Every gift from the heart grows ...
"Maybe you don't always feel that what you do is important, but we couldn't do it without you," said returning GO! participant Joseph Zimmerman, who served in Guinea-Bissau for a year. His words touched the assembled EMM Salunga staff -- because serving on the administrative side can feel less important at times. And yet EMM believes that good organization and stewardship is honoring to God and essential in providing the best possible care to overseas workers.

$564,000 is needed to reach our 2016 mid-year goal.  When you give to EMM's General Fund, you're helping to provide things like mission coaching, sustainable worker budgets, crisis and pastoral care, and administrative tools. 

And your gifts, given from the heart, will grow into beautiful possibilities. 

Shelter for a child at risk. 
Aid for a refugee seeking a new life. 
New disciples. 

Imagine how your gift will grow.

May God bless you,

Nelson Okanya
Pray Give Go

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Eastern Mennonite Missions
53 W Brandt Blvd, PO Box 458
Salunga, PA 17538-0458
717 898-2251 ยท emm.org