www.PalestineChronicle.com -  July 19, 2016
In This Issue

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Dear Readers,
We hope that you find this edition of Palestine Chronicle Weekly Newsletter beneficial and thought-provoking, especially as it contains the latest commentary and analysis by Stanley Cohen, Jamal Kanj, Ramzy Baroud and Haidar Eid, among others.
The latest news update as of today contains the story of the sentencing of 14-year-old, Mo'awiyeh Alqam by Israel Central Court.
Also note that launch of the brand new French edition of our publication - Chronique de Palestine . Latest French updates are also included below.
Kindly remember that Palestine Chronicle is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It needs your continued and generous support to continue with its important work  and mission.
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The Palestine Chronicle Team 


Chilcot verdict: Tony B_liar

Eight years under his leadership 'Jewish only' colonies on stolen land grew at a faster pace. (Photo: File)
Eight years under his leadership 'Jewish only' colonies on stolen land grew at a faster pace. (Photo: File)
By Jamal Kanj
How many words does it take the British to say a liar? 2.6 million words to be exact.
The Chiclot report had also painted Tony Blair as submissive to George W Bush, and lacked rudimentary judgment when evaluating intelligence data.
According to the report, eight months before the invasion of Iraq, Blair authored a six-page personal memo to Bush. In the memo Blair posited a deeply entrenched oxymoronic colonial view suggesting that occupation would "free up the region." He somehow believed he would free the poor Iraqis by occupying them, just like his ancestors argued long ago that colonialism was altruistic venture to help the colonized. Who knows, the victor might one day claim that torture in Abu Ghraib prison was a dividend of the exported democracy.
The most revealing part of the personal memo was however, Blair's pledge to Bush: "I will be with you whatever." I did a double take on it, for the statement sounded more like a communication between two teenagers who were high on drugs rather than world leaders committing to a war with incalculable consequences.
Blair attempted to rationalize deferring to Bush the decision to take the UK to war asserting that by joining Bush he would bring a positive influence on US policy after the occupation of Iraq. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how Blair could bring a value eight months after he committed "whatever" to his buddy in Washington.
I had argued myriad of times in this column that the Iraq war was designed in the dens of US Pentagon by a team of Israeli firsters -some of whom were investigated by the FBI for being Israel spies -including Paul Wolfowitz, David Frum, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen to name just few.
Blair adopted the Israeli firsters' view of the contrived Iraqi threat and ignored his own UK joint intelligence committee which had concluded that unlike Iran or N Korea, Iraq didn't have immediate capabilities to produce enough fissile material for a weapon. In fact now, Blair's deputy at the time, John Prescott who supported the war, had turned against his previous boss admitting that the basis for going to war were "tittle-tattle".
American Zioncons had designed a blue print to breakup Iraq several years before Bush's election. The Israeli firsters envisioned a war financed by US taxpayers and fueled by the blood of American soldiers. They worked in Israeli think tanks in Washington and waited patiently for a gullible megalomaniac president to come to the White House.
Their blue print design was manifested by the first acts of the Zioncons' appointed US administration in Iraq. It dismantled the Iraqi army, imposed a sectarian political system and expanded the autonomous regional powers along sectarian and ethnic lines. The US Zioncons' deeds in Baghdad germinated the seeds of Al Qaida and IS to grow in the new fertile sectarian environment.
Ruining Iraq wasn't enough for Bush. The Washington cowboy rewarded the ex UK prime minister with leading the so called Middle East Peace Quartet. Under Blair's leadership the Quartet had become a fig leaf allowing the extremist Israeli rightwing government of Benjamin Netanyahu to violate with impunity all of Israel's previous commitments to peace.
Eight years under his leadership, the Quartet achieved nothing but unfulfilled promises of economic crumps to Palestinians while the "Jewish only" colonies on stolen land grew at a faster pace.
Starting almost a century ago, colonial political chameleon Winston Churchill divided the Arab world with the French and transformed Palestine from a multi-cultural majority country into a European imported ethnocentric Jewish dominance.
In the post-colonial era, another political chameleon with his trademark strained facial muscles confused for a smile, coalesced with a Texan cowboy to implement the Israeli firsters' vision of fragmenting the sub-nations and gulping what remained of Palestine by messianic "Jewish only" enclaves to end all hopes of peace in this region.
- Jamal Kanj (www.jamalkanj.com) writes regular newspaper column and publishes on several websites on Arab world issues. He is the author of "Children of Catastrophe: Journey from a Palestinian Refugee Camp to America." He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.


