Purple Door Text Logo
Opening Fall 2012
Reclaiming and sustaining the lives of homeless youth and young adults through supportive and meaningful employment. 




Your donations are now worth double!

We are so excited and blessed to announce that our sister ministry, Dry Bones Denver has arranged generous donors who will match funds up to $30,000!


$30,000 matching donation!

Every dollar up to $30,000 will be matched by a donation set up through Dry Bones. With our current amount raised at just under $20,000 this donation, if fully matched, will put us to nearly two-thirds of the way to opening our doors!


Now is the time to give!

We have set a deadline to have all $30,000 matched by August 15th! With this match, your donation carries so much more weight. Please donate to give our friends on the streets a chance at a life away from the streets!




Follow our blog, website, Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on the progress of this matching campaign! 



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