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Sustaining Members
Hon. Barbara Buono, Esq.
Dr. Barbara Chamberlain
Susan P. Coan
Eileen Della Volle
Hon. Zulima Farber, Esq.
Hon. Gina Genovese
Mary Giovinazzo
Diahann Lassus
Sharol A. Lewis, MD
Connie McGhee, Esq.
Hon. Gilda Morales
Elizabeth Murray
Hon. Sheila Oliver
Sharon Price-Cates, Esq.
Hon. Loretta Weinberg 
Hon. Sharon Weiner, Esq.


Supporting Members
Hon. Michel Bitritto
Hon. Chrissy Buteas
Lora Fong, Esq.
Hon. Jeanne Fox, Esq.
Rebecca Moll Freed, Esq.
Dianna Geist 
Deborah Hurley
Lisa Mizrahi Kaado
Hon. Jeannine LaRue
Marianne McConnell, Esq.
Jill Rosenberg, Esq.
Babs Siperstein
Grace Strom Power, Esq.
Hon. Eileen Thornton
Robin Walton
Rev. Joyce Watterman
Tonya Woodland
Patrizia Zita
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Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey

Unanimously Votes to 

Endorse Senator Barbara Buono For Governor

barbara buono
Shari Weiner, Chair of the WPCNJ Political Resources Committee said, "We are proud to announce that our Board met last night and unanimously voted to endorse Senator Barbara Buono for Governor.  Senator Buono has a long and distinguished career as an advocate for all New  Jerseyans-women, men and their families.  She is a highly-qualified, well-respected candidate who brings the added value of diversity."

Senator Buono's public service record spans more than 30 years, as a public defender for the State Department of the Public Advocate, Metuchen Town Council Member and Police Commissioner and later as New Jersey's first woman Senate Majority Leader.  Buono has displayed an unwavering commitment to the next generation of leaders through the founding of the Young Women's Leadership Program to advance young women interested in public service and politics.     
Lisa Mizrahi Kaado, Executive Director of WPCNJ added, "In over 200 years, New Jersey has had only one female chief executive, and it is time for that to change.  Senator Buono's experience, coupled with her fiercely independent nature make her an ideal candidate."

WPCNJ, founded in 1972, is a chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus and is the authoritative voice for women in New Jersey politics.  WPCNJ is a multi-partisan organization dedicated to increasing the number of women in elected and appointed positions in government, protecting reproductive freedom, and promoting equal rights for women.


For more information on the Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey visit