BDS and Normalization: Palestinian Perspective

Our 'International Community' consist of civil society, churches, pension funds, municipalities, clubs, music bands, universities... (Photo: BDS Movement)
Our 'International Community' consist of civil society, churches, pension funds, municipalities, clubs, music bands, universities... (Photo: BDS Movement)
By Haidar Eid - Gaza
When we, Palestinian Civil Society, issued our 2015 BDS call, we were counting on people of conscience, rather than governments and complicit corporations. Most of us argued that we needed to address ordinary people buying goods in supermarkets,  artists, cultural figures, academics, sportsmen...etc We, in fact, had our own definition of the "International Community" as opposed to that of  the traditional leadership, be it on the right or on the left. Our "International Community" consisted of civil society, churches, pension funds, municipalities, clubs, music bands, universities...etc.
We wanted to isolate Israel's regime of oppression as well as corporations and institutions that are implicated in its denial of Palestinian rights under international law. We made it absolutely clear that we wanted the movement to be inclusive and be anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Based on this, we were confronted with questions about what would be considered normalization and what not! We, therefore, worked on what has become the anti-normalization criteria that were adopted by a near-consensus of the largest Palestinian civil society entities since November 2007, at the first national BDS conference. We specifically called for "boycotting events and activities  that portray the relationship of colonial oppression, which is inherently abnormal, as if it were normal." We argued that this kind of activities contribute to whitewashing Israel's crimes-occupation, apartheid, and settler colonialism- against the Palestinian people.
Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid model, we went further and issued what became the boycott guidelines to guide people who have heeded our call all over the world, and to counter 14 years of the façade of the "peace" industry and its culture of normalization. Those projects had to some extent given a false impression of symmetry/parity between the oppressor, Israel in this case, and the oppressed, Palestinians. 14 years of "negotiations" between the two parties had obfuscated the line separating colonizers and colonized and made them both look equally responsible for the "conflict!" So, Israel's multi-tiered system of oppression, namely occupation, colonization and apartheid had been reduced to a "conflict!"  This, for Palestinian Civil Society, is "intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible," and any project that promotes them "ought to be boycotted."
BDS is, nevertheless, undogmatic, as claimed by a minority of "liberal" voices. It made it absolutely clear that it welcomes cooperation with those Israelis who recognize our basic rights under international law, including right of return and involves a common struggle, "co-resistance," against Israel's oppression of the entire Palestine people, whether in the 67 occupied territories, or the Diaspora, or the 3rd class citizens of the state of Israel.
- Haidar Eid is a member of The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and Al-Shabaka (The Palestinian Policy Network) Policy Adviser. He is the author of  Worlding Postmodernism: Interpretive Possibilities of Critical Theory. He contributed this article to PalestineChronicle.com.


BDS and Normalization: Palestinian Perspective

Our 'International Community' consist of civil society, churches, pension funds, municipalities, clubs, music bands, universities... (Photo: BDS Movement)
By Haidar Eid - Gaza When we, Palestinian Civil Society, issued our 2015 BDS call, we were counting on people of conscience, rather than governments and complicit corporations. Most of us argued that we needed to address ordinary people buying goods in supermarkets,  artists, cultural figures, academics, sportsmen...etc We, in fact, had our own definition [...]

