In this Issue
Interim Rectors Reflection

Dear Friends,

As our official and contractual time together nears its completion at the end of this month, I find myself filled with gratitude for you and for the privilege of serving among you. Your invitation came at a time when I was newly returned to the DC area and completely unsure of what I would be doing. I really did not expect to find myself continuing in parish ministry. Your gracious invitation not only gave me a 'berth' while I continued to network in search of appropriate and rewarding work. You also have affirmed my ministry of congregational leadership in numerous ways by your gracious acceptance of Sage, Ruthie, Allyson and me into your midst for these months that have flown by.

You are very close to the vestry receiving the names of final candidates and the calling committee completing their work. Your last months of 'between times' will soon be over and you will be in the gracious and capable care of Catriona Laing and Tricia Lyons for whatever time remains. Next week I will reflect on the kind of future I hope for you, but for now I simply want to acknowledge how much your ministry in the community, your ministry with and concern for one another and your care for me and my family means to me.  A profound 'thank you' to each and every one of you.

Blessings on you,

A Pilgrimage for Art Lovers
March 1 - April 16

The Revd. Dr. Catriona Laing and Dr. Aaron Rosen are delighted to invite you to Stations of the Cross 2017.
Jesus' words upon the cross, 'Why have you forsaken me?' speak acutely to the anguish and alienation felt by many today in America, from immigrants and refugees to religious, sexual, and ethnic minorities.
This unique exhibition-held in 14 locations across Washington, D.C. - will use works of art to tell the story of Jesus' Passion in a new way, acutely relevant to the plight of America's disenfranchised.  The Stations weave through religious as well as secular spaces, from the Mall to downtown D.C., and up to the National Cathedral.  Instead of easy answers, the Stations aim to provoke the passions: artistically, spiritually, and politically.
The art on display includes monuments, Old Master paintings, and newly commissioned art installations.  Featured artists include Ndume Olatushani-once falsely imprisoned on death row-and Michael Takeo Magruder, one of the world's leading artists in digital media, who has created a haunting Shroud of Turin filled with the faces of Syrian refugees.

Magruder's digital art installation will be on display here at Epiphany, Station 9: Jesus falls the third time.

Visitors can take this tour by downloading the smartphone app, 'Alight: Art & Sacred.' The app will serve as your tour guide with podcasts from leading clergy, artists, and scholars, along with maps leading to each of the stations.

In addition to the exhibition, we are holding a number of events and would love to see you at any of the following: 
March 2: 6:30pm
Launch event featuring a panel conversation with artist Ndume Olatushani, Dr. Aaron Rosen, and Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary of the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Building - General Board of Church & Society
100 Maryland Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002
March 3: 6:30pm
Artist Spotlight with Michael Takeo Magruder and Dr. Carolyn Rosen
The Church of the Epiphany
1317 G St NW, Washington, DC 20005
March 4: 1:30pm
Ecumenical Service, led by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
The Washington National Cathedral
3101 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016

To find out more about the exhibition or any of these events please visit or contact our Communications Coordinator  Arrien Davison.

Mission & Ministry

Worship at Epiphany

Parish Announcements
Holiday Closing
In observance of President's Day, Epiphany will be closed on Monday, February 20 .

Got Miles? Bring Smiles
The Calling Committee is currently busy scheduling visits to rector candidates in the current phase of the search process. After the Calling Committee delivers 2-4 names to the vestry, the vestry will then bring candidates in for the final interview. In both cases, train or plane miles could be helpful to reduce the parish expenses for this part of the process. Do you have extra train or plane miles you might like to donate? If so, please write to us at  [email protected] with the name of the company and how many miles you might be willing to donate. If we have a match with our travel plans, we'll reach out to you. Thank you in advance for checking!

Fat Sunday Celebration
All are invited to join us for a Mardis Gras celebration on Sunday, February 26 after the 11:00 service.  This will be Geoffrey's last Sunday with us, so it will also be an occasion to thank him for his time with us and wish him well as he begins at St. Albans.  King Cake and music will be provided. 

We are looking for 4-5 cooks to bring your favorite Mardis Gras dish for all to share.  For questions or to join in the planning, please contact Bea Trapasso Dermer at  [email protected].

Welcome Table Book Drive
 In need of more shelf space? Donate any unwanted books to the Welcome Table Ministry, where free reading materials are offered to parishioners each week. Donating is easy, drop any fiction or non-fiction books, Bibles, or magazines in the shopping cart upon entering church on Sunday or on weekdays. Please contact Kathy Gallagher if you have any questions,  [email protected]

Music & The ArtsMusic

Tuesday Concert Series
February 21, 2017 at 12:10pm

The Shepherd Trio , featuring clarinetist Sara Reese, pianist Elizabeth Brown, and violinists Kristin Bakkegard and Heather MacArthur performing Stravinsky's "Soldier's Tale," along with music by Franck, Poulenc, and Milhaud.

Admission is free but a donation of $10 is suggested to support the Concert Series.

Support the arts at Epiphany by making a donation online now, or set up a recurring gift.
Learn more about musical events at Epiphany by visiting our  website
Service in Mission & MinistryService

How might you become more involved in the mission and ministry of our parish? There is so much going on at Epiphany and we are so grateful for the contributions you all offer towards making this happen. There are a few areas where we could really use your help! Please have a look at the list below and think where you might feel you could benefit from and contribute to the life of our community. 
The Welcome Table team are looking for more volunteers to help in the kitchen and dining room. Please contact Maria Hunter if you are interested in getting involved in this important aspect of our ministry at Epiphany ( [email protected]).
Coffee Hour after the 11am service. Pat Pickering and John McDermott do a fantastic job, but they can't do it every week. Coffee Hour can be as simple or as elaborate as we want to make it. What's important is that we have a time of fellowship after worship.  Please contact Catriona if you can help ( [email protected]).

Liturgical Leaders: We are always looking for people to help with the important ministries that make our Sunday worship possible. We welcome new additions to the ranks of greeters, ushers, readers, lay Eucharistic ministers, as well as the flower guild, and altar guild. If you are interested in learning more about any of these roles, please contact Catriona ( [email protected]).
Office Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers to sit at the front desk between 10am-2pm on weekdays. Bertha does a great job on Tuesdays and we're looking for others to help throughout the week. If you want to find out more, talk to Bertha and please contact Catherine in the office if you can help (  [email protected]).

Music Library: Epiphany's music director would appreciate a volunteer to help with organizing the music library, including alphabetizing, rearranging shelves, labeling boxes, and updating the music library spreadsheet. Please email Jeremy at [email protected]

If you are interested in learning about one or more of these ministries, you can also complete our Epiphany volunteer poll here.
Prayer & Pastoral Care

Prayer List
We invite you to add those on your heart to our prayer list.
We will pray for them aloud on Wednesdays at our 12:10 Healing Service and will add them to the Sunday list. Contact the church office with the name of the person and what we need to know about them.

Pastoral Care
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer or conversation, please contact the church office. We would rather hear from many than miss the opportunity to connect with someone.

Labyrinth entrance Wednesday Silent Prayer
Come and join us for 20 minutes of silent prayer and meditation followed by a short time of prayer for the parish. We will meet in the sanctuary on Wednesdays at 11:30am. All are welcome. To find out more, contact Catriona: [email protected].


Blogs & Websites
Episcopal Cafe   S ite featuring Episcopal news, commentary, and meditations 
Sojourners  Faith in action for social justice
Sacred Space  Daily Prayer from the Irish Jesuits

Epiphany@Metro Center | 202-347-2635 | [email protected]
1317 G St, NW  |   Washington, DC 20005