EWGA Louisville Region
Vol. 2, Issue 1
January, 2015
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Chapter Calendar

Our annual calendar is always a work in progress, but check out the exciting events that are already in the works for 2015...

Networking Event
Thursday, January 29
5:30 pm to ?
Loui Loui's Pizza

Golf Conditioning Class
Thursdays, Feb 5 - 26
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Jewish Community Center

Golf Shopping Trip
March 6-8
Metro Detroit

Kick-Off Event
Saturday, March 28
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Bistro 301


Fall at the beautiful Covered Bridge Golf Club!
2015 Chapter 
Board Members


Past President

Golf Programs & Services

Finance & Records

Member Services

Marketing & Communications

Member Recruitment


Chapter member Bev Bromley rocking her EWGA wear while on a recent golf trip to Destin, FL

Andrienne Farrow, General Sales Manager at Golf Galaxy, wanted to let you know that all of their women's clearance apparel and clearance shoes are now an additional 50% off the lowest price! Not sure what's left, but sounds like a lunch time shopping trip is in order!


Golf Is Exercise!

Have you ever heard those people who claim golf isn't a sport or that it isn't much of a workout? I will bet they have never walked a golf course or picked up a club! Check out the image and see how many muscles are actually used in the process of the golf swing. This helps me realize how much of the body is actually involved and also how I really need to get myself to the gym before golf season starts or sign up for the Golf Conditioning Class at the JCC!


Welcome to our New Chapter Members!

Thanks to the members you have renewed their dues in the last few months and join me in welcoming our newest members!

Doris McGuire
Dawn Guerra
Brenda Rutherford


Golf Laugh...

click image to enlarge photo!

President's Tee Box
Happy New Year to everyone! It is time to tee off 2015 with a fun year of Social Events, Golf Play and Fun! Stay tuned to the newsletter and calendar as we have an action packed year!  Can't wait to see you all at our first Social Event on the 29th at Loui Loui's!


Have a Happy 2015!


Cindy Daunhauer

Chapter President


Golf Shopping Trip!
Last year a few members of our chapter took a road trip to Metro Detroit for the annual Michigan Golf Show. After seeing the fabulous show of over 400 vendors and visiting two of best golf shops in the country, we have decided to make this an annual road trip event for whomever wants to tag along. Check out the details and click the link below if you plan to join us!

Tentative Itinerary

Friday, March 6
Head north and check into the Troy Marriott for the weekend. Hotel rates are $99 in advance or $119 for a cancelable reservation. After check-in, we will head to the Somerset Collection or to dinner.

Saturday, March 7
On Saturday after breakfast, attend the oldest and largest of its kind in the USA, the Michigan Golf Show, grab lunch then move on to check out the unbelievable selection of golf apparel at The Tennis &Golf Company. We will end at one of the top five privately owned golf stores in the country, Carl's Golfland. Last year, we were lucky enough to meet Carl while shopping!

Sunday, March 8
Head back south to Louisville!

A Big Thank You

The Center for Women and Families they would like to thank the EWGA Louisville chapter for their generosity. The donation of both money and supplies was very much appreciated. They were amazed at both the amount of money ($775) and the number of socks, supplies etc. received. 


I am very grateful and proud to be part of an organization that supports women is so many wonderful ways.

Janet Yackey
Member Recruitment


Member Profile
Michelle Huber 
(formerly Landis)

What is your occupation?
Fuzzy Zoeller's Assistant and Director of Marketing at Covered Bridge and Champions Pointe Golf Clubs

How long have you been golfing and what made you start?
When I was a little girl, I would go with my dad to hit balls at the driving range and have chipping contests in our backyard. When it came to playing on the course, I was more interested in riding on the golf cart. I started playing a lot when I was in a freshman in high school and began to take it more seriously. I started playing because my family played and I liked the challenge of it. 

How long have you been an EWGA member?
2 years 

Besides golf, what has been your involvement with EWGA?
I am on the EWGA National Board. I attended my first board meeting during the 2014 EWGA Championship in Nashville. It was a great experience and I am excited to work with such a great group of board members, who share the same passion for golf and the EWGA. Also, I look forward to representing young professionals and helping increase the number of young professionals in the organization. 

Best Golf Advice: 
Don't think too much. It's easy to over think your golf swing, what club to hit, where to aim, etc. I believe in trusting your swing and instinct.  

Favorite Golf Courses:
Covered Bridge and Champions Pointe Golf Clubs 

Besides golf, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I like to go boating, exercise, travel, read, and do something new and adventurous every once in a while. Also, I coach the Providence High School Girls Golf team. 

What is something about you that others might find surprising?
For my last 15 credit hours at Indiana University, I interned with the 500 Festival in Indianapolis (similar to the Kentucky Derby Festival) as the Mini Marathon Intern. While the mini marathon was the main event I helped organize, all employees helped the day of each event the 500 Festival put on. For the Character Breakfast and Parade, they had one last costume left and couldn't find someone short enough to fit into it... I was a Power Puff Girl in the 500 Festival Parade. See picture below. That's me...the green Power Puff Girl. :)

Member Benefits
Have you ever checked out all the awesome benefits that you receive as a member of EWGA? Click here to find out the value you receive from your membership or click the link below to forward this newsletter to a friend or business associate who might be interested in EWGA!

Chapter Sponsors