Herzog: 'Growing Hatred and Racism' in Israel is Encouraged by Right-wing

Isaac Herzog, Labor Party leader in Israel. (Photo: via Ma'an)
Israeli opposition leader, Isaac Herzog, warned of what he called "growing hatred and racism" in Israel encouraged by right-wing politicians, adding that it could pave the way for further deadly violence, Hebrew-language news site NRG reported on Monday. "We are on the verge of an uprising of hatred, racism, darkness and upcoming killings and assassination based on [...]

Chilcot verdict: Tony B_liar

Eight years under his leadership 'Jewish only' colonies on stolen land grew at a faster pace. (Photo: File)
By Jamal Kanj How many words does it take the British to say a liar? 2.6 million words to be exact. The Chiclot report had also painted Tony Blair as submissive to George W Bush, and lacked rudimentary judgment when evaluating intelligence data. According to the report, eight months before the invasion of Iraq, Blair [...]

Israeli Forces Raid PFLP Prisoners Supporting Bilal Kayid

Bilal Kayid began his own hunger strike on June 13. (Photo: File)
The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said on Sunday that Israel Prison Service (IPS) forces raided section 5 of Israel's Ramon prison, and imposed a total closure on the section, which holds exclusively prisoners affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The IPS added in a statement that its actions are part of [...]

Turkish General and Suspected Coup Leader was Military Attaché to Israel

General Akin Öztürk. (Photo: via MEMO)
Six senior army commanders were arrested in connection with the failed coup attempt in Turkey, including 64-year-old General Akin Öztürk, who in the 1990s was the Turkish military attaché to Israel, a Turkish official told reporters. Öztürk later served as the commander of Turkey's air force, as well as his country's Tel Aviv embassy from [...]

Ministry of Interior: 24,138 Babies Born in Gaza during the Last 6 Months

Newborn babies in a Gaza hospital. (Photo: via Twitter)
The Palestinian Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip said 24,138 babies have been born in the Gaza Strip during the last six months, with an average of 132 new babies born per day. The Ministry said its various offices across the Gaza Strip have registered 1738 deaths during the same period, with an average [...]

Palestinian Leaders Condemn Bastille Day Attack

84 people werre killed when a lorry drove into them in Nice, France. (Photo: via TheArabSource)
By Palestine Chronicle Staff Palestinian leaders expressed their condolences to French President Francois Hollande and the French people on Friday, following an attack Thursday night in Nice, France, that left at least 84 people killed, including children, and at least 100 injured when a lorry was driven into crowds during Bastille Day celebrations. Palestinian news [...]

Islamic State or Deviant Cult?

Daesh has been a disaster for the image of Islam and Muslims around the world.
By Firoz Osman The phenomenon of "Islamic State" (Daesh) has surfaced once again following sensational the media reporting of the arrest of four South African Muslims under their country's anti-terror laws; there is an obvious attempts to instil a climate of fear in our communities. Just as Al-Qaeda was used to scare populations worldwide and provide [...]

'A Huge Step for Palestinian Media': Palestine Chronicle Announces the Launch of Its French Publication

SEATTLE / PARIS / GAZA - In keeping with its continued efforts to improve on and expand its expertise and information coverage, and as one of the world's leading online newspapers on Palestine in the English language, the Palestine Chronicle is pleased to announce the launch of its sister publication: Chronique de Palestine. This bold [...]

BDS is a War Israel Can't Win

BDS will continue to build on its successes because Israel's defenders can no longer suppress the truth. (Photo: BDS Vancouver)
Israel's apologists would call the BDS campaign "immoral", but the slander is laughably false. By Stanley L Cohen Israeli think-tank fellow Yossi Klein Halevi, writing recently in the Los Angeles Times would have American readers believe that the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement is "immoral" and threatens the peace of "the region's only intact society", while simultaneously [...]

