In this Issue
Clergy Reflection

Dear Friends, 

In her sermon last Sunday, Tricia encouraged us to spend this week thinking about what it means to be the body of Christ. Last Thursday we celebrated the Ascension; Christ ascended into heaven and his disciples were left wondering what it meant to be a follower of Jesus now that their leader was no longer physically present with them. What it meant was that they were Christ's body. Being a follower of Jesus, being part of the Jesus movement is not about following an idea or a set of teachings, it's about an identity. Your identity, my identity, as the hands and feet of Christ on earth. 

Have you noticed opportunities you have had this week to be Christ for someone else? Or have you been at the receiving end of someone being Christ for you? The truth is, it's hard. We find it hard. The disciples found it hard. Indeed, things slightly fell apart after Jesus ascended and our reading from Acts  this Sunday reminds us of the struggles the disciples had to organize themselves. Picking a new member of their group proved a huge challenge. They felt leaderless and they hadn't worked out how to be the Jesus movement without Jesus physically walking in front of them. 

The good news is that the struggle of trying to imagine what it would be like to do this on our own is over! Our work is not done, but  on Sunday we celebrate Pentecost and we remember that we are not alone in our attempts to be Christ for others. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter comes to guide us, to assist our feeble efforts. As St. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans, the Holy Spirit comes to pray with us,  through us and for us. The Holy Spirit comes to assure us of God's continuing, abiding presence in our lives and ours in him. 

As you enter Church  on Sunday, take a moment to pause at the font and remember your baptism. Remember that through baptism the Holy Spirit dwells in you -  God's presence in you and with you. As you approach the altar for communion, pause again as you receive the sacrament of Christ's body and blood and remember that God did not, as our Collect this week beseeched, leave us comfortless; God sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and our guide. Let us prepare to celebrate Pentecost in the sure and certain knowledge that the spirit lives in us and in the life of our community and let us look forward to making room for the movement of the Spirit as we watch God's plans for Epiphany unfold! 

With my prayers, 

Mission & Ministry

Worship at Epiphany
Sunday Readings

Parish Announcements
Pentecost Coffee Hour
Sunday, June 4
Please join us for coffee hour as we welcome our special guest, Rev. Glenna Huber.  She will be attending both the 8:00 and 11:00 services , and will be joined by her family at 11:00.  The Vestry is hosting Coffee Hour after the 11:00 service where we will give the Huber family a big Epiphany welcome!

Parish Picture Day
Sunday, June 4
We are in the midst of updating our Parish Directory and creating new print and digital editions. To complete this process, we would like to have a photo of each person alongside their name.

Arrien, communications coordinator, will be at church to take your pictures this Sunday, June 4 from 9:00am-12:00pm in the community hall. Please be sure to stop by the photo corner either before or after service.

Alternatively, if you already have a photo that you would like displayed in the directory, please email to  [email protected]

Pride Parade
Saturday, June 10
Come out and represent your congregation, wave the parish banner and join other churches from across the diocese to march with the Cathedral on Saturday, June 10 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.  

Epiphany will be joining the diocesan group in this march, and all are welcome to join! The parade will kick off from the western edge of Dupont Circle.

Be sure to read Epiphanies Happen next Thursday for further details, or contact Catriona for more information.

Parish Work Day
Saturday, July 15
All are invited to join us in preparing the church to welcome our new rector by cleaning and making Epiphany sparkle! Please save the date on your summer calendars.

This week in Epiphany History
Women in leadership, chairman of the 1909 inaugural committee, and the Epiphany Chapel at Ft. MeadeBe sure to  get your daily dose of Epiphany History by following  the Celebrating 175 page .

Music & The ArtsMusic

Tuesday Concert Series
June 6, 2017 at 12:10pm

Nakia Verner soprano Monika Vasey,   harp  present a program  'I, being born a woman';  a blend of jazz, classical and theater music.

Admission is free but a donation of $10 is suggested  to support the Concert Series.


Epiphany Choir CD

Copies are available now for just  $15 in the church office or by contacting our Director of Music,  Jeremy Filsell .

Guest Performances

June 4 2017, 3:00pm - Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
The Philharmonic's principal trombonist Tyler Castrucci reveals Creston's lyrical melodies and extended harmonic idiom.  "Hauntingly Mysterious", "Richly Lyrical", "Soaring Melodies" - these are all phrases used to describe the music of Thomas M. Sleeper. WMP is pleased to introduce Sleeper's beautiful music to our audiences.  Finally, the Philharmonic ends the season with Ives' humorous and surprising variations on the well-known "My Country 'tis of Thee" tune. Visit their website for tickets.

June 10, 2017, 8:00pm - Washington Men's Camerata
Vive la France! - Washington's favorite soprano, Rosa Lamoreaux, joins the Camerata in a celebration of French song with music Debussy, Poulenc, Faure, Gounod and more! Visit their website for tickets.

Support the arts at Epiphany by making a donation online now, or set up a recurring gift.
Learn more about musical events at Epiphany by visiting our  website
Service in Mission & MinistryService
How might you become more involved in the mission and ministry of our parish? There is so much going on at Epiphany and we are so grateful for the contributions you all offer towards making this happen. There are a few areas where we could really use your help! Please have a look at the list below and think where you might feel you could benefit from and contribute to the life of our community. 
The Welcome Table team are looking for more volunteers to help in the kitchen and dining room. Please contact Maria Hunter if you are interested in getting involved in this important aspect of our ministry at Epiphany ( [email protected]).
Coffee Hour after the 11am service. Pat Pickering and John McDermott do a fantastic job, but they can't do it every week. Coffee Hour can be as simple or as elaborate as we want to make it. What's important is that we have a time of fellowship after worship.  Please contact Catriona if you can help ( [email protected]).

Liturgical Leaders: We are always looking for people to help with the important ministries that make our Sunday worship possible. We welcome new additions to the ranks of greeters, ushers, readers, lay Eucharistic ministers, as well as the flower guild, and altar guild. If you are interested in learning more about any of these roles, please contact Catriona ( [email protected]).
Office Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers to sit at the front desk between 10am-2pm on weekdays. Bertha does a great job on Tuesdays and we're looking for others to help throughout the week. If you want to find out more, talk to Bertha and please contact Catherine in the office if you can help (  [email protected]).

Music Library: Epiphany's music director would appreciate a volunteer to help with organizing the music library, including alphabetizing, rearranging shelves, labeling boxes, and updating the music library spreadsheet. Please email Jeremy at [email protected]

If you are interested in learning about one or more of these ministries, you can also complete our Epiphany volunteer poll here.
Prayer & Pastoral Care

Prayer List
We invite you to add those on your heart to our prayer list.
We will pray for them aloud on Wednesdays at our 12:10 Healing Service and will add them to the Sunday list. Contact the church office with the name of the person and what we need to know about them.

Pastoral Care
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer or conversation, please contact the church office. We would rather hear from many than miss the opportunity to connect with someone.

Labyrinth entrance Wednesday Silent Prayer
Come and join us for 20 minutes of silent prayer and meditation followed by a short time of prayer for the parish. We will meet in the sanctuary on Wednesdays at 11:30am. All are welcome. To find out more, contact Catriona: [email protected].


Blogs & Websites
Episcopal Cafe   S ite featuring Episcopal news, commentary, and meditations 
Sojourners  Faith in action for social justice
Sacred Space  Daily Prayer from the Irish Jesuits

Epiphany@Metro Center | 202-347-2635 | [email protected]
1317 G St, NW  |   Washington, DC 20005