Edchat Interactive News
October 23, 2017

Have you ever thought, "Why don't they just listen to me?" You know, when you've got something to say that will save people time, help them be more efficient, entertain them, engage them?

Here is an incredibly simple technique, more...
Coming up on Edchat Interactive

Andy Wallace
Andy Wallace
Highlander Institute's Eric Butash is going to be leading a discussion on digital citizenship for today's socially active students on October 26 more...

What's the secret to learning more, better, and faster? As adults, we learn best through collaboration, conversation, and community. Discuss Building a Safe Personalized Learning Community with educators Andy Butash and Leo Brehm.

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Edchat Interactive video  archives are posted here .


Next conference? SIIA's Education Business Forum, December 5-6 in Washington, DC. The focus is actionable intelligence for scaling education technology.
Edchat Interactive