Being Black Palestinian: Solidarity as a Welcome Pathology

Suddenly, being Palestinian and Black was the most natural feeling.  (Art: Latuff, MEMO)
By Ramzy Baroud Last year, I wrote an article that made many readers unhappy. As soon as it was published, I began receiving messages of abuse and angry, threatening calls. I hesitated about reporting the threats to the local police in Washington State and, in the end, I resolved to file the unpleasant experience under [...]


Herzog: 'Growing Hatred and Racism' in Israel is Encouraged by Right-wing

Isaac Herzog, Labor Party leader in Israel. (Photo: via Ma'an)
Israeli opposition leader, Isaac Herzog, warned of what he called "growing hatred and racism" in Israel encouraged by right-wing politicians, adding that it could pave the way for further deadly violence, Hebrew-language news site NRG reported on Monday. "We are on the verge of an uprising of hatred, racism, darkness and upcoming killings and assassination based on [...]

14-year-old Palestinian Boy Jailed for 6 Years in Israeli Prison

Muawiya Alqam. (Photo: Via Social Media)
The Israeli Central Court in Jerusalem has sentenced 14-year-old Palestinian, 'Mo'awiyeh Alqam' to six-and-a-half years in prison for an alleged stabbing attempt, Quds Press reported. Alqam's family was further ordered to pay a fine of 26,000 Israeli shekels ($6,718). The boy's father, Ahmad, stated: "Such sentences are oppressive against our children. We should not remain silent," adding, [...]

UNESCO Postpones Vote to Designate Al-Aqsa a Muslim-only Site

Al-Aqsa Mosque. (Photo: File)
The United Nation's Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on Sunday postponed a vote on a draft resolution that would designate Al-Aqsa Mosque as an Islamic-only site, following a failed coup attempt in Turkey, Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported on Monday. The Israeli ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama Hacohen, reportedly said that the World Heritage Committee accepted Israel's [...]

PPC: Israel Arrests 17 Palestinians at Eretz Crossing since January

The Eretz Crossing connecting Gaza with Israel. (Photo: File)
The Palestine Prisoners Centre has revealed that Israel has arrested 17 Palestinians at the Eretz Crossing en route to the West Bank during the first half of the year. Riyad Alashqar, the spokesperson of the Centre, said, "Five patients, including two injured, four merchants and two students have been arrested". الاحتلال اعتقل 17 مواطناً على [...]

Targeting Arab Members, Israeli Knesset to Approve Banning MKs who 'Call for Hatred'

Israeli Knesset is accused of attempting to curb views of Arab MKs. (Photo: via file)
The Palestine Today reported that the Israeli Knesset is today expected to pass the second and third drafts of a resolution that allows for the banning of Members of Knesset (MKs) who "call for hatred and support military operations in Israel." The legislation asks for the support of 90 MKs for the resolution to be approved. [...]

Palestine Taekwondo Championship Kicks off in Ramallah

350 athletes are participating in the Taekwondo championship. (Photo: via MEMO)
The first Palestine Taekwondo Championship has kicked off in Ramallah on Monday at the headquarters of Birzeit University, with participation of nearly 300 athletes, both local and international. The championship started with a fight between the Palestinian athlete, Yazan Alghoul, and the Jordanian athlete, Ghalib Qassim. The head of the Palestinian Taekwondo Union, Omar Kabaha, [...]

10,000 Families in Gaza to Receive Turkish Aid

Families consisting of 9-10 members will benefit from Turkish aid. (Photo: via Turkey PM Press)
The Ministry of Social Affairs in the Gaza Strip will distribute the first package of Turkish aid, starting tomorrow. Safa News Agency reported that 10,000 Palestinian families would receive this aid, which includes food packages. Yousef Ibrahim, Deputy of the Social Affairs Ministry, told Safa, "The first phase of distributing aid will kick off tomorrow, [...]

