September 2018
In This Issue
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Evanston CASE provides advocacy, support and education to improve the lives of Evanston families impacted by disability.


CASE is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.



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Hello CASE Community,

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We hope you all are settling into things and coping with all of the new routines and transitions that are inevitable this time of year. Let us know if we can help.

In this newsletter you will find information about the schedule for our Parent Connections Support Group meetings and how to access our Advocacy Clinic services.

In addition, we have included a printable PDF that you can use to track your school communications.  

And finally, the ETHS School Board election process is starting this month.  Applications will be available on the ETHS website. They are due in December and the election is in April.  It is essential to have good leadership representing our community concerns.  If you are interested or you know someone who would be an excellent candidate, please spread the word.  

I hope you find this edition of On the CASE  helpful.

Cari Levin
Founding Executive Director
Special Education Advocate
Evanston CASE
Parent Connections Support Groups Are Starting 
Next Week!

Our Parent Connections Support Groups will meet during the second week of every month, September through May. Meetings are facilitated by Cari Levin, LCSW, Executive Director of CASE.

Tuesday, September 11th 9:30 - 11:00am.  Bring your coffee!
Thursday, September 13th 11:30 - 1:00pm.  Bring your lunch!
All meetings take place at the CASE office: 1940 Sherman Avenue, Suite A. Everyone is welcome, meetings are free, and no registration is required.
CASE Advocacy Clinic Services
Whether you need help getting organized, are unsure about how to navigate your school meeting, or are having trouble getting what your child needs at school, an appointment at the CASE Clinic will help.  

Make an appointment via email at [email protected]
Document Organization Session
Learn how to use your school documents as an advocacy tool. Organize the chaos of paperwork with an easy system you can use over and over again.  Bring your documents - all other materials will be provided.

90 minute session
Parent Self-Advocacy Coaching: A professional special education advocate will teach you about your rights under special education law, the steps of the IEP or 504 Plan process and strategies to help you communicate your child's needs effectively. You will learn the skills you need to be an effective advocate for your child. $150
In-Depth Consultation:  A professional special education advocate will evaluate your situation, review your child's records and develop a strategy to achieve your goals.  $150 for consultation. $100/hour for records review if needed.
$150 for consultation
$100/hour for records review (if needed)
IEP Meeting Prep and Review Sessions: The purpose of a meeting prep session is to help you understand and interpret the IEP document and to develop and plan to address your concerns at your school meeting. The purpose of a meeting review session is to discuss the outcome of your meeting and to assist you with next steps. $150 for Prep or Review - $250 for both
* When contacting the CASE Clinic, please provide the following information in your email:
   Your contact information
    School and grade of student
    Does the child have an IEP or a 504 plan?
    Special Education Eligibility Category (ED, SLD, OHI, etc)

    Date and time of your next meeting, if you have one scheduled

    Type of meeting (Annual Review, Initial, Reevaluation, etc.)
    Brief info about how we can help you

School Communication Tracker
Printable PDF
Too often, important things are said about your child on the phone or in hallway conversations that are essential to capture.  This PDF will give you an organized place to record and track the information. Print it out and keep it in your school documents binder or create a separate binder.  Keep it handy!

  Remember: If it isn't written down, it didn't happen!

School Communication Tracker