Monday, October 16, 2017
In The News:
World Record for Data Collection Set by OSU Precision Ag Team
Over the last year, Trey Colley, a graduate student studying precision agriculture at The Ohio State University, worked to gather the most data ever collected for a single corn plant. Now that the growing season has transitioned to harvest, Colley has been amazed at the amount of data that has accumulated from his corn plant, Terra, growing in a field at the Farm Science Review.
FABE Students Help Solve Space-Farming Challenges
College students working with NASA are helping devise solutions that may make living on other worlds possible.
Short for eXploration Systems and Habitation Academic Innovation Challenge, t he  X-Hab Challenge  represents one of several platforms NASA leverages to crowdsource solutions to complex challenges in order to keep humans healthy and productive in deep space. Universities submit their ideas and NASA's technical experts review and select the proposals. NASA surveys the agency for issues that need solutions to enable exploration.
Academic Advising:
Are you prepared for schedule for Spring 2018?
Be sure to log onto Buckeyelink to check your account for holds and see the time for your enrollment appointment (scheduling window). Appointments with Kelli and LaShanda are filling up fast! If you would like to make an appointment, you can do so via OnCourse. If you would like to meet with your faculty advisor, email them directly to set up an appointment.
Upcoming Events:
2017 Ohio State University Law Fair
Thursday, October 19, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ohio Union Ballroom
Meet representatives from over 90 Law Schools from across the country. To view a full list of participating schools, visit Free and open to the public, no registration required. For more information, email
Saturday, October 21 - Sunday October 22, the Ohio Union
This is Ohio State’s fifth annual hackathon for students to design, build and demonstrate their software project within 24 hours. The event is open for students from all types of technical background (no prior experience needed). Students can register now at .
Jobs and Internships:
Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo
Tuesday, October 17, 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Fawcett Center
Students looking for jobs, internships, and networking opportunities with employers in the food, agriculture, and environmental sciences are encouraged to attend the CFAES Career Development Career Expo. Save the date and learn more about the event here .
Apply for the SMPS Columbus Scholarship
Application Due December 1
The SMPS Columbus Scholarship Fund supports current high school and higher education students and SMPS Columbus members who are pursuing and/or advancing their careers in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and/or Marketing fields. We currently have five, $1,500 scholarships available for current higher education students attending central Ohio colleges, universities and trade schools. Applications are due December 1, 2017.  Learn more...
Education Abroad:
India: Sustainable Food Systems in an Emerging Economy
Summer Session 1, 2018
The goal of this India education abroad program is to provide students an intensive and immersive lecture and field-based experience that will educate them about agriculture in an emerging economy like India. This program will combine guest lectures by experts from different colleges of PAU, a premier agricultural university; visits to farmer’s fields, post-harvest processing, seed production, and agricultural equipment manufacturer facilities; and exposure to Indian culture through visits to heritage and cultural sites. Learn more...
Belgium Environmental Science & Engineering Study Abroad Program (Sponsored by Texas A&M)
Summer 2018
Agricultural Engineering students from Ohio State are invited to participate in the Belgium Environmental Science and Engineering Study Abroad program offered by the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at Texas A&M University.
The Belgium Program has been offered annually for the past 13 years, and this year the dates are July 4 to August 10, 2018. Students take two, three hour engineering classes, BAEN 460 (Principles of Environmental Hydrology) and BAEN 465 (Design of Biological Waste Treatment Systems). Students not from Texas A&M sign-up for equivalent classes in their home department. Learn more...
More Education Abroad Opportunities
Don't forget to check out the full listings of all College of Engineering and College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Education Abroad opportunities: Engineering Trips and CFAES Trips
Other Opportunities:
Math Modeling Contest
Attend an Info Session on Monday, October 16 or Tuesday, October 17 at 5:00 p.m. in MA 052
Are you interested in solving real world problems using math? Would you like to research tangible problems? Do you want to win gift card prizes? Then come to an information session for the OSU Mathematical Contest in Modeling! By participating in the OSU MCM, you get to apply your math knowledge while answering open-ended questions such as: "Design and identify the best location for short-term camps for refugees" or "Come up with optimal strategies for dealing with a viral infection"
Take the Student Life Wellness Assessment
Complete the Assessment by October 31st
The Wellness Assessment supports the mission of Student Life, which aims to promote wellness among OSU students and their communities. This in-depth survey addresses the 9 dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, social, etc.), to allow you to learn about your well-being, and the resources available to you as an OSU student! If you complete this assessment during the month of October, you will automatically be entered for a chance to win $50 in BuckID Cash. Visit to complete the assessment. Contact  if you have any questions.
Apply for a TechHub Student Project Grant
Applications due Sunday, October 29 at midnight
The  Tech Hub Student Project Grants program  awards funding annually to between  3 and 5 student projects  that exhibit a connection to technology. This can mean hosting an event, producing innovative art or developing a for-profit product. Last year we awarded a total of $10,000 and this year we hope to fund even more student projects with our  increased award pool of $15,000 Applications for 2017 funding  are open now and will close Sunday, October 29 at midnight. Students from all majors and academic tracks are encouraged to apply.
Student Scientists Invited to Apply for Scholarship to National Biodiesel Conference
Applications due Sunday, November 19
The National Biodiesel Board is offering scholarships for students interested in attending the  National Biodiesel Conference & Expo , Jan. 22 to 25 in Fort Worth, Texas. The application process for no cost registration, travel scholarships, biodiesel poster presentations and even a shot at the podium is open for members of the  Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel . Learn more...
Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) provides a number of services to support students at
OSU, including individual counseling, group therapy, and free drop-in workshops. To learn
more, check out our website at . If you are interested in receiving individual
counseling, schedule a phone screening by visiting the website and choose “Schedule a Phone
Screening” which will walk you through the process.

While it may seem challenging to access counseling for barriers to mental wellness, mental
health concerns are not as uncommon as you think. There is help to support you. You are not
Have an event or announcement to share with FABE students, faculty, and staff? Submit your event or announcement name, date, location, and a brief description to . Submissions must be submitted by noon the Thursday before the newsletter goes out.