Israeli Forces Raid PFLP Prisoners Supporting Bilal Kayid

Bilal Kayid began his own hunger strike on June 13. (Photo: File)
The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said on Sunday that Israel Prison Service (IPS) forces raided section 5 of Israel's Ramon prison, and imposed a total closure on the section, which holds exclusively prisoners affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The IPS added in a statement that its actions are part of [...]

Abbas Urges African Union to Support French Peace Initiative

PA leader, Mahmoud Abbas.  (Photo: File)
Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, on Sunday urged the African Union member states and its officials to support the French initiative to organize an international peace conference aimed at reaching a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In a speech at the African Union's 27th summit held in Kigali, Rwanda, Abbas said that the African Union had an important [...]

Turkish General and Suspected Coup Leader was Military Attaché to Israel

General Akin Öztürk. (Photo: via MEMO)
Six senior army commanders were arrested in connection with the failed coup attempt in Turkey, including 64-year-old General Akin Öztürk, who in the 1990s was the Turkish military attaché to Israel, a Turkish official told reporters. Öztürk later served as the commander of Turkey's air force, as well as his country's Tel Aviv embassy from [...]

Palestinians Exchange Fire with Invading Israeli Forces in Jenin

Palestinians run for cover during clashes with IDF troops in Qabatya. (Photo: via Ahram English)
A source in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement in the West Bank village of Qabatya said fighters belonging to the military wing of the movement have exchanged fire with invading Israeli forces in Jenin as they attempted to demolish a house belonging to the family of a Palestinian prisoner in Israel. A former Palestinian prisoner [...]

Israel Transfers MP Marwan Al-Barghouthi to Hadarim Isolation

Imprisoned Palestinian leader, Marwan Barghouti.  (Photo: File)
Israeli occupation forces have transferred Palestinian prisoner and MP, Marwan al-Barghouthi yesterday from Jalbou prison to isolation in Hadarim prison. Israeli forces transfer Palestinian prisoners from one prison to another as a form of punishment. This includes storming prisoners' cells, searching, and confiscating of belongings. Occupation transferred #Palestinian captive Marwan Barghouti, from Gilboa prison to [...]

Hamas to Participate: Election Committee to Meet Factions in Gaza

(Photo: via MEMO)
Palestinian national and Islamic factions are set to meet the head of the Palestinian Central Election Committee, Dr. Hanna Nasser, in the Gaza Strip today, who will arrive with a delegation from the Central Election Committee, the Palestine Today website reported. The meeting will see the signing of a document of honor among the various [...]

Ministry of Interior: 24,138 Babies Born in Gaza during the Last 6 Months

Newborn babies in a Gaza hospital. (Photo: via Twitter)
The Palestinian Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip said 24,138 babies have been born in the Gaza Strip during the last six months, with an average of 132 new babies born per day. The Ministry said its various offices across the Gaza Strip have registered 1738 deaths during the same period, with an average [...]

Ashrawi Meets with Coordinator of EU Commission

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi with the EU's Katharina von Schnurbein. (Photo: via PNN)
PLO Executive Committee Member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, met with the EU Commission's Coordinator on Combating Anti-Semitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah. Both parties reviewed the EU position on racism and human rights, including the causes of xenophobia, racism and populism in Europe and beyond, and combating anti-semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. Commenting [...]

Palestinian Leaders Condemn Bastille Day Attack

84 people werre killed when a lorry drove into them in Nice, France. (Photo: via TheArabSource)
By Palestine Chronicle Staff Palestinian leaders expressed their condolences to French President Francois Hollande and the French people on Friday, following an attack Thursday night in Nice, France, that left at least 84 people killed, including children, and at least 100 injured when a lorry was driven into crowds during Bastille Day celebrations. Palestinian news [...]

