your context.
What's the vision for this work? How will we know we've arrived? Hear some answers to those questions, and why it's so important that we do this work together, living into our gifts as beloved children of God.
Linda Finney of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in St. Paul shared her moving poem 'Unity,' helping us to understand and move into action around creating the Beloved Community.
Luisa shared an inspiring word during convention - pointing us toward one another as co-creators with God in bringing about the Beloved Community, and pointing us onward into the future, towards the realization of God's dream for us here on earth.
In order to bring all the information and resources to one place to help facilitate your learning and growth and sharing with others, head over to It has curated resources that help you dive into learning, whether that's through self-reflection, group learning or experiential learning, and then take the next step into action.
Due to unexpected complications in The Rev. Craig Lemming’s visa and immigration status, Craig will no longer be serving as Program Director for Circle of the Beloved. However, we are grateful that Craig will continue to be involved in Circle’s life as the volunteer chaplain to service corps members living in intentional community at Liberty House in north Minneapolis.
Circle of the Beloved's Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we have hired Amelia Arthur as Circle’s new Program Director, effective September 1. Amelia Arthur is a third year MDIV student at Luther Seminary, is in formation for the priesthood through the ECMN School for Formation, and has previously served as the Interim Program Director for the Episcopal Service Corps in Louisiana.
At the Episcopal House of Prayer in Collegeville September 20th-October 1st, come and integrate Morning Walks, Morning Pages and allow the Spirit of Creation to guide you through the day as you learn how to accept That Mystery of Creativity in you and you in That.
Learn more here.
On September 22nd and 23rd, join together for learning and discussion focused on leadership development, education and ministry development by and for Indigenous peoples by recognizing and empowering leaders from within the community.
Find out more here.
On Friday September 22nd at Christ Episcopal Church in Woodbury, join for a bluegrass Americana concert featuring The Double Down Daredevils with special guest, Mary Ellen Fox.
Find out more here.
Parading bagpipers, a blazing bonfire, pub food, a stilt-walker, and a fire juggling Priest will be a few of the highlights at Bagpipes & Bonfires – a Celtic Street Festival -- at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension on Saturday, September 23rd. This popular, open to the community event is expected to attract more than 500 people, many in kilts and costume, for a party in a large tent in front of the church at 214 N. Third Street.
Click here to find more.
Meeting at the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls Retreat Center on September 29th and 30th, all engaged in the Ministry of All the Baptized (Team/Total/Shared Ministry) are invited to come and be nourished in prayer, fellowship, networking and learning. There will be space for deepening in worship, networking with people who share similar roles, sharing best practices and lessons learned, and hearing about opportunities to strengthen and grow through discernment and formation. Bishop Prior is delighted to be able to be with you for the Summit!
Click here to register today!
On October 7th at the ECMN Retreat Center in Faribault, gather together for a day with everyone involved in faith formation for children, youth and families — from new Sunday School volunteers to parents to longtime faith formation professionals. Join us for workshops and networking to draw out the WHY behind your faith community’s offerings with young people, support your ministry, and work on the plans and practices that will bring life to faith formation in your context in the coming program year.
Click here to learn more.
Events posted on the
Episcopal Exchange
are open to all. You can log on and add your own events too!
Sept 24, Oct 1:
Farmer's Market
St. John the Evangelist Church, St. Paul,
September 21:
St. John The Evangelist Church, St. Paul
September 28:
St. John The Evangelist Church, St. Paul
Episcopal Church in Minnesota | 612-871-5311 | |