Hamas Condemns Attempted Turkish Coup

An attempted military coup in Turkey failed. (Photo: via indianexpress.om)
By Palestine Chronicle Staff Hamas has issued a statement in which it condemned the failed coup attempt carried out by Turkish military forces. The statement expressed, on behalf of Hamas and the Palestinian people, "the unfair attempt to crack down on the democratic choice of the Turkish people." It congratulated the "Turkish people and their elected leadership, and Turkish President, Recep [...]

Abu Marzouq Calls for 'Guarantees' for Successful Palestinian Local Elections

Hamas deputy leade, Moussad Abu Marzouq. (Photo: via via Altahrir wordpress)
By Palestine Chronicle Staff Moussa Abu Marzouq, the deputy head of the political bureau of Hamas, has called for providing guarantees of fairness and equal opportunities for local Palestinian elections, and to respect its results. Abu Marzouq tweeted: "Local elections in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem reflect the will of the people and strengthen national partnership." [...]

Hamas: Israel Must Release Prisoners Detained without Cause

Hamas deputy leader, Mousa Abu Marzouk. (Photo: via MEMO)
If Israel does not comply with the terms of the Shalit prisoner swap deal with Hamas, there are no grounds for a new agreement, a senior Hamas leader said. Speaking to the Shehab News Agency, the group's deputy head, Mousa Abu Marzouk, said: "When Israel releases prisoners who were detained without cause, we can talk about [...]

Netanyahu: Arab States Do Not See Israel as an Enemy

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.  (Photo: File)
By Palestine Chronicle Staff Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said that there has been a "revolution" in Israel's relations with Arab states, adding that it has penetrated the region, according to the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. "The merger of our military and economic strengths has enhanced Israel's political power," he said, adding, "We are at the [...]

Israel Allows Buses to Enter Gaza After Nine Year Ban

Eight buses and four commercial refrigerators passed the Erez crossing (Photo: via Wikimedia Commons)
Israel opened a second crossing with Gaza on Wednesday to allow the entry of vehicles for the first time since 2007 when Hamas became the leading party in Gaza. After a nine-year-ban, Israeli occupation authorities on Wednesday allowed buses to enter the Gaza Strip, local media reported. Palestinian sources reported that eight transportation buses and [...]

Turkey Deputy PM: 2nd Aid Shipment Prepared for Gaza for September

Mavi Marmara as it arrived back in Turkish waters. (Photo: File)
Turkey will prepare another aid ship for Gaza before the Eid-al-Adha Islamic festival in September, Deputy Prime Minister, Veysi Kaynak, said on Thursday. Following restoration of diplomatic ties between Turkey and Israel, a Turkish aid ship carrying 11,000 tons of supplies for the Gaza Strip arrived at Israel's Ashdod port on July 3, just before [...]

Israel Extends Travel Ban of Deputy Leader of Islamic Movement

Aryeh Devi, Israeli Interior Minister. (Photo: via MEMO)
Israeli Interior Minister, Aryeh Deri, extended the travel ban issued against the deputy leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheikh Kamal Al-Khatib, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday. Speaking to Anadolu, Al-Khatib said that he received a notice saying the ban had been extended for another month after his six month ban was due to end [...]

Activists and Residents Prevent Israeli Bulldozers from Leveling Land in Ramallah

Activists and residents of the villages of Deir Qaddis and Nilin. (Photo: via Ma'an)
Villagers of Deir Qiddees and Ni'lin, in the central West Bank district of Ramallah, along with international solidarity activists, managed to stop Israeli bulldozers from uprooting Palestinian lands, despite Israeli military assaults and violations. The army started bulldozing the lands more than four days ago, in order to widen road 446 used by Israeli colonists, [...]

UNRWA Condemns New Israeli Demolitions in West Bank

Seven residential structures were demolished by Israel. (Photo: via UNRWA.org)
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has condemned new Israeli demolitions of Palestinian structures in the Occupied West Bank. Chris Gunness, URNWA spokesperson said, "The Israeli authorities have carried out a large scale demolition in the Bedouin refugee community at Anata in the occupied West Bank". [...]

14-year-old Palestinian Girl Released from Administrative Detention

Nuran Mahmoud Al-Balboul was released from Israeli custody. (Photo: via Ma'an)
Fourteen-year-old Palestinian, Nuran Mahmoud Al-Balboul, was released from an Israeli jail after being detained for three months. Nuran was detained on April 13 at the 300 Checkpoint at the northern entrance to Bethlehem for allegedly carrying a knife in her schoolbag. Lawyer, Abeer Bakr, said Nuraan's early release came after the Israeli Central Court accepted [...]

Gaza Power Plant: Generator Shuts Down Worsening Electricity Supply

Gaza power plant. (Photo: worldbulletin.net)
The Energy and Natural Resources Authority in Gaza has announced today the stoppage of one of the generators operating at Gaza's sole power plant, worsening electricity supply and causing many cuts per day. The authority said the generator would stop "because the Ministry of Finance in Ramallah continues to impose the Blue Tax on manufactured [...]

Israeli Army Bombs Gaza's Border Areas as Part of Military Drills

Destruction resulting from Israel airstrikes on Gaza in 2014. (Photo: ActiveStills.org)
Israeli air forces carried out an airstrike overnight, targeting an old tunnel dug by the Palestinian resistance to the east of Gaza, 150 meters into Israel, the Israeli army said. Three missiles targeted the tunnel, one of which did not explode, Palestinian local sources said. The Israeli army has informed Israeli setters residing in the [...]

Health of Two Gazan Prisoners Deteriorates in Israeli Jails

The lives of Ahmed Almasri and Mohammed Nimnim is at risk due to lack of medication provided to them by Israel. (Photo: via MEMO, file)
The Prisoners' Club said today that the health of prisoners Yousri Almasri and Fadi Nimnim from Gaza has deteriorated because of medical negligence suffered by the Israeli Prison Service. The club's lawyer pointed out during his visit to Nafha prison that Almasri, who suffers from tumors in the liver and experiences severe pain, did not [...]

Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Dead near Jerusalem

Anwar Asalayma was shot dead today morning by Israeli forces near Jerusalem (Photo: via Social Media)
The Israeli occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian and injured another after opening fire at their car this morning, to the north of Jerusalem. According to the Israeli Channel 7 website, the Israeli occupation forces opened fire at three Palestinians at Al-Ram checkpoint to the north of Jerusalem "after their car attempted to hit Israeli [...]

Après 33 jours de grève de la faim, l'état de santé de Bilal Kayid est devenu critique !

Bilal Kayid
Ma'an news - L'administration pénitentiaire israélienne (IPS), a de façon précipitée ce dimanche après-midi, transféré le prisonnier palestinien en grève de la faim Bilal Kayid au centre médical Barzilai de la prison d'Ashkelon. La santé de Bilal s'est soudainement détériorée alors qu'il entrait dans son 33e jour sans nourriture, selon un communiqué publié par le [...]

A propos de l'attentat de Nice

Photo: via TheArabSource
Abdel Bari Atwan - L'État islamique (EI), ou Daesh, a revendiqué la responsabilité de l'attaque terroriste de jeudi dans la ville française de Nice.Mohammad Lahouaiej Bouhel a conduit son camion de 19 tonnes dans une grande foule de gens de toutes les nationalités, alors qu'ils regardaient un feu d'artifice pour célébrer la Journée de la [...]

Muawiya Alqam, âgé de 14 ans, condamné à 6 ans et demi de prison par l'occupant israélien

Le tout jeune garçon Muawiya Alqam - Photo : MaanNews
Ma'an News - Un tribunal militaire israélien a condamné dimanche le tout jeune Muawiya Alqam, âgé de 14 ans, à six ans et demi en prison après qu'il ait été accusé d'une prétendue attaque au couteau avec cousin âgé de 12 ans, à Jérusalem en novembre. La peine de Muawiya comprend également trois ans de [...]

La famille du gréviste de la faim Bilal Kayed lance un appel au monde

Rahiba Kayed, lamère de Bilal, participe à un rassemblement à Naplouse pour la libération de son fils, le 14 juin 2016 - Photo : ActiveStills/Ahmad Al-Bazz
Addameer - Pour tous ceux qui ont une conscience vivante dans ce monde, pour tous ceux qui croient et se battent pour l'humanité - qui est bafouée aux yeux du monde entier - nous crions de toutes nos forces pour que l'on nous rejoigne, en disant : ASSEZ! Nous, la famille du prisonnier Bilal Wajeeh [...]

Sortir du cercle vicieux de la guerre et de la terreur

Des corps reposant sur le sol de l'hôpital Kuwaiti de Rafah après les attaques israéliennes dans la bande de Gaza, 3 Août 2014. Photo : Basel Yazouri
Robert Fisk - À un certain moment, nous en Occident allons devoir comprendre que si nous intervenons militairement au Mali ou en Irak ou en Libye ou en Syrie, ou interférons en Turquie ou en Égypte ou dans le Golfe ou au Maghreb - alors nous ne serons pas en sécurité « à la maison [...]

Onze Palestiniens blessés par balles par les troupes d'occupation, à l'Université de Birzeit

Soldats des forces israéliennes d'occupation prenant pour cible - avec des tirs à balles réelles - des manifestants palestiniens - Photo : MaanImages
Ma'an News - Onze jeunes Palestiniens ont été blessés par balles jeudi soir dans le centre de la Cisjordanie occupée, dans le district de Ramallah, après que des soldats israéliens infiltrés aient ouvert le feu en direct lors d'un raid pour kidnapper un ancien membre du Bloc étudiant islamique affilié au Hamas, déclenchant des affrontements [...]

#BlackLivesMatter et la conspiration des privilèges en Amérique

Boston - Rassemblement de Black Lives Matter - Photo : ActiveStills
Zarefah Baroud - Au petit matin du 5 juillet, Alton Sterling âgé de 37 ans et père de cinq enfants, a été abattu par des tirs de face et de dos par des agents de police devant une épicerie à Bâton Rouge, en Louisiane. À la suite de cette tragédie, dans la nuit du 6 [...]

« Un grand pas pour les médias palestiniens » : Palestine Chronicle annonce le lancement de sa version française

SEATTLE / PARIS / GAZA - Conformément à ses constants efforts pour améliorer et à étendre sa couverture d'expertise et d'information, et comme l'un des premiers journaux en ligne au niveau mondial sur la Palestine et en langue anglaise, Palestine Chronicle est heureux d'annoncer le lancement de sa publication soeur: Chronique de Palestine. Cette entreprise [...]

Pourquoi le Hamas a renoué ses relations avec l'Iran

29 août 2014, Naplouse - Des Palestiniens manifestent leur soutien au Hamas, trois jours après la fin de l'attaque israélienne longue de 50 jours - Photo : ActiveStills
Hazem Balousha - Compte tenu de l'aggravation de sa crise financière et de son besoin de soutien militaire, le Hamas a repris ses relations avec Téhéran, qui étaient tendues depuis le début de la révolution syrienne. Gaza City, Bande de Gaza - le Hamas a décidé de reprendre ses relations publiques avec la République islamique [...]

Nuran Mahmoud al-Balboul, 14 ans, libérée des geôles israéliennes

Nuran Mahmoud al-Balboul - Photo : Ma'an News
Ma'an News - Après son maintien pendant trois mois en prison, les autorités israéliennes d'occupation ont libéré ce mardi la jeune palestinienne Nuran Mahmoud al-Balboul, âgée de 14 ans, à la suite d'un appel présenté devant un tribunal israélien pour sa libération anticipée.La mère et la famille de Nuran l'ont accueillie à un barrage militaire